The Best Dress Of The West


I keep catching glimpses of folks claiming that this pattern (from here on called Ganado*) days are numbered in its trendiness. But it has been around long before the past few years. In fact, my favorite style, or decade as it were, was the seventies, and this print was all the rage back then. Thus, any time I wear it, I do not think of fads, but rather it being just a tribute to a period of style that I adore.


Besides, who cares about fads or trends any way? I wear what I want when I want to and never ever let what is in or out dictate what I wear.


Of course, this does not mean I claim to be a fashion expert. Ha! Hardly that. I just know what I like. And knowing what you like is most of the battle. Knowing what looks good on your body type is the other part. Mix that with your budget and the chemistry formula for your style is done.


Who knew I was such a scientist?


I purchased this Ganado print inspired dress from Modcloth many years ago. In fact, it was my very first purchase from that company. But you can find a similar style almost everywhere. In looking for a similar dress, I found this one, but honestly look at this whole page of these printed dresses from Forever 21. There are so many of them, and they also come in plus sizes.


I have a confession. Contrary to what you probably were thinking, I am not a gymnast any more than I am a scientist. I know, it is quite a shock. I will give you a moment to let that register.

I cannot believe I am sharing this “action” shot with you. My kids roll on the floor at how very high I can jump.


Let’s move on to something less embarrassing… Hopefully. I had a post up yesterday about the lip pencil products I am currently in love with. These pictures show more of the Iberico color I was terrified of. Whenever I am truly scared of something, I usually make myself do it. Whether that entails ziplining or trying on a lipstick, it is all the same. I do not, however, ever recommend going up behind a cop to ask for directions while he is arresting someone. Don’t ask how me how I know that, just trust me.

Also, stay away from people talking to trees.

Or urinating on them.

Let my past be your guide as to what not to do.

Except for lipstick, always have fun with lipstick.


Do you own any Ganado inspired print clothing? Do you care about following fads or not following them? And what is your stance on public tree affection? I don’t mind a quick hug, but those branches are a bit tough for me to handle.

P.S. Did you purchase anything during the after Christmas sales? I picked up this throw in the orange and green colors, some candles and a Christmas garland for next year. The trees told me to do it. And I cannot resist their call.

*When writing this post, I kept coming upon the terms “tribal” and “ethnic” to describe this print. This felt wrong to me. There are so many gorgeous and beautiful cultures and ethnicities that to clump them all together when stumbling upon a pretty pattern felt gross. However, it seems that some stores have not caught on to this and continue to group everything together. So, I googled the terms and found this article. I learned that the pattern on my dress is more aptly called Ganado, inspired from this pattern originating with the Navajo people.

Now, let’s all stop using those terms and peeing on trees… In that order, of course.

Tinamou Stitched Tunic


I had tried The Tinamou Stitched Tunic (now sold out, but the same designers made this gorgeous top more appropriate for winter) on over the summer. I fell in love with it, but because it was sleeveless, I put it in my wishlist and made myself forget about it.

By the way, did you know “Tinamou” is a type of bird? Each time I look up an unknown Anthroplogie word, it usually means “bird.” I think I have cracked my head the code.


Then one day, many months later, it popped back into stock after being sold out. I scored it for $20. The Mothers Jeans were a different popback at $8. Retail price for those was over $200. I knew I wanted to layer the fun tunic for the fall, so I paired it with a simple long sleeve tee from H&M.


The fun details on this top are so intricate and bright. There are black pompoms on the bottom. It is hard to tell because of my black pants.


I also wore my fringed booties. We took these pictures in a nearby park, because my husband had to get to work. But I wanted a picture of this outfit.



These over the top neon hoop earrings are recently from Forever 21. They were less than $5 and they stole my heart. The neon bracelets garnered their own post a few months ago.


I wore this outfit to my son’s junior high school, because it was parents eat lunch with their kids day. I thought he would not want me to go.

I was right.

His exact words were, “Mom, I’m not embarrassed by you. Well, only a little embarrassed. But they play music at lunch. I don’t think you can control yourself.”

He knows me too well.

But I promised I would behave. And by behave, I meant not dance on the lunch table. It was a promise I have avoided making for years. Thankfully my husband did not hear me say it and therefore still does not know that I am capable of such actions.


To the vast relief of my son, we could not hear any music from our lunch table.


It was a close one.

Have you scored any deals lately? If you have children, do you embarrass your kids? Do you dance to music in public? Do you keep unknowingly buying clothes named after birds?

Ginette Callaway: Landscapes

I love art. I like my walls to be crammed full of pretty things to look at. It is important to me. I think a home should be filled with the essence of the people who reside there. It should shout or whisper whatever emotion you are trying to convey. I hope our house screams, “FUN!”


Besides my children’s paintings, I have more paintings by Ginette Callaway than anyone else in my home. I love her impressionistic style and the bright colors that she uses. I have been collecting her art for well over ten years. Last time I shared my bird paintings by her on this blog, including the peacock painting often seen in my outfit posts.

This time I wanted to share some of my landscapes by Ginette.


First there is this beautiful fishing village painting. I love the size of it. I am currently rearranging the art in my house. This is how the art is arranged above our bookcases in our living room right now. She also painted the butterfly on the left.


There is my incredibly fun painting by Ginette of an underwater fish scene.


Miniature paintings are my favorite. This little guy is small and pretty. It depicts a small home in the Bahamas. Man, I would love to go there right now!


And this painting is even smaller. I told you, I love small paintings. This is a lovely quaint city scene.

You can find Ginette Callaway on her website. And she sells her art on her Etsy store.

Do you have art in your home? What is your favorite item on your walls? What would you want your home to say about you?

Stylin’ The Torsade Dress

A few weeks ago, Anthropologie’s Torsade Dress* popped back for me for $30. And I pounced on it. I had been waiting for it for this price because $98 was just too much for me. Unfortunately when it came, it reeked of garlic. This is a mystery I would not like to examine further. This might seem gross. But it was an easy fix with a quick wash in the washing machine. Although if I had to guess, I would say the dress was worn previously by some awesome female vampire hunter. This makes the dress more special. Sadly its special garlic powers washed out of the dress and thankfully I was able to wear it.

But now am weak against vampires. Oi.


Here is the dress as it is. Without playing with it. This is actually the way a vampire hunter would wear it except my accessory would be a wooden stake. I just wanted to give you that visual.



* Pairing the dress with different colored bottoms will momentarily confuse the vampires in order for you to get away.


I thought it would be fun to pair it with rain boots even if this outfit will probably never make it to my reality with California’s drought. I think the teal matches well. I would love to have the opportunity to wear this.

I also hope any vampires near me are having their own drought as well.


My favorite way I paired it was using it as a top. I have been wanting a floral top with some pink in it to pair with my red and white striped skirt. But I did not want to pay for one. And I am not sure the exact shirt I had in my head exists in reality. Then I happened to see these two pieces next to each other and I could not wait to try it!


Or you could use the dress as a skirt. This is perfect for those chilly nights when you need to arm yourself with more than just garlic.

Do you own this dress? A floral dress? What is your favorite way to style it?

* This is the link to the dress, but it is sold out. However a brick and mortar store might still have it if you call customer service. I cannot, however, guarantee that your dress will have any anti-vampire properties. Sorry about that.

** This has not been proven. If you happen to see a vampire, I doubt that the way in which you style this dress would be enough to scare them away. Well, unless you covered the dress in mirrors. But I think I would rather take my chances with the beasts.

* P.S. I shared this on The Pleated Poppy!