A-h-Mazing Edible Serving Trays


So. Hosting. It is something I love to do. Have people over. Entertain.

Make one word sentences.

But, quite often, I spend so much time making the food, that I forget about the serving aspect of it. You know, making the food look good so people will want to eat it. The other night at my pajama party, I actually served my salad in my giant aluminum soup bowl. All of the pretty bowls were trapped in the cabinet in a cluttered pile-up of randomness. I opened the cupboard and saw that the bowl I needed was wedged underneath the trifle-bowl-I-have-never-used-to-make-a-trifle-with-but purchased because it-was-on sale-for-$15-and-Rachael-made-a-trifle-on-“Friends”-and-maybe-one-day-I-would-too. Without beef. Except I haven’t. And probably won’t.

Joey would be so sad.

I looked at that mess and quickly shut the door on it.

I dug out my stockpot, dumped my bag of salad in it and called it a night.

And it was fine.


But I wish I had done something more.

Leading me to this post.

Why did I not come across this before? Well, I can blame thank Ollie. The only reason I found this was because Ollie ate an entire plastic candy cane filled with white chocolate peppermint hershey kisses (not the plastic part) when he climbed into a chair and reached over and grabbed it from the side table. Who knew he was such an acrobat? Seriously, he even left the empty candy cane on the table. I could not believe he could achieve such a feat. I was trying to decide if he needed to go to the vet. Or join the circus.

He ended up being a perfectly fine dog without any other death-defying talents. But I came across an idea while searching for his agent cure.

Jenni, Jenni, Jenni, get a hold of yourself. What idea?


Here it is.

Candy serving trays. Yes. Candy serving trays!



Have you ever heard of anything so wonderful? I used mine for all of my small serving bowls during Christmas Eve dinner.

I found the idea on the blog Tutto Bella.


You just line a baking sheet with parchment paper. And arrange your candy into a simple pattern.



My daughter did this one.



This is my son’s.


And this small sad affair is mine.


Bake at 350 degrees for 8-10 minutes. I did eight minutes and twenty seconds. ; )


Remove from the oven. Let cool one to two minutes. Trim any unevenness carefully with a pizza cutter. This will still be extremely hot. Be careful! Don’t touch it with your bare hands. Let cool completely. Voila!

I think doing this with butterscotch candies or other thin hard candies during the year would be very cool, too. I might try it for a birthday party.

Had you heard of this before? Have you ever seen anything so simple? And cool? I am in love with this project. I wonder if I could create a stockpot for next year’s salad. That sounds just about as good as a beef trifle.

I am sure Joey Ollie would agree.

* I shared this on Savvy Southern Style.

And My Romantic Home.

Happy Holidays!


Hello friends!

I just wanted to wish everybody a beautiful day!

Yesterday we spent the day with my sister, her husband, my nephew, my father, and stepmom. It was a fantastic day.

Christmas is my favorite day of the year.



My stepmom made me the best present ever! She handmade these beeswax candles with my dad’s beeswax and when I opened the jar, the sweet presence of childhood memories came flooding through the room. The candles smell like my dad. Of course, I will never burn them. I all ready have the cute beehive on my mantle. They are so beautiful and awesome. Thank you, Pam!

Today we are on our own. So it is another pajama day.


I will be lounging around the house (hopefully). Drinking coffee. Drinking wine. I am not going to confess as to what time either will be done.


I hope the kids enjoy their gifts. That they embrace the memories being made. That we all get to have a good day to remember.

For dinner, we will be eating the leftover chicken enchiladas my husband makes every Christmas Eve. And for dessert, I might try a new chocolate cake recipe. It depends on the order of the coffee and wine above.

I hope everybody’s day is beautiful, whether you celebrate or not. I hope you can relax. I hope you have the option of wine or coffee. And mostly I wish wonderful memories are yours to make.



My Christmas Wishlist


For Christmas, I like to “ask” for things I would not normally buy myself. Things like a nice bag, a piece of jewelry, or an interesting accessory (such as a magic shawl to ward evil spirits away). It feels more special this way.

Spoiler: I have ordered all of these items for my husband to give me. I guess I was a very, very, very good girl this year. ; ). And everything was purchased on sale. ‘Cause even Santa (which is definitely not me) has a budget.


The Maricopa Wrap from Anthropologie. This also goes by the name of Eye Shawl from Mara Hoffman. I love this wrap more than anything. I could not believe I was able to score it for such a great sale price (half off plus an extra 20% off and free shipping). Alpaca is not cheap. I cannot wait to get it as a present. I have not seen this in person, I had my husband hide it from me when it came. Thanks honey!


