Mama’s Fish House


Whilst in Maui, we decided one day to take a drive to eat lunch at Maui’s most famous of restaurants, Mama’s Fish House. I had avoided it the previous year, because I thought that it was located many hours from our hotel. But in reality, or to put it more bluntly, if I was smart enough to actually know how to look at and read a map, I would know it was a mere thirty five minutes away. That run-on sentence took longer to write than it took to drive there.

In truth, I also wanted to go there because a reviewer of the restaurant, in an attempt to write something negative, declared it was like Disneyland. How soon after reading those words did I decide to go there? Faster than it took to write this word: immediately.


I wore my Anthropologie Songbird Skirt and an older black tee. The shoes are Anthropologie’s Almanac Sandals.

I hope it goes without saying that I would not be writing this post if the food had not been phenomenal. Because it was. It was honestly the best meal I have ever had. We eat one big meal out a day while on vacation and the rest of the meals we either make in our hotel room or catch a quick cheap bite somewhere.

This particular lunch was expensive, but food in Maui is expensive. For example, I grabbed three bags of Hostess Donettes at the grocery store and they were almost $17. They would have been $6 at home. How soon after reading that purchase are you discrediting that I know good food? Somewhere between the word “immediately” and a long run-on sentence, I bet. But trust me.

We had eaten one of the worst meals I have ever had at a different fish house in Maui and the prices were very similar. That made us appreciate Mama’s all the more.


Their poppy bread was delicious.


They brought out a small noodle appetizer compliments of the chef. I will be spending my whole summer trying to replicate it. It was one of the best things I have ever had. Here is what I know it had: cilantro, noodles, carrots, cabbage, lime, and if I were to guess, I would say mirin, fish sauce and sesame oil. I cannot wait to experiment with this. We all scraped our plates (’cause we’re fancy) clean. And look at the cute little fork they served with it. And being the awesome and super sophisticated mother that I am, I let my son eat his entree with that little fork, too.


Blame that decision on the best drink I have ever had. In my life. It is called “The Relaxer.” I drank two of these and this is another thing I will be recreating at home.


The menu changes daily as the fish is caught and it features the fisherman/woman’s name who caught the fish. How cool is that?


We all tried a different fish dish. My family loves fish. We ate fish every day while we were in Maui. Everyone’s favorite fish was the dish I chose. It was a trio of three white fish. And it had Thai curry sauce (the chefs are from Thailand).


The restaurant is also known for their Lilikoi Creme Brûlée. It was on the show, “The Best Thing I Ever Ate.” This was the one thing I did not care for. I like passion fruit and I like creme brûlée. But together? Not so much. It was definitely not bad. Just not my favorite.

I am the only one of us that felt this way. The rest of my family liked it.


We noticed as we were leaving that my son’s napkin remained untouched throughout the meal.

“You didn’t use your napkin?” I asked slightly horrified. I say slightly, because by this time, I had all ready let him eat lunch with a tiny fork and had indulged in two Relaxers. Manners were a moot point at this stage.

“I didn’t want to ruin it. It looks so pretty,” was his reply.

I wish he felt the same way about his pants. But he is right. The napkin was pretty. I suppose it was a fair sacrifice.


We went outside for more pictures. The little restaurant is on a small quaint white sand beach.


I loved the curve of the palm trees.


Have you ever eaten somewhere that you would take a trip again, just to return to it?

We have decided we must return to Maui if only to eat here again. It was amazing. And the service was fantastic, too. This was definitely a highlight of our trip. How long do you think it would take to travel there from my house? The map is saying something crazy, like seven hours (and that involves air travel). I am choosing to be believe that is simply incorrect.

Now, if you will excuse me, I’m off to go eat a Donette (not to be confused with a “donut”. I did not earn my fancy palate for nothin’).

Winner of The Etsy Gift Card and Cravings

The winner of the Etsy Gift Card is Kristen. Congratulations! And thank you to everyone who entered. I really appreciate it!

