The Prerequisite Pumpkin Patch Blogger Post


Happy Halloween! I actually have two posts scheduled for today. One is going up later. It is a spooky home decor story. ; )

This year is flying by and when I told my kids that I need to know what they want for Christmas, they laughed at me.

Mom! It’s two months away!”

Um, no, it’s not. It is less than two months away and I feel so unprepared.


What the heck does that have to do with a pumpkin patch?


Absolutely nothing, except to say that I am behind. We did not buy our pumpkins this year until the twenty eighth.

The pumpkin patch was incredibly crowded.

The drought caused the corn maze to be short this year.

This pumpkin patch is the best though. They do not charge anything for the maze. It is a sweet free fun family activity.


I would like to say that I am so cool that I sat on this hay stack and walked away unscathed.

I would like to say that.

But that would be a lie.

I was picking hay out from underneath that dress all night.

The pumpkin patch definitely had the last laugh.


Did I mention I am allergic to hay?


And pumpkins?

I know.

I was also so intelligent that day that when I went to cut the tags off of this plaid scarf from Target, I cut a hole right through it.

That is okay. It cannot be seen. I don’t think. Oh well, I love the two plaids mixed together. It made me unbelievably happy. I am wearing my plaid tunic that I purchased for $20 at Nordstrom Rack last year. So many stores have a similar dress this year (here -the yellow gives me butterflies and here).

I was unsure about wearing this tunic with just tights. I asked my husband over and over, “Honey, are you sure this isn’t too short?”
And he assured me it wasn’t. He lied.


I made it through the whole corn maze without flashing anyone. I knew it was too good to be true. I went back to the car and I bent over to grab my gnome from the car, as one does.

I was being entirely unladylike, but there was a car right next to me and I figured the odds of the people coming back to that car whilst I was bending over were nil.

So, you can imagine my surprise when I stood up, turned around and a husband and wife were directly behind me. The wife’s lips were pursed and the husband was red.

You would think that would be the most embarrassing thing.


But then this happened.

My husband was so happy that I wanted to give this little guy a ride.

By the way, those guys in the parking lot are high-fiving each other because they chose to wore pants that day. Showoffs.


It was all worth it to see how happy the gnome was swimming in the squash.

With his little purple pointy hat, bright blue shirt and black… Pants.


Well, at least one of us left the pumpkin patch with a little dignity.

Although if you really stop to think about it, swimming in gourds isn’t exactly hospitable.

You can’t take us anywhere.

It’s The Little Things: Put A Scarf On It

I have been thinking a lot about scarves lately. I have been seeing them pop up all over Instagram. Yesterday I was at Anthropologie and as I wandered the beautiful store, the scarves seemed to be whispering to me, “Cozy,” they murmured. “Flattering,” they promised. “Unique,” they softly said as they caught my eye and winked.

But I live in California.

Buying an expensive scarf just isn’t practical. For my lifestyle. And my budget.

I guess you could say that I am married to Warm Weather but I don’t mind flirting with Cold Weather’s attractive cousins. temperature trollop I ignored their siren calls and promised them I would be back when they went on sale (especially this temptress).


I happened to be at a different mall later in the day. And I also found myself at Target. I had actually wanted to go to Target that day to view a scarf after seeing it on myfavoritethings25 Instagram feed (sorry, I do not know how to link to Instagram). My Target store did not have that scarf, but they did have the plaid and other patterned one above. Since plaid and blanket scarves seem to be the trend of the season (and leopard. Leopard. Leopard. Leopard. Put a spot on it), I scooped them up for around $30 for both (most scarves at Target are on 20% off sale through the end of today and buy one get one 50% off online).


At the mall, I went to Forever 21. They had a wall full of scarves. I did not purchase one.


But I spotted this blue and black flannel number for less than $10 there and I think it is pretty.



H&M did not have the scarf selection I was expecting. But they did have two different patterned blanket scarves hidden in the clothing section that were huge. The pattern was pretty. This picture is not them. I did not get a picture of them. I had all ready broken a $2 ring at Forever 21 and guilt-purchased it, I did not want to drop anything else and have to pay for it in reaching for my camera. Aren’t I helpful? But I will share this:


I will admit that I am clueless about styling scarves. That is why I like to buy infinity scarves. They are easy. I like easy. But most of the scarves I admire lately are not infinity. What is a girl to do? Well, I found this video on You Tube and the tutorial to make a regular scarf look like an infinity scarf was so simple. Most importantly, it works!

