A Leopard Cannot Change Its Spots Stripes?


When my husband saw this outfit he was quiet.

Not a word.

Or a peep.

Out of him.

My daughter had no such restraint. “That headband with that vest?”

“No. Just no.”

This, of course, made me giggle.

I had purchased this red and white striped wrap dress from H&M the week before when I went shopping with my daughter. I knew immediately I wanted to wear it over my Bermeja Tunic Dress (sold out, similar dress here) as a vest. It was a bargain at $5. I loved the way Shy Girl Loud Voice remixed the Bermeja Tunic Dress with her vest (I previously styled the Bermeja Tunic Dress here and here). The headband was also from H&M. I believe it was more than the dress/vest at $6. I wanted to crawl into this leopard trend with soft baby moves. It is out of my comfort zone.


So, I took some pictures with the headband and some without.

That way everyone is happy.

Except Murphy.


We took Murphy with us that day to get pictures, because my husband had taken Ollie for a car ride earlier in the day and left Murphy at home with me.


After listening to Murphy crying at the door for a half an hour, I called my husband to inform him that he had broken the dog.

Murphy could not comprehend not going with Ollie.


But Murphy hates car rides.

He gets anxious.

He loves the walks.

He is the exact opposite of Ollie, not only in looks, but in activities.

Ollie had to be carried home after his last walk.

This made it difficult for my husband because he was all ready carrying me.


Murphy was definitely not as good as Ollie during the photo shoot. Murphy does not follow direction well. He is always on the lookout for someone who is going to come and steal all of the goldfish crackers. He has convinced himself it is going to happen and will stay up nights guarding the pantry door.


Being in a desert surrounded by nothing but dirt and brush made him leery. He was convinced The Goldfish Thief was lurking behind every bush.

Nevermind that we did not bring any goldfish crackers on this trip. Goldfish crackers appear like magic and thieves appear more quickly than that.

It is basic dog logic. The only logic that I currently adhere to.


My poor dog. If only he knew…

The only Goldfish Thief around them here parts…


Was the one holding his leash.

Have you jumped on this leopard trend? Do you own anything leopard? Are you yay or nay about the headband? Don’t worry. It won’t hurt my feelings if you don’t like it. I have pretty tough skin… And cheddar cheese cracker breath.

9 thoughts on “A Leopard Cannot Change Its Spots Stripes?

  1. Hi! Before I forget, that super soft, plaid scarf of mine you loved is from gap. The 2013-2014 winter, but they have same style now in lots of plaid colors! I bought 2 on sale last Nov & they are the coziness & softest, I love them. I even opened one & wore at a shawl last dec at an outdoor art fest bc it was colder than I anticipated. I wore it at Disneyland in the mornings & evenings when we went last dec too & it’s warm. So yes, I love them too & talked myself out of buying another the other day, but decided if they are on sale next time I’m in, I’ll buy it! You totally get that logic, right?!?!:)

    My aunt has loved leopard & cheetah print for years, so I’ve loved it with her! I have a scarf, bc I think every girl needs some leopard in her wardrobe. I also bought a lightweight sweater dress on super sale. It’s Michael kohrs & have a nice neck & 3/4 sleeves, so I wore it for her on the birthday tea party I threw for her. I really do like it though! So yes, I love your leopard & thin it’s a perfect little bit to add to your wardrobe. A few of the fashion blogs I read say it’s a neutral & I agree! Fun & a little fancy!

    Have a wonderful Christmas! The craziness will soon be over!

  2. I’m on the fence about the headband. 🙂 But you look great!

    I’ve been really bad about commenting on your blog lately. But I read every post. Maybe with some time off over the next few days I’ll catch up.

    Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas!

  3. Cool. Oh how I miss the 70’s. Well, some things about the 70’s. Headbands, being able to eat whatever I wanted and not think twice about it, youth, energy. Lol. Makes it sound like I would prefer then to now. No…love my life now even more. Cute idea to do the headband. You rock it!

  4. LOVE how you styled the dress! I’m gonna have to copy your headband, so cute! I’m obsessed with leopard and I personally think that the headband looks awesome. Murphy is totally adorable too, he looks like such a nice model. I always try to take pictures with my Maya and she refuses to even look at the camera!

    • Thank you so much Kacie! I adore your blog and style. Thank you for the vest inspiration! I would never have thought of it on my own! I still do not have anything else leopard. Baby steps. ; )

      Have a lovely week!


  5. This is the sweetest post about your dogs! So sweet and funny! As for the headband, I am a firm believer in dressing in any way that makes one very happy. And sometimes if that embarrasses family members… well… then that makes it all the more fun! I am taking a ballet class and feel very happy in my leotard and tights and ballet skirt. I noticed the other day that I was the only in class dressed in a classic ballet outfit and not in workout wear. At first I felt a little ridiculous but I quickly realized how genuinely happy I feel in my outfit and decided that I did not care. Yay! Gotta have fun and be happy in this life it goes by so fast. 😀

    • Thank you Cynthia! And how fun! A ballet class! I think I remember reading that you have taken ballet before. Am I wrong? I love picturing you in your tights and ballet skirt! I bet you look fabulous! I would absolutely wear the traditional ballet outfit and not workout gear. How much more fun is that?! Enjoy your class!

      Have a rad week!


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