Tara Saddle Boots. I feel very sophisticated in these boots. I could not believe their sale price. I had to try them on to make sure the size was right. They are pretty uncomfortable, so I know I will need to get a gel insert for them. They make every outfit seem more romantic and feminine. I love these! Under the tree they go!


The Ankaa Necklace from Anthroplogie. I am not a jewelry girl. What I mean is, I am not a “nice” jewelry girl. I like costume jewelry. Not the real deal. I get bored too quickly. I do not want to spend a ton of money on a piece and feel obligated to wear it all of the time. However, this piece is so nice I cannot wait to wear it. It will go with almost everything in my closet.


For our house, the Handira Blanket is so gorgeous. I LOVE this! I have had it in my wishlist since it first appeared months ago. He bought it in blue for me for almost 75% off. He said it matched my eyes. Or that is what I would imagine he will say when he learns he bought it for me.


Finally, every year, I like to get one new bag. I patiently waited for the Paisley Cutout Satchel to make it to sale. Once it did (75%), I shipped it to our house. I had my husband open the package and inspect the bag for defects. I have not seen this bag in person yet, but I am sure it will be great!


I bought this as a Christmas present for my husband (he knows, because I am horrible at keeping secrets). But, who are we kidding, I have been wanting this for years. I cannot wait to make my grandma’s honey ice cream (with my dad’s honey) in this. This was a deal that could not be beat at Amazon.


What have you asked for this year for the holidays? Are you as bad good as I am and just buy it for yourself?

Pajama Party


I love my friends (my sweet sister being one of them).

Every year, I invite them over for a pajama party to watch a Christmas movie. This year we watched, “Four Christmases.” They were all too polite to rat me out, because the fact is, we had all ready watched this movie two years before. There are just not a lot of Christmas movies to choose from. I started this tradition with my all time favorite Christmas movie many years ago (and to be honest, one of my favorite regular movies, too), “White Christmas.”

Most of the girls didn’t like it.

So, now that is what my family watches every December 23rd together. This was what we did as a child growing up. I hope at least one of my children carries on this tradition with their own family. You tell me which child it will be based on the following conversation:

My son: “Mom, you should make everyone watch ‘White Christmas’ at your party. It’s a really good movie.”

Me: “I showed that before, a lot of the girls didn’t like it.”

Shocked gasp from the backseat.

Me: “But, we’ll watch it together in a few days.”

My daughter: “Ugh. Why do you force me to watch that evvvvvery year?”

My oblivious husband: “We don’t force you.”

Mean Mommy to Nice Daddy: “Um, yea, honey, we do.”

Poor kid. I can think of worse things, though.



I wore my pink gnome flannel pajamas. I was a wrinkled mess. I briefly entertained the thought of ironing my pajamas, but, who are we kidding? I can’t even iron my regular clothes. There is no way I am ironing something I am going to sleep in. Cross that out. There is no way I am ironing something.

A girl’s gotta have standards.

I did not take any pictures of the gathering. Everyone was comfy and I wanted to respect their laid back coziness without posting it all over the internet. I did take photos of the food, though.


I made homemade salsa for the party. I also served some queso dip from a jar, because I got it free with a coupon. Everyone loved the queso, including me. So I will be buying some more when I host my family Christmas Eve.


I whipped up a batch of chocolate chip cookies.


And homemade chicken pot pies.


I tried a Rachael Ray roasted sugar snap pea recipe. I don’t think I prepared the peas right. I have never served them before. Looking at my picture, was there something I was supposed to cut off?


The biggest hit of the night was definitely, “it tastes like a cinnamon roll cake.” Yum!

I gave prizes throughout the movie with my spur of the moment drunken trivia questions.


Everyone went home with a loaf of cinnamon burst bread from the local bakery. A neighbor gave me this as a gift last year and I really liked the sweet simpleness of the gesture. So, I copied them.

My friend Bridgette looked at the piano and said, “Is that bread on your piano?” This had both of us in hysterics. Because, yes, where else would you put your bread?


Some of us girls stayed up until 1:00 in the morning talking. I wish we could have stayed up later, but I was stressed out because my husband had to get up at 4:30 in the morning to go to work. Next year, I will ask him if he could get himself a late shift or take the next day off. It put a (small) damper on the night.

But, regardless, I was so happy and thankful to wind down and laugh with women who make my heart sing (missed you Lizzie). Thank you girls!


And no gathering would be complete without Ollie. He made sure to repel everyone with his continuous dog farts. Do I throw a good party or what? It’s not a party unless everyone is gagging and retching.

At least at my house.

Who needs alcohol when you have a bulldog?


Have you been to any holiday parties recently? Hopefully yours did not involve a flatulent dog.