Orange and White Mini


I bought this dress a year ago. It is one of my favorites. It is one of my husband’s leasts. Or, rather, it was last year. It has grown on him and the day I wore this, he proclaimed that he liked it.


I love the vintage feel of this dress. I found some similar vintage options on Etsy here and here.

The dress is by Tracy Reese. It was called, “At Sea Mini Dress” (slightly similar Tracy Reese Dress here and Urban Outfitter’s similar fit here). I have no idea why. Well, actually I do. Did you see my creative title for this post? This dress is impossible to name. I kept trying to think of a title, “Orange… Orange… Orange?” Nothin’. So, I can see why it got a random name at production that has nothing whatsoever to do with the dress. It’s actually kinda genius and I shall be doing it more often.

Oh, that old thing? Oh, that was called. Hmmm. Let’s see, ah, yes, I remember. “See Ants Run Dress.”

Like I said. It’s fool hardy proof.


I layered the star necklace my husband had gifted me for Christmas (blue version here) with the Moon Necklace from the Etsy shop, Lunahoo.


What do you think this dress should have been called?

In writing this post, I have thought of a new one, “Orange Clover Dress.”

Isn’t that clover clever?

No? Well, how about, “Lucky Dress”?

Hear me out. It has a clover pattern and you have to be very lucky not to drop somethin’ on the day you wear this. ‘Cause bending over… It’s not an option. Plus, with the necklaces shown here, you could even exclaim, “Thank my lucky stars!” if someone catches the item you dropped for you.

Have you ever wanted something more just because of its name? I have. Many times. Modcloth does the best job with its naming. Although, Anthropologie had me with Frangipani.


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Patches Of Vintage Fun Skirt


I knew.

I knew the moment I saw a preview of this skirt that it would be mine. Except. There was only one of it. And I thought it had all ready sold out.

It was sold through Modcloth. And miracle of miracles (although, I hope it truly was not a miracle for as much as I love my skirt, I do not want to waste miracles on clothing), the skirt became available.

I bought it.

Without checking the size.


Thankfully it fit. I also purchased a Vintage Folk Belt that day.


So far, I have paired it twice with my black t-shirt. And I want to pair it with my Lunation Tee next.


I know I promised different outfit pictures of settings other than my fireplace, but sometimes that is not possible. On Sunday, I have an outfit post going up where I ventured to a rose garden.

Tomorrow, I will have a post dedicated to vintage skirts that I have stalked on Etsy to show pretty pieces currently for sale in a variety of sizes. If you don’t do vintage, Modcloth has the most amazing skirt on their site right now. It is called Bright as can Beat Skirt.

Do you shop vintage? What is your favorite vintage item to shop for? I love finding vintage dresses and skirts.

Disclaimer: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. Clicking on the links will result in a small commission for this blog.

The Winner Of The Giveaway, Cravings and Blog News


First, I want to apologize that my website has been wonky the past few days. It is the server and I am being told they are working on it. Fingers crossed it gets resolved soon! Again, I apologize!

The winner of the moon necklace is Jessica Wilhite! Congratulations! I really, really like this necklace. I hope you do, too! Enjoy! I am so happy for you!

My husband told me I should change the format of my giveaways to those easy ones. Those number-generated-generic-sterile ones. But I refused. I said, “But then I won’t get to read their cool stories!” Insert big pouty lower lip here. And I am so glad I didn’t, because you guys shared the coolest things this month! I love reading about your lives. Your beliefs. Your travels. Your loves. It honestly enriches my life so much, and I cannot thank you enough for that. But I will try.

