
Who remembers ALIAS? Wasn’t that show great before it was bad? I am hoping the show I am currently obsessed with doesn’t break my heart like that one.

THE AMERICANS is about a married couple who are Russian spies. They are living as Americans, in America during the Cold War years. It is about their daily lives coping with their children, who don’t know their secret, and still fulfilling all of their spy obligations to the KGB. The show also focuses on the couple next door. The man happens to be an FBI AGENT( whose job it is to track down Russian spies). They have their own set of marital problems.


Now, as I am writing this, I realize it sounds kind of cheesy, but it’s not! It is surprisingly quick and has many twists and entertaining turns. My husband and I both love it! One of the things I admire about this show, is they are quick not to sugarcoat the whole spy persona. When they have to seduce someone other than their spouse for information, guess what? Sex is going to be involved. They do not attempt to make it appear glamorous. It is all about the nitty gritty. It goes there! It makes the couples’ marital dynamic much more interesting and rich.

The couple is constantly trying to figure out where their marriage stands. Marriage is not easy. But their marriage is compounded with more burdens than most.

It has all ready been picked up for a second season, because it is good.


The cherry on the sundae or maybe even the ice cream, is one of the main characters is Kerri Russell. Sigh. Can I just look like her for one day? Or just have her hair? All I want is that glorious thick cascading hair. She is such a cool character! She is very relatable and the show would not be good without her. (Plus, it warms my heart that this beautiful actress married a carpenter in real life. Smart girl!)

It is on Wednesday nights at 10:00 p.m. on the FX Network. You can catch up on episodes through their website. The pictures in this post are courtesy of FX.

Have you seen this show? What did you think? What shows are you obsessed with?



One of my favorite books is by Brandon Sanderson. The title is WARBREAKER. When I was shopping at Mysterious Galaxy in San Diego, the friendly sales associate recommended this book to me. I had told him I had wanted a romantic fantasy. (What girl doesn’t?)

I had previously read Brandon Sanderson’s MISTBORN series and had liked it. This book exists in a single entity. There are no sequels to it. I find that refreshing in a genre where it takes years to wait for a series to be finished.

The story starts off in the kingdom of Idris. The people here live in a land without color. The royal family of Idris can be identified by their hair, which changes color based on their emotions.

The king of Idris must send his daughter to marry the God King. The God King rules in their enemy kingdom of Hallandren. Hallandren is a land that celebrates color.


The characters in this book are very deep and interesting. Siri is the youngest daughter of the King of Idris. She is the wild heroine. Vivenna is the oldest daughter. She is trying to fix a mistake she feels destiny created for her. Another cool character is Vasher. He is the Drizzt or Darryl (if you do not know these kickass guys, I am sorry) of the story. The singular rogue male who has several tricks and secrets.

But the leading character of this book is the romance. It has a story all of its own. It will break your heart but leave you smiling.

This book has magic, vibrancy, interesting characters and love. I do not want to give anything away. There are several parts in this book that will throw you a curveball. That is what Brandon Sanderson is a genius at. He will always keep you guessing. This book quickly worked its way up my list of favorites.

For my birthday present two years ago, my husband purchased all of Brandon Sanderson’s novels in hardcover from the author. He made sure to have this book specially signed for me. If that is not romance, I do not know what is! Perhaps this book inspired the romantic in him.

Is my hair turning red?


I married my husband because of Piers Anthony

Growing up, the world of Xanth (Piers Anthony’s creation) was so enrapturing. I loved the pun adapted world.


If you have not read these books, the synopsis is there is a magical world bordering our own (but our world is called Mundania, because we have no magic). Every person in Xanth has a magical talent and they often times find themselves trudging along Xanth’s paths to ask a question to the Good Magician Humphrey (who knows all). There are princesses and goblins. There are panty trees and pie trees. It is a great series for a young adult interested in fantasy.

As a young girl, I found the Adult Conspiracy titillating. The first book I read in the series was OGRE, OGRE. I loved Smash (an ogre) and his love story with Tandy (the nymph girl). I was hooked! I read every book in the series and impatiently waited for the next one to come out.


When my husband and I were on our third date, which also happened to be the third day we had seen each other, I broached the subject of fantasy and science fiction. I knew I really liked him, but I wasn’t sure we had the same interests.

I was reading HITCHHIKER’S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY at the time. I asked him if he had read it. Not only had he, but he loved it!

Hmmm. I decided to up the ante.

“Have you ever heard of Xanth?”. I asked. I was sure he would fail the question as many had before him (well, not too many, I’m not that kind of girl).

“By Piers Anthony?”. He replied.

The universe stopped. I swear I felt every atom of my being melting and then rejoining together. I knew I would marry him. He had been to that world, just like I had! He understood.

We were married three months later. Since then we have shared a love for many more books and many more worlds, including this one. It has been a wonderful adventure. We always buy older editions of the XANTH series whenever we stumble upon them. Because we know it all started with Xanth and an author I will be forever indebted to, Piers Anthony.

Thanks for stopping by! Have you been to Xanth? What are you currently reading?


My husband and I are book hoarders. We have over 1000 books and love every one of them. We love to scour the used book store. Our city library also has a wonderful little addition that sells used books for a great price. The little old ladies in there are so cute. They are avid readers and have a good knowledge of what they have in stock.

On a recent trip to the used book store, my husband and I scored this almost complete set (I still need the one that came out this year) of hardcover Robert Jordan’s WHEEL OF TIME series for $50. My husband actually contemplated not getting them, but was quickly persuaded by my look of astonishment at his indecision. We scooped them up and when we got home, we pulled up comparable prices for these books and two of them went for more than the price we paid for all 14 books. All right, I am done boasting.


When I was 14, I read THE EYE OF THE WORLD (the first book in the series) and remember being sorely disappointed when I reached the end of the giant book and it wasn’t finished. This blew my mind. I had no idea an author could do that. You mean, the book is not over, there is another one, and then another one. It was extremely unsatisfying and my young fourteen year old heart vowed to never read another word of this series until it was completed.

I had no idea that would be 21 years. My husband read these books like a faithful reader and would scoff at my headstrong stubbornness. Well, the books are finally finished. So, who’s laughing now? Probably still him, but I no longer have to wait, ’cause we all know waiting is for chumps (or adults, as they are called in the “real” world).


(I am wearing an Anthropologie dress from many years ago. I remember the tag said the sale price was $79.99 down from $200 something, but at the register it rang up for $19.99! Super score! I am also wearing Anthropologie Honeycomb earrings, and vintage boots)

There are 14 (15 if you count the prequel) books total. The author passed away before he finished the books. The books were finished by one of my favorite authors, Brandon Sanderson. I cannot wait to see what sort of spin he puts on these books, because he has the best “never would have guessed that would happen” moments.

I am on the fourth book, THE SHADOW RISING. It is so good. Well, you know I think it is starting to get good, because someone finally kissed! Yes, I, Jenni, managed to get through three 700 page books, with naught a kiss in sight. Am I an adult now?

The books are about a young farmboy who is plucked from his village along with his two friends and girlfriend. They all have their own struggles and special talents that they deal with along the way. Of course, there is magic and many homey inns to stay at. I like that the women in these books have so much power. The details in these books make you feel like each character is your best friend. For being around 700 pages each, they really are easy reads. Much easier, but not better written than, GAME OF THRONES.


Have you read these books? What book are you reading now? I hope you are having as much fun as I am, in whatever world you decide to explore.