With A Lighter Heart


Sorry for another outfit post. I am trying to get through my summer pictures. My mom will be happy. She loves the outfit posts the most.

I could not recall the name of this dress that I purchased last year. I had originally styled it like Mary on Happily Grey, on my older blog post here, but I had wanted to try it exclusively with gold and pink this time. Make it my own.


I found the name of the dress. And it made me smile, because I had picked this dress out of my closet that day simply to ease a heavy heart.


The dress is called, “With A Light Heart Dress.” I am sure it is sold out by now because when I purchased it in 2013, it was all ready 66% off. I bet it can be found on eBay. I cannot guarantee the light heart, though (I am not linking to a similar dress because I honestly could not find one similar enough to warrant a link and I do not like to add links simply for the sake of clicks).


The necklace is Anthropologie’s Lace Flag Necklace from last year. It is surprisingly hard to find pink jewelry. I am happy I picked this up. The shoes can be found here.


It seems silly, but I was thrilled to get a compliment on this outfit earlier in the day.

A woman stopped me when I was with my son and said, “I like your son-”

And I thought to myself, She likes my son? That is odd.

But then she finished. “I like your son-dals. And your whole outfit is just so cute.”

I thanked her and soared inside, both from the compliment and the fact that my son was not being strangely commented upon.


Another silly thing is this bracelet. I love it. I purchased it from Anthropologie when it hit sale with my husband’s initial. However, it is the only piece of jewelry that has ever turned my skin green.

But I still wear it.

‘Cause green skin is kinda cool. I do like to channel my inner Hulk, after all.

Not really, but I do wear it for short periods of time because I really like the bracelet.


Have you ever had jewelry that turned your skin green? Did you still wear it? Do you compliment strangers? I try to always compliment one elderly woman every time I leave the house. One time I was in an airport and I accidentally kicked the poor lady with my shoe when I tried to tell her I loved her dress. She probably did not appreciate that compliment so much.

I hope I did not give her a green bruise.

Maybe this bracelet is compliment karma.

Or some such light hearted nonsense.

Free People New Romantics Rio Dress


This is my second attempt at styling Free People’s New Romantics Rio Dress in the other color I purchased it in (the first dress can be found styled here). I love both of the dresses I purchased.


At first I liked the cream one better but I think now the black one has my heart.


I styled both of the dresses with Free People’s Trapeze Slip underneath. I like the extra coverage it provided and the color went great with both of them.


This dress is so much fun.

I cannot wait to wear it with tights and boots in the wintertime. I think I will like it even more then.


I paired the black dress with World Market’s friendship bracelets. I loved the dress’s embroidery paired with the textured color of the bracelets.


What’s a girl to do when she finds the perfect dress?


Twirl, baby. Twirl.

What is your perfect dress? Do you look for things with embroidery or are you more drawn to the clean and structured?

My heart like my mind is drawn to the unstructured. Probably because that is the way they are formed.

*this post was edited using the App Afterlife’s Meadow Filter at 57%.

I Rio-lly Love This Dress


Every morning I would wake up obsessed. I really, really wanted the Free People New Romantics Rio Dress to hit sale (it finally has, but it is cheaper in-store). Did I say really? I had tried it on way back in March when we were in Las Vegas and it was the item I had dreamt about buying if only I had won some money gambling. But, alas, that did not happen. And the dress was much too expensive for me to justify its singular purchase. I thought about that dress for months. It was the only dress that had ever come close to my beloved Kantha Dresses from Anthropologie. And every day I would check the Free People website to see if it had gone on sale.

It hadn’t.


One day I decided to reread the reviews. Might as well read about someone else enjoying the lovely dress, I thought.

I read a review I had not seen before. It had been published a month earlier. It spoke of being so happy to be able to purchase the dress on sale. Wha-a-a?!


And that is when I remembered that the clothes on Free People’s website do not often match prices with the items in the store. I decided to call the store that had both colors available because I am greedy and wanted them both.

A store had them.

They were around 60% off but then I got free shipping and no tax! Score!


I styled the cream dress with my Pam Hiran Necklace from Anthropologie and two of World Market’s beaded bracelets.


The rest of the day was spent in a blur. Now what was I going to do with my mornings now that I had finally acquired the dress?


Well, I will be spending some time just admiring the beautiful embroidery.

It makes me happy.

Do you sit and stare at items in your closet? Do you like the thrill of the hunt for the perfect dress or finally getting to wear it the best?

*The black version of this dress will run on Sunday. This post was edited using the App Afterlife’s Forrest Filter at 37%.

Blue And White Easy Summer


This outfit is pretty boring. Jeans, top, the end (Oh! And a bandaid, but we’re going to pretend it is not there). But I wore it. And so it is here amongst the other outfits.


I purchased this Bea Embroidered Blouse two summers ago at Anthropologie when it hit sale (slightly similar blouses on sale here and here). The embroidery beckoned to me.

Um, what do you think of my prop?

I grabbed the flowers from my house on the way out the door.

My husband said, “What are you doing?”

And I said, “I thought these flowers would be pretty with this top for the pictures. You know, a prop.”

To which he replied, “Whoa, slow down. I don’t think we’ve graduated to props yet.”

Which sounds funny and made me grab them anyway.


This picture is awful.

Let’s blame the prop, shall we?

But I wanted to show the pretty ruffles on the sides of the shirt.


My husband had been wanting to take pictures in front of this ivy covered wall for quite awhile. Hmmmmm. Isn’t that kind of a prop? How do you graduate to props anyway? Who hands out the diploma? Does the diploma hand out itself?

Fashion blogging is so confusing.