Thank you! : )


There are a few new things going on on this blog that I wanted to share. I think there is always room for growth. And I always want to be my own blog. And not like others. So, I recently added in Past Cards and will be doing those once a month. The above picture is a peek at the next post coming up soon. : )

I am also going to be introducing my sister onto this blog. She lives seven miles from me and I love her to pieces. Plus, I am tired of just pictures of only me. Since I will not post pictures of my children and my husband does not want to be on the blog (which is smart of him because I have an underwear post of his coming up soon. I cannot imagine why he doesn’t want his picture on this blog). I figured I would pimp out put up my nearest relative. I think this will be a fun feature we can do together once in awhile. She has a completely different style than I do, so it will be nice to share a different look on this blog. However. And this is a biggie. She is younger, taller and prettier, so I am not going to allow her on here too often, though. Just kidding!…But seriously.

In other revelations:

I am shy.

Painfully shy if I don’t know you.

Shocking, right?

And it takes me awhile to come out of my shell. I feel like this last year, I have slowly been sharing myself. But I finally feel safe enough to share all of me. Or as much as the majority of the public can handle. I have made so many friends here, I feeI like I can just be myself. If you look at my old outfit photos, I look terrified. I was even scared to smile. But all of that is changing.

Kind of.

I am sick of pictures of me always in the same spot in my outfit posts. I went through my blog looking for ways to improve it and that is one of them. And I was ashamed of how bad some of my pictures are. Bad me! So from now on, I vow to try to take better pictures. This truly, truly hurts my lazy heart. But I am excited about a change. I still might resort to the fireplace if we are really in a hurry. However, the majority of the pictures will be different this month. Please let me know which ones work and which ones don’t (nicely. Please don’t make me cry. I hate spending money on tissues). This is going to be a series of experimenting. I pretty much have no idea how to pose.

But you can’t fly if you never jump. Off an imaginary building. Built from words. And pictures. Into a cloud. That I still do not understand.

All right. I think that is it on updates. Let’s move on to the stuff I am craving this month. Oh. The cravings. They hurt:


I want/need/can’t-afford-at-full-price the Vine Beaded Maxi Dress by one of my favorite designers, Vaneet Bahl. It is from Anthropologie. I am just hoping to get it on sale. So, save one in a small for me, would ya?


These whale-tale measuring cups.


Just oh.


Um. Um. Um. Do I dare share these Concha Garden Planters? These will be at the top of my budget list for May. Again try to save me one… Or two… Or ten.


Seriously, how close to Otomi could these be?





Nowhere. To. Put. Them.



Why? Why is the Plevna Top only available in petite sizing? My shirt is wet from the tears in my heart. And also, does anyone know what pants the model is wearing? They look great!

Needlework it Out Dress from ModCloth

And last, but not least, the Needlework it Out Dress from Modcloth. This dress is so awesome. The price is perfect. The color is perfect. Again, my budget is gone for thirteen more days. And the dress sold out. However, I have clicked their “I NEED IT” button in my size. They will notify me if it gets reordered. I have never seen them not reorder if an item is popular and they can.

What are your cravings this month? Do you think I should do a monthly video on this blog ? Yes. I am also thinking of doing a video blog monthly or posting a video here or some sort of recording device/contraption… Whatever those youngsters are calling the talking pictures these days. Whatcha think?

Spinnin’ Jennin’

Last Wednesday it was cold. It was dreary. I wanted to stay inside, but I could not. I had many errands to run. What’s a girl to do?


Put on a fun, flirty dress with some bright colors that will beat away the grey day, that’s what!


I had been lovin’ this Anthropologie Midday Dress online, but I knew I was going to wait for a good sale price on it. When I went to do reviews at the end of March, I tried this dress on and fell in love.


It is such an easy, comfortable, flattering fit. Many other women were buying this dress the day I was there. In fact, one woman wore it up to the cash register and asked if they could cut the tags off after she paid for it, because she wanted to keep it on for an event she was going to. I loved that!


I also love the spin factor of this dress.


It is fun!


May I never grow too old that I cannot enjoy a good spin! Oh! The rush!


Back to Earth. I’m graceful.


Do you have a dress you love to spin in? A way to beat a dreary day away? Please share.

P.S. More photos of this dress can be found here.


I shared this on The Pleated Poppy!