Babydoll Dress


Free People does not actually call this dress, “babydoll,” however the shape that this is could not be anything else, in my humble little gnome opinion.


I was on the fence about keeping this dress, because I had also gotten the dress in this post and I try, oh how I try, not to be a glutton. But I kept taking it out of the return box and caressing it until finally it felt weird to send back a dress that I had touched so many times. I’m not that kind of girl.


Speaking of baby dolls, I have to admit to being terrified of them (ahem, gnomes being completely different). When I was a child of eight years old, I had a Cabbage Patch Doll I named Mary. I had begged Santa for a Cabbage Patch Doll that year, the ones I had seen on t.v…. With hair. And clothes… And chubby cuteness.


I was rather surprised when I opened up Mary on Christmas day to find a withered up little thing staring at me from the box. She was a premie Cabbage Patch Kid. She was ugly. She was scary. However, she was the only one that I had and so I loved her. I played with her for years, but always in the back of my mind, was sorrow over not having a “real” Cabbage Patch Kid. Always she was not perfect. Regret swallowed her strange little head.


I do not know what happened to Mary. Perhaps this is for the best. Otherwise I would have felt obligated to give her to my own daughter and the generational Mary duty would have continued. In fact, my daughter had no interest in baby dolls. It was not a fad while she was growing up. She did have every single Kelly doll ever made (thanks to an aunt who loved Barbie) which I regret donating many years ago.


There was one doll I purchased for my daughter… It was a cute little baby. A sweet face… Whose body was made from some sort of water vessel. This meant she weighed one trillion pounds. She was dressed in… Wait for this. It is a doozy. She was dressed in an Eeyore suit from Winnie The Pooh and even had the hoodie with donkey ears attached. I do not know what I must have been thinking the day I purchased that doll.


She played with it for a bit… And then it disappeared. I know. It could be anywhere. I am worried I will open up her closet one day to find the Eeyore baby staring at me from the depths of the closet. Its water body having slowly oozed out of the Eeyore suit to form a wretched smell. A gooey film clinging to its body as it stares at me accusingly.




How do I always manage to get so off track?

Do you own any babydoll dresses? Or baby dolls? Or warped Eeyore water babies languishing in your closet plotting your doom? I am hoping I can only answer “yes” to one of those questions.

The Best Dress Of The West


I keep catching glimpses of folks claiming that this pattern (from here on called Ganado*) days are numbered in its trendiness. But it has been around long before the past few years. In fact, my favorite style, or decade as it were, was the seventies, and this print was all the rage back then. Thus, any time I wear it, I do not think of fads, but rather it being just a tribute to a period of style that I adore.


Besides, who cares about fads or trends any way? I wear what I want when I want to and never ever let what is in or out dictate what I wear.


Of course, this does not mean I claim to be a fashion expert. Ha! Hardly that. I just know what I like. And knowing what you like is most of the battle. Knowing what looks good on your body type is the other part. Mix that with your budget and the chemistry formula for your style is done.


Who knew I was such a scientist?


I purchased this Ganado print inspired dress from Modcloth many years ago. In fact, it was my very first purchase from that company. But you can find a similar style almost everywhere. In looking for a similar dress, I found this one, but honestly look at this whole page of these printed dresses from Forever 21. There are so many of them, and they also come in plus sizes.


I have a confession. Contrary to what you probably were thinking, I am not a gymnast any more than I am a scientist. I know, it is quite a shock. I will give you a moment to let that register.

I cannot believe I am sharing this “action” shot with you. My kids roll on the floor at how very high I can jump.


Let’s move on to something less embarrassing… Hopefully. I had a post up yesterday about the lip pencil products I am currently in love with. These pictures show more of the Iberico color I was terrified of. Whenever I am truly scared of something, I usually make myself do it. Whether that entails ziplining or trying on a lipstick, it is all the same. I do not, however, ever recommend going up behind a cop to ask for directions while he is arresting someone. Don’t ask how me how I know that, just trust me.

Also, stay away from people talking to trees.

Or urinating on them.

Let my past be your guide as to what not to do.

Except for lipstick, always have fun with lipstick.


Do you own any Ganado inspired print clothing? Do you care about following fads or not following them? And what is your stance on public tree affection? I don’t mind a quick hug, but those branches are a bit tough for me to handle.

P.S. Did you purchase anything during the after Christmas sales? I picked up this throw in the orange and green colors, some candles and a Christmas garland for next year. The trees told me to do it. And I cannot resist their call.

*When writing this post, I kept coming upon the terms “tribal” and “ethnic” to describe this print. This felt wrong to me. There are so many gorgeous and beautiful cultures and ethnicities that to clump them all together when stumbling upon a pretty pattern felt gross. However, it seems that some stores have not caught on to this and continue to group everything together. So, I googled the terms and found this article. I learned that the pattern on my dress is more aptly called Ganado, inspired from this pattern originating with the Navajo people.

Now, let’s all stop using those terms and peeing on trees… In that order, of course.

