“…Roar. Oh. Oh. Oh…”


“I’ve got the eye of the tiger…”

“Hungry Eyes”

The Evil Eye

Eye’m Watching You

The Eye of Mordor

Is There Something On My Back?

Yes! Mothers Do Have Eyes In The Back Of Their…Backs?

As you can see (he he), it was hard to come up with an appropriate title for this post. There were so many. So many ways to perturb and confuse be a dork.


I love this wrap by Mara Hoffman. It is called Eye Shawl on most sites (them obviously having decided that it did not need an appropriate punny title. Grown-ups. Seriously, how hard would it have been to add two words? Eye Shawl Be Back. Three puns in one! Oh, the missed cringes opportunities). I scored mine for a very fair price from Anthropologie (they called it Maricopa Wrap ) when it went on sale.

I had watched it and watched it. I would show my husband its picture and exclaim that our love affair would never happen. It was out of my league. And then repeat daily. My husband loved that part.



And now she’s here! And I love her. And she obviously loves me. I mean just look how she’s hanging on me. Humboldt would never give me such love.


I felt a very spiritual connection to this wrap. Yes. In a weird way. In a good way. But this wrap brings me peace. Really fun peace.

Do you have any eyedeas for the teyetle? Any other eyedeas on how to sty-le it? Seriously, Eye need them. Don’t be jealous of meye creativity, but Eye have worn it with a black shirt, too. Meye ingenuity never seeses to annoy agaze.

* P.S. Eye shared this on The Pleated Poppy!

It’s The Little Things: Magazines


There is nothing… And I mean nothing… Better than getting a new magazine in the mail. I used to receive many. Now my magazine choices have been narrowed down to four-five.

Here is the crazy part. There are no fashion magazines in the mix.


I just have not gotten into them. I could never afford to purchase most of the things in the magazine. I get that it is about ideas and pretty pictures, but there are so many fashion blogs showing me the same concept for less, I don’t buy them.

Lately I have been bombarded with medical bills from both of my children’s recent ER visits. Getting a magazine mixed in with the crazy treatment costs has helped ease the pain.

A little.

I purchase most of my magazines from Amazon. Here is what you need to be careful of: do not check the automatic renewal price, if you do not want to automatically renew for the next year. I just purchased Elle Decor last night, because I had a magazine credit to use up. It was $10 for a year, but at first the button was checked for auto-renewal. I checked the simple one year subscription box instead, for the same price. I dislike auto-renewal. I want to decide if I will continue receiving something I am paying for…or not.


I store all of my magazines in this antique Moroccan fabric chest.


My favorite magazine of all time is Anthology Magazine. It is expensive at $38 for a one year subscription (four magazines). I treat these magazines like books. They are so beautiful. The pages are thick, almost like card-stock. I love the different people and artists they feature. It is mostly a home decor magazine. It features funky different houses. I get so many amazing ideas from this magazine. Getting one in the mail is like finding treasure.

They feature a lot of people that buy or work for Anthropologie. They also feature some of the contributing artists. They have the neatest collections.


I have subscribed to Country Living Magazine for as long as I can remember. This ain’t the country style people fear. Oh, wait. Is that just me? It is fun. Lots of bright colors and ideas. Very inexpensive magazine. I think I paid $20 for a 2 year subscription.


National Geographic. Okay. I admit it. Most of the time these magazines will stay in their plastic pouches for a solid couple of weeks before I get to them. But I love history. I love stories from around the globe. There are a few writers that are amazing in their story-telling for this circulation. I love being transported to a different place. Amazon has some fantastic deals on magazines sporadically throughout the year. I got my subscription for $15.


And House Beautiful. You know how I don’t buy the fashion magazines because I cannot afford anything in them? In my contrary way, the same could be said about the items and homes in this publication. However, because I have spent longer decorating than styling, I am more comfortable relating ideas from this magazine into my home than I am clothing onto my body. Perhaps as the years go by, I will find the fashion magazines less boring and intimidating, too. Plus, this magazine was $8-10 for a year’s subscription (I cannot quite remember exactly the small price I paid).

It’s The Little Things: Paying a small price to send yourself something fun instead of an endless supply of bills? Sign me up.