I am so behind right now with this blog. I am doing my best to catch up. Thank you so much for being patient. The good news is all of our bags are now unpacked. The laundry is done. And the house is actually clean (attributed only to the fact that my two children are away for the week). This also means I can finally take some recent house pictures because there are a few new things I want to share. The first thing will be coming up in a post on Thursday. I am going to try to squeeze in some more home posts in the coming month.

As far as purchases or cravings, there are not a lot right now. Sometimes it seems as though stores have so many things that I really want and other times, there is hardly anything. This is one of those times. All I have purchased this month, as far as clothing is concerned, is this skirt. It hit sale and was selling out.

There are some things I have my eye on. I am only human, after all. But I will be waiting for sale:


At the top of my wishlist is Modcloth’s Porchlandia Dress. I love the embroidery. The price is right. And I like the shape. This one I might not wait for sale for. Maybe it will be a birthday purchase.


I love Free People’s Everyday Girl Swiss Buttondown. I can think of so many ways I would wear this top. It is one I will be watching.


I have been craving more items for the house than I have clothes. I am in love with this pillow from Urban Outfitters.


I recently purchased some more gnomes from The Moon Goat on Etsy. I wish I could buy all of the ones shown here. Aren’t they awesome? She is so talented! I only had one girl gnome in my house and this seemed entirely unfair and way too Smurflike. So, I added two more girl gnomes to the mix.

In reading news, I just finished The Girl With All the Gifts. I will have a full review of this book coming up, but if you like “The Walking Dead”, than I recommend this book. It is about zombies. I do not want to say anything else for fear of giving anything away. And I am thrilled about the sequel to Blood Song (my review for Blood Song can be found here) coming out in July and Patrick Rothfuss’ short novella coming out in September. I love looking forward to new adventures!

What are you cravings this month? Have the stores released anything you are pining for? I am hoping the best is yet to come!

*This post contains affiliate links. Clicking on or purchasing from a link certain links will result in a small commission for this site.

Pictures shown here are from Modcloth, Free People, Urban Outfiiter’s, Etsy, and Amazon’s websites.

Lavender Farm

If my husband’s favorite part of our Maui trip was The Crater, then mine would have to be Maui’s Ali’i Kula Lavender Farm. At only $3 a person and free parking, it is a bargain to get in and wander the beautiful property. They give you a map and a treasure hunt piece of paper that you stamp as you walk through the grounds (I recommend adults do this as the prize is age universal). My son LOVED this.


This picture was taken on the drive up. The drive is just beautiful.


There are many different paths. I like the name of this one.


And, of course, lavender farms means pictures of lavender.


We wandered through trees.


And up high. The views on the farm are incredible.


I even had a Buddha friend to keep me company.


Beautiful flowers.


And creepy girl flowers.


My husband and I split a lavender scone. I wanted a picture, but he ate half of it before I could get the full thing.

It was really good.


Now. My favorite part. I love chameleons. And we were lucky enough to spot three Jackson Chameleons while we were there.


My husband said he’s never seen me so happy.


But, how cute is this little guy?! Those horns! He is a baby. And I was madly in love. I could have spent the whole vacation up there playing with those lizards.

What are your thoughts on chameleons? Have you been to a lavender farm or eaten anything with lavender in it?

Outfit details: this dress is an older Anthropologie dress called Espejoa Mini-Dress. I am wearing the dress backwards. I would rather a keyhole be in the back. The closest dress I can find to it now is this dress. The shoes are Gentle Soul’s tall gladiator sandals and the necklace is Simply Livly’s Turquoise Necklace.

*These photos were edited using the app Afterlife’s Sailor or Bay filters (depending upon the darkness of the picture).

My Husband’s Secret Part II


A couple of months ago, I posted a story about my husband stealing borrowing-forever my daughter’s iPod. That story can be found here, and I still find it funny.

Well, folks… He was found out.

It was hilarious.

My daughter came to me immediately after reading my story a few days after it was posted.

