
Hi! I am so sorry to worry anyone about the unexpected blog break. Every day I would sit down to try to put thoughts to everything I was feeling. But the words never came. I wanted my explanation to be perfect. My words to be perfect. And yet, I rewrote many drafts with nary a perfect word in sight. How do you put emotions into words without pulling them from your soul in the process?

The truth is that I am just having a wee bit of a hard time right now. I cannot really explain it without getting into too personal of a detail.

I do plan on blogging again soon. I am feeling better. Truly. I am not a person who does well with any sort of change and a few things occurred all at once during the new year that threw me into a period of sadness that felt all consuming. But I am feeling more and more like myself with each day.

Thank you for all of your sweet words! They meant the world to me!