Are you a scarf styling genius? I have heard that you can make a scarf into a vest? Do you know how to do that? I’m just happy I managed to get the thing around my neck.

It’s The Little Things: more accessories! I love the cooler seasons! Shhhhh! Don’t tell Warm Weather.

“Where Oh Where Oh Where Is…

Shadow?” Anyone? Oh, please disregard my wandering thoughts. I am completely losing it over here.

Where did the time go? Seriously, I have approximately 5% done that I need to have done right now. But instead of doing those things I am writing a post. Funny how I always choose the more fun thing to do.

And I forgot to remove the darn garland again! For every single picture. On each and every day. You think I could remember one time. I did remember yesterday and today, so there is that advantage. Yep, that word (ho) appears in almost every single outfit photo in this post. Is the universe trying to tell me something? Well… ho, ho, ho! I’m jolly!



I purchased the Anthropologie Petalblush Dress on sale in a size small during the additional 20% off sale dresses promotion. I am very glad I did, but I am almost wishing I would have kept the medium and not the small. The small might be a little…too small.

I paired it with a grey scarf and mustard cable knit tights from H & M.

I wore this on a day I knew was going to be really tough. I figured the bright colors would be cheerful. They were. The day ended up not being as draining as I feared.

And the muppet fringe? Well, I gotta tell you, it actually made me happy. It is nice to have a little extra support even if it is in the form of a dissected puppet. Comforting.


This photo was taken the next day. I look as tired as I felt. It was really a beautiful day in Southern California, though. It was nice to wear short sleeves and bare legs. I wore my mustard Circle The Globe skirt that I bought off of eBay last year. It had previously been too big, but I recently had the waist taken in. Gotta love a good tailor.

The hedgehog shirt (Creature Feature Top ) is one of my favorites. I previously wore it here. The necklace is the Corallina Necklace from Anthropologie now missing a link. And the shoes are Anthropologie’s Ruffled Shooties (I purchased my usual 8 during the Black Friday sale. Probably could have sized down one, but they were all sold out).



I paired my Anthroplogie Ruffled Sweater Vest (previously worn here and here) with my Free People Miles Of Henley Dress in charcoal. I have said it before, but this vest is my favorite purchase of the year. Yes, year. I find myself wearing it at least twice a week. There is another mom at school with one. I hope we do not show up on the same day wearing it.

The earrings are Lucky Brand. The boots are vintage.

How are you holding up this week? I am just completely and utterly overwhelmed. I have no idea how I am going to accomplish everything anything. Any suggestions?


* Oh, and tonight I am going to go see The Nutcracker with my family. I could really use some help. I want to wear a tulle skirt. I was thinking of my Anthropologie Emeline Tulle Skirt from Anthropologie or I have my BCBG tan tulle skirt from last year. With the Emeline I was going to wear the Peony Applique Pullover. With the BCBG I would wear either a tan long sleeved shirt or maybe a lace pullover. The only shoes that I own (I only own about four pairs of heels) that may work are my plain nude pumps or my new ruffled shooties. The other dilemma with that is it is probably going to be freezing. I might need to wear tights. But I don’t think either shoe would look right with them. I did get a pretty pair of dressier boots, but they are currently wrapped under the tree. So, my only boot choices are vintage or black. What should I do? Please help. : )

Thank you!


UPDATE: I was all set to wear my Emeline skirt, but then my daughter came out of her bedroom in the most beautiful tulle dress. And I knew tulle belonged all to her tonight. She looked so pretty.

So, I ran to my closet and I spotted the Bourgeois Dress with the ballerinas on it. In fact, I recreated the whole outfit the model is wearing, except the necklace. I wore my daughter’s foxhead necklace, because I thought it looked a bit ratlike. I love a theme! Thank you for all of your help. I think I will wear the Emeline Skirt on Christmas Eve. Have a lovely weekend!