She began pacing my bedroom and talking to herself.

“Why didn’t I notice it before?” She shrieked. My husband was at work at the time of this outburst. I got to witness it all by myself. Sometimes I wonder how I get to be so lucky.

She told me she had observed some weird things when her iPod would sync to her iPhone while she was on the iPhone’s internet. She would think:

“Why is it synced?”

“It must have gotten enough power to turn itself on.”

“Why is it looking at fantasy football?” This one makes me laugh the hardest. Just imagining her thinking that her iPod was turning on all by itself to look at Fantasy Football is one of my heart’s delights.

The questions she asked herself were actually funnier than the secret.

I dissolved into tears.

Of mirth.

Which made her angrier.

And made me laugh harder.

“How did it take me so long to figure it out???” I deduced it was probably a bad time to tell her that she hadn’t really figured it out, so much as I told her about it. Let’s keep the emphasis on the criminal and not on the snitch.

She wanted to confront him right away, but I convinced her that there was absolutely no fun in that. No glory.

Bide your time.

Let me watch.

The questioning continued:

“Was I sleeping when this happened?

How did he do it?

When did he do it?

It works for him. He seems so innocent.”

“Brawhhhhaaaaahaaaahaaahaaa!” Went my soul after each indignant pronouncement.

Seriously, I was worried. My eyes would not stop streaming from the river of amusement.

Then the realization: “HE BROKE IT! I can’t believe he dropped it!”

I tried to assure her that this was all very funny. I am not positive that she found it as comical as I did.

We came up with a plan.

“Say nothing to him today.” I told her. “He has been on guard since the post went up. Pretend you didn’t see it.”

We hatched a brilliant scheme to confront him. But we are both terrible at secrets… Unlike my husband, apparently.

My husband came home and my daughter very innocently asked him where her iPod was.

His face briefly looked scared, but he recovered. “Hmmmm. I think it is on your dresser charging. Did you look there?” Then, the master thief that he is, went and patted his pocket in reassurance. The iPod was very clearly forming an obvious rectangle of deceit through the cloth of his shirt.


“I know. I know you took my iPod. I know you broke it.”

The thief had the nerve to start laughing.

This enraged the victim.

“Why? Why would you take it?”

“Because you weren’t using it. It just sat there for months and you never even picked it up. Besides, I bought you an iPhone and that is better.”

“But I have been looking for it!”

This back and forth exchange went on for a while. I grew weary of it.

Let’s skip to the end…

My daughter begrudgingly agreed that she was not using the iPod and that my husband could keep it.

This has not, however, kept it from being a source of merciless teasing from all of us whenever my husband is using the iPod or we think he is being sneaky.

“Oh? So, you didn’t take the last of the cheesecake? Is this like how you didn’t take the iPod?”

“Oh? You didn’t drop it? Is this like how you didn’t drop the secret iPod?”

Seriously, it never gets old. Just ask my husband. Actually, he is usually listening to his secret music on his secret iPod with his not so secret headphones, so he probably doesn’t hear any of it anyway. Which means he created, executed and got away with the perfect crime.

The crook is remorseless.

And oddly fond of the hot device.

The other day we were driving to the airport. We had just finished packing for our flight home. Our vacation was over. Suddenly, my husband panicked.

“I think I forgot my iPod in the hotel room! I think I left it charging!”

“You mean your secret iPod?” I couldn’t help razzing as he could finally hear me without the headphones.

He ignored me and pulled over. He began rummaging through our bags in a frenzy of anxiousness.

I tried to reassure him. “Honey. Even if you left it there, no one would want that iPod except for you.”

“I know. But we have go back and get it.”

Of course we do.

He is very attached to his criminal souvenir.

Thankfully, at that moment, he pulled the sad shattered totem from a carry-on bag and resurrected the poor item to its place of honor in his pocket.

“I found it!” He triumphantly declared.

Oh honey.

We all know that is not true…

That iPod was never lost.


