Zig Zags and Plaid


“I don’t really think that goes together,” my husband bravely said when I tried on my new popback score of The Draped Plaid Top (sold out but similar here and similar plus size here) with my zig zag skirt from 2013.


I was slightly disturbed by this because I had purchased the shirt with the sole intention of it going with this Waverly A-line Skirt (sold out, similar here).


“Well, I like it. A lot,” voiced my daughter from her spot on the couch.


“Thank you!” I exclaimed. “I like it, too!”

She studied it some more, “In fact, I don’t think that top would look good with anything else.”


I turned around and looked at it in the mirror.


“I don’t know.” I pondered. “I bet it would look amazing with a brown floral skirt.”

“Oh yeah!” My daughter agreed. “But you don’t own a brown floral skirt. I was just thinking of things that you all ready have.”


I almost completely agree with her. I could still wear this top with a black, denim or cream skirt but it would not have that “special” factor one looks for in an outfit.


I love this shirt and skirt together so much. I lived in my pajamas while my kids were on winter break and it was so nice to be able to dress up again.


Since I have been dieting since January 1st, I have to feel good during the day or I will fail. I will eat until I feel bad about myself. Then I will feel bad about myself and eat. It is an endless cycle. Putting on something that gives me more confidence is kind of like a food barrier.


Speaking of food, I wore this outfit out to lunch with my husband and the waitress was so complimentary about it. She yelled out the door at me, “Keep rockin’ your style! I love it!” Which is the sweetest thing to say ever. I will admit it put a bounce to my step as I skipped back to the car.


I am trying really hard to wear what I all ready own this year. I have so many outfit ideas swimming around in this head of mine that I cannot wait to try. I love this skirt. I have previously worn it here and here. I like that the plaid top breathes new life into it.


And I have a crutch. These boots. They were $50 almost four years ago at the flea market. The best $50 I ever spent. But since they go with everything, I tend to be lazy and pair them with an outfit without any thought to the other boots in my closet. And I have lots of other boots that I do not utilize enough.

But these are my favorite.

Plus they’re always out in plain sight so I don’t have to tear apart my closet looking for them.


Do you have an outfit crutch? Are you trying to break the habit or are you okay with it? I think I am a little of both.

P.S. I shared this on The Pleated Poppy and Reasons To Dress.

Gonna Try Harder


I’m boring and I’m bored. How ’bout you? I’m kind of tired of pictures of me. But what can I do? ; ) I unwittingly started a fashion blog and I am having too much fun to quit.

But I am tired of pictures of me standing in the same darn place. Sure it is easy. And I am lazy. So, it works. And I will continue to take pictures in front of my fireplace, because of both of those descriptions, but also because I happen to love my fireplace. And the lighting is good there.

But I am going to try to shake things up a bit. Take different pictures around my house.

Maybe even.

Oh my gosh. This is a biggie!

Maybe even leave my house now and again.

I tried that in my post on Sunday.

This is another attempt. In the pictures, I am wearing my Anthropologie Chevron Skirt (slightly similar skirt here and here), Anthropologie Lunation Tee, and Anthropologie Sandals from last year, Anthropologie… Okay. Just assume everything is from Anthropologie. ‘Cause it is. This includes the Star Necklace from Christmas and Layered Corset Belt.

Hmmm. That was all ready super boring. Sorry about that! On to the pictures!:


Ha! Okay! Well, I couldn’t resist the fireplace. It is my comfort zone.


I made my husband and myself Pepper Bellies for lunch. It was just the two of us at home with the kids at school. I thought it would be fun to get a cooking picture. This is my daily grind. ; )


I loved the color of the wood on the library ladder with this skirt.


And another.


Let’s try a chair. (Note: I have a stalker in the background).


Here comes another stalker.

He’s cute!


Oomph! He got me! We need to end this now, because I am about to be attacked again (see who is sneakin’ up behind me?!)!

Where else should I take outfit pictures? I am much too shy to do it obviously in public. Which space did you like the best? I need all of the help I can get! : )

P.S. I shared this on The Pleated Poppy!