Welcome To Our Christmas Home



If you celebrate Christmas, today is probably a very busy day for you. I wrapped a mountain of presents last night while the entire family sat down to watch “White Christmas.” We went to dinner at a local Irish pub after I finished making four chicken pot pies (three of which are for dinner tonight). I also made these appetizers and when I wake up today I plan on making Pioneer Woman’s Best Chocolate Cake for dessert.

My father, stepmom, my sister, brother-in-law and nephew will be joining us for dinner tonight. I purchased three dozen premade plain Christmas sugar cookies for the children to decorate and leave out for Santa. I think my three year old nephew will enjoy that. I know Santa will! Tomorrow it is just our little family celebrating the day together. I like simplicity.


I decorated the house the same this year as I did last year with a few new additions.


I strung some wrapping pompoms on the chandelier in the living room. My husband picked this chandelier out a few years ago at a local antique store. I love the mellow mustardy color. I also love that he picked it out. I would never have noticed it. I never look up. I remember when he showed me his find while we were in the store together and being filled with wonder and happiness that I can always count on him to look up for me. It is nice to have a partner who completes you. This chandelier represents that to me. He looks up and for that I am grateful.


My husband came home several times in the last two weeks with sweet surprise gifts of ornaments for our trees.


I changed the slipcover on our couch to accommodate a velvet one I purchased from eBay many years ago. It was a nice change this winter. I made the giant pillow from an old feedbag, but the two Kantha pillows were recently from Anthropologie and the neat feather pillow in the middle is from World Market.


Murphy has enjoyed lounging on the “new” old couch. I wish I could join him, but there is always so much to do!



I love using paper pompoms as flowers in December. They are over the top and last forever. These are four years old. The pink pompoms are actually from Michael’s craft store. They were $4 but with a coupon, I paid $2 a piece. I purchased four and strung them on this vase chandelier from my first apartment.


And on our antique mirror.


Tonight the kids will unwrap their new pajamas. The house will be filled with anticipation, although this is my very first year with wise children, if you get what I mean, so the anticipation will probably not be quite the same as years past. And I have to say, this has very much hampered this Christmas and made it a little less special.


Hold on to those little ones. Enjoy the magic. I, myself, will be looking for Rudolph’s nose tonight. I wish I had taken more pictures… Of the pompom wreath at the front door with the fox nestled inside like two odd long lost soul mates… Of our bathroom where the embroidered hooks hold wreaths and ornaments… Of the garlands above our kitchen sink… But I didn’t. I guess that will have to wait until next year.

If you celebrate Christmas, how do you decorate? Do you do the same thing each year or do you have a theme? Are you ready for the big day? What is on your menu? On Christmas day, my husband makes chicken enchiladas and we spend the whole day in pajamas. I cannot wait!


Merry Christmas to all (if you celebrate, if not, Happy Thursday!)! And I hope you have the coziest and sweetest of days!

A Leopard Cannot Change Its Spots Stripes?


When my husband saw this outfit he was quiet.

Not a word.

Or a peep.

Out of him.

My daughter had no such restraint. “That headband with that vest?”

“No. Just no.”

This, of course, made me giggle.

I had purchased this red and white striped wrap dress from H&M the week before when I went shopping with my daughter. I knew immediately I wanted to wear it over my Bermeja Tunic Dress (sold out, similar dress here) as a vest. It was a bargain at $5. I loved the way Shy Girl Loud Voice remixed the Bermeja Tunic Dress with her vest (I previously styled the Bermeja Tunic Dress here and here). The headband was also from H&M. I believe it was more than the dress/vest at $6. I wanted to crawl into this leopard trend with soft baby moves. It is out of my comfort zone.


So, I took some pictures with the headband and some without.

That way everyone is happy.

Except Murphy.


We took Murphy with us that day to get pictures, because my husband had taken Ollie for a car ride earlier in the day and left Murphy at home with me.


After listening to Murphy crying at the door for a half an hour, I called my husband to inform him that he had broken the dog.

Murphy could not comprehend not going with Ollie.


But Murphy hates car rides.

He gets anxious.

He loves the walks.

He is the exact opposite of Ollie, not only in looks, but in activities.

Ollie had to be carried home after his last walk.

This made it difficult for my husband because he was all ready carrying me.


Murphy was definitely not as good as Ollie during the photo shoot. Murphy does not follow direction well. He is always on the lookout for someone who is going to come and steal all of the goldfish crackers. He has convinced himself it is going to happen and will stay up nights guarding the pantry door.


Being in a desert surrounded by nothing but dirt and brush made him leery. He was convinced The Goldfish Thief was lurking behind every bush.

Nevermind that we did not bring any goldfish crackers on this trip. Goldfish crackers appear like magic and thieves appear more quickly than that.

It is basic dog logic. The only logic that I currently adhere to.


My poor dog. If only he knew…

The only Goldfish Thief around them here parts…


Was the one holding his leash.

Have you jumped on this leopard trend? Do you own anything leopard? Are you yay or nay about the headband? Don’t worry. It won’t hurt my feelings if you don’t like it. I have pretty tough skin… And cheddar cheese cracker breath.