What magazines do you subscribe to? Do you receive any of the same ones I do?

Say What?!

I was at the supermarket. Where I seem to be. Every day. Because I inevitably forgot to pick up something for dinner. On this particular trip, I needed a cart. I guess I had forgotten several somethings.


It had been raining earlier, so I had slipped on my rain boots from Costco with my chunky white sweater and some skinny jeans. It was definitely not my most exciting outfit. But, again, it wasn’t the most exciting day.

As I was battling two shopping carts that were stuck together, a rugged man of medium build peered over the edge of the small dividing wall at me. He was one of those fellows that made it impossible to tell his age. Life had either been hard on him or good, depending on his circumstances. He was missing all of his back teeth. In the middle of November, he still had a healthy tan and the skin around his eyes crinkled as he grinned at me. His dirty-blonde hair, made more dirty-blonde with actual dirt, was sticking up wildly in all directions.

He smiled at me. His blue eyes twinkled. His face turned to layers of leather. He opened his mouth, and with the utmost sincerity, he said to me, “Nice boobs.”

I stopped battling the shopping carts to stare at him. I couldn’t believe he would be so bold.

Actually, I could.

But, I couldn’t believe he was talking to me. It is the sad truth that after nursing two children and growing older, there would be many women whose line that would still apply to.

Me, not being one of them.

My chance of this applying to me is further reduced by 4,896,401 just by residing in Southern California.

Let’s just say, my odds weren’t good.

So, I stood there with my mouth open in shock as all around me the real deal that this phrase would apply to grabbed their carts and went on their way. Wait! Did I just say, “Real Deal”? Cross that out. And insert, well…insertions .

“What?!” I finally managed to gasp.

He grinned wider. I feared for his face. He repeated himself, “Nice boobs!”

I looked down at my chest. Then I looked up at him. Then down at my chest. This was repeated an embarrassing amount of times. I’m quick.

“Excuse me?!” I tried to reply indignantly. But in my head, I was rejoicing in a smack-me-in-the-face-what-kind-of-liberal-woman-am-I-that-this-would-flatter-me kind of way.

“Are you gardenin’ or somethin’? Gettin’ reddy to do some plantin’? Where’d ya get dem boobs? They’re the best I’ve seen.”

I realized that this man must have a screw loose. What the heck did my boobs have to do with planting and gardening? And what did he mean, where did I get them? In an attempt to not be even more graphic or vulgar, let me just say, dem boobs I got have never been mistaken as ones that have been purchased.

And best he’s seen?!?! Where has this man been living? Were we at the same grocery store? I had seen two better examples walk by in the two minutes I had spent standing there talking to him.

I shook my head sadly at the deranged man, replied a quick, “No.” Then I grabbed my cart and made my way into the store.

As I was wandering the aisles, my mind was spinning. I kept replaying the conversation in my head. Squeak. Who the heck did he think he was talking to? Squeak. What kind of man goes around saying things like that to women? Squeak.

Ugh! I looked down at my boots. I was trying to think. They were interrupting my thoughts with their annoying squeaky rubber.

My boots!

My squeaky beautiful boots.

My boots that would be perfect for wearing…while gardenin’…and plantin’!

I felt a rush of… Oh, I don’t know what. Relief that my town was not being invaded by vulgar men. That the rugged man just had a keen fashion sense and a love for nature. Happy that I had gotten to wear my boots on a rainy day.

I definitely did not feel sad. Nope. Not at all.

I was definitely not sad to have not received an inappropriate compliment.

Not. At. All.



* This post was written in response to The Daily Post’s Weekly Writing Challenge. It is a 100% sad, but true account of my trip to the grocery store.

“It’s The Little Things” will run on Saturday and then resume its usual Thursday time slot next week. I needed to get this story in by Friday. Thanks for indulging me! ; )

* P.S. I shared this on The Pleated Poppy!

The Winner Of The Blog Giveaway and Stuff I’m Craving


The winner of my 10th Month Blog Anniversary (I feel like such a teenager sometimes celebrating monthly, but it is more fun that way) is Cynthia! I love Cynthia over at Marcy Very Much. She is just the nicest girl. I met her a couple of months ago through blogging and her blog always makes me smile and laugh. Congratulations Cynthia!

Here are all of our words for the year 2014. They gave me goosebumps as I typed them all in. I just want everyone to get their word this year. I also can’t help but think together with all of our words, we would be unstoppable:

Calm 2
Healthy 5
Thankful 2
Grateful 3
Content 3
Forward 2
Health 2
Miley (her daughter’s name)
Successful 2

I would love to be almost all of those words (Of course, I can’t be Keiko’s daughter, although that would be fun) and my pregnancy time is long past (but, oh, this one I am so hopeful about Becky!). I also think some of the words are hard for me and to read them made me realize that I need to work on that aspect of myself. Like “unoffended.” Great word. Although spell check doesn’t think so. And “carefree.” I find both of those words to be difficult to do. I would love to be “grateful” every day as well. That is a good word to put things into perspective.

I also agree with Liana. Sometimes I get superstitious and do not want to voice my good hopes in case the universe reads it wrong. : ). “Pleasant” is a pretty good safe word.

I really hope we can all succeed in making our words a reality this year. I am lucky I have this blog to share on, but if you don’t have that option, you can always email me. My email address is on my “About Me” page. And you could vent. Or share. It usually takes me more time to respond to an email than a comment, but I will respond.

Thank you guys for entering and opening yourselves up by sharing your word. It made me so grateful for each of you. And hopeful for the future.

On To My Cravings:

I purchased four pairs of pants during the super sale Anthropologie had. And even though all four pants ended up being just a little more ($19) than full price would have been for just one pair, and I used my last gift card towards them, I am done shopping for the month. Sigh. It is also because I scored the Cultivar Boots on a popback. And the Ombra Shift dress for $30 instead of $200! But it means my shopping is over for the month. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Unless something pops back for $10 and then I have to buy it. I mean it would be a crime not to…right? ; )

Ahem. How many days until February?

Although I have to be even better in February because we are going on a trip to Las Vegas in March. My clothing budget will be obsolete. I do not really have any “Vegas” dresses. I am hoping to score a holiday party dress marked down 80-90% off retail price for the trip… A girl can dream can’t she?

And I am going to be honest. I am not really in love with anything new at Anthropologie right now. Well, except for two or three pieces:


The Savant Dress. I bought this (and used a gift card towards the purchase in December) in the black and white striped version. I adore it. The sleeves… I have a feeling with how popular this dress has been, Anthropologie is going to recreate the sleeves next season on everything. As they do. Then I will get tired of it. But for now, I love it. Hopefully, I will be able to buy the grey version one day.


The Bavay Dress is calling my name. I am ignoring her. I need her to be on sale. But she is lovely.


And speaking of cravings. I rushed home after getting my hair done last night and made chocolate chip cookies… For dinner. With wine (Yep. Feeling better!). But I only had one stick of butter. Who runs out of butter? I guess I do. And I was out of vanilla extract. Who runs… Oh, you get it. I need to get to the store. So, I substituted half of the caviar from a vanilla bean for the extract and just halved my recipe. Um, yum. I will definitely do that again!

Purchases I made in January:


I purchased these MiH Petite Casablanca Flares for $45 during the additional 25% off sale (at 11:30 the night they got discounted more). If these pants popback in your size, I highly recommend them. They are the perfect length for me and I am 5’6″. The color is a deep grey-purple. They are a stretchy velvet. I wore them today (Wednesday) and love them.


And these Citizens of Humanity Avedon Velvet Leggings in Antique Pink. I also purchased these as soon as they got discounted further that night while the 25% sale was still in effect. I have all ready worn them three times since I got them on Friday.

The pants were purchased in my usual size 29. And they both fit exactly how I would want them to.

By the way, both pictures of the pants are modeled by Anthropologie models. Not me. I can see how the similarity of our thighs could confuse you.

But their thighs aren’t clapping.

Yes. That is the only way to tell us apart.


Here is a picture of my Embroidered Ombra Shift Dress that I bought for 85% off. Woot! Woot!

What are your cravings lately? Do you give in? Last night I gave into my craving for chocolate chip cookies and wine. Two each, thank you! And well worth it.

I guess January isn’t so bad after all (knock on wood). Now that I can breathe. And think. And smile.

And drink… Wait… I all ready said that when I said, “smile.”