It’s The Little Things: World Market Jewelry

I love cheap jewelry. I am a loser of things. I cannot be trusted with nice jewelry. As of now, I have one diamond earring and one gold earring from the two sets my husband has gifted me.

This thrills him.


If you sign up for World Market’s World Explorer Card (not a credit card just a frequent shopper type of program), they send you coupons in the mail. For my birthday, they sent me a coupon for $10 off $10 or more.

Plus, they happened to be doing 20% off their jewelry that day.

He. He. He,” went the voice inside and outside of my head. I might have even rubbed my hands together in maniacal glee.


Mama was gonna get herself a free little bracelet. I knew exactly what I wanted. This gold one with cool embroidery going through it.


But when I got there, I found more pretties.

And, well, it was my birthday.


So, I bought two of those gold cuffs.


And two of these bracelets.


And some bee earrings.

Whew! I sure showed them! Yep. They are ruing the day they sent me that coupon.


I just bought how many bracelets?

Well, one of them was free.

And, hey, it was my birthday!

It’s The Little Things: cheap jewelry that is gorgeous, too. And my ability to justify just about anything.

Have you purchased jewelry from World Market? Where do you like to purchase your jewelry? Are there any inexpensive bohemian options I should know about?

Blue And White Easy Summer


This outfit is pretty boring. Jeans, top, the end (Oh! And a bandaid, but we’re going to pretend it is not there). But I wore it. And so it is here amongst the other outfits.


I purchased this Bea Embroidered Blouse two summers ago at Anthropologie when it hit sale (slightly similar blouses on sale here and here). The embroidery beckoned to me.

Um, what do you think of my prop?

I grabbed the flowers from my house on the way out the door.

My husband said, “What are you doing?”

And I said, “I thought these flowers would be pretty with this top for the pictures. You know, a prop.”

To which he replied, “Whoa, slow down. I don’t think we’ve graduated to props yet.”

Which sounds funny and made me grab them anyway.


This picture is awful.

Let’s blame the prop, shall we?

But I wanted to show the pretty ruffles on the sides of the shirt.


My husband had been wanting to take pictures in front of this ivy covered wall for quite awhile. Hmmmmm. Isn’t that kind of a prop? How do you graduate to props anyway? Who hands out the diploma? Does the diploma hand out itself?

Fashion blogging is so confusing.

Winner of the 16th Blog Giveaway and Cravings

Congratulations to Brynne Poore for winning the $50 Modcloth Gift Card! I am so excited for you. I cannot wait to hear what you get. : ). And thank you to everyone who entered! I really appreciate it. When I thought of the silly question about honey, I wondered what people would say. There were so many interesting responses. It ended up being my favorite question and answer for a giveaway and each answer made my day. I especially loved Sarah’s answer. It made me smile.


On Tuesday I visited my daddy’s bee farm. It was such a relaxing and fun day. The kids rode on his ATV and shot their bb guns that he bought them for Christmas. We made Honey Vanilla Ice Cream. I made Beef Stroganoff for dinner so he would have plenty of leftovers for the next few nights. And the night before we were going, I woke up giddy. I told my husband, “Honey! I could do some outfit photos there!” And we did! A lot of them. I cannot wait to post them, but I am behind. As always.

The only bad part of the day was that I discovered I am a terrible shot.

I told my husband on the ride home, “Honey, I’ve always had that. I always knew that I am not a tough chick, but I could shoot a gun.” Don’t ask me why I thought this, because I had never shot a gun before. But I was convinced that I would be amazing at it.

He laughed.

But now that dream is crushed. And I am seriously more worried in the event of a zombie apocalypse.

For my birthday, I received so many Anthropologie Gift Cards (which is awesome!). I also received a Free People gift card but I promptly used it on this and this. I am hoarding the Anthropologie ones for a good sale price on most things. But that does not prevent me from lusting after a few pretties. Here are my cravings for July:


Anthropologie’s Daisy Dot Dress. It is a great silhouette. I wish there were reviews on it, but as of this writing, I do not see any.


If Anthropologie’s Solana Dress had sleeves, I would consider it a full priced purchase, but alas, it does not. I love the pink color and the shape of this.


After Tuesday’s post, I have been searching for some decent slips with pretty hems. I love Modcloth’s Can’t Stop Dancing Half Slip.


And Modcloth’s Give Me Gracefulness Full Slip in grey. I don’t think you can have too many slips. I love this tulle.


Finally, I had a dream that I owned the Midland Button Cuff. I think that is a sign. Do you think David Beckham would like it?

What are you craving this month? Have you all ready splurged? Please share!

*this post contains affiliate links. Clicking on a link may result in a small commission for this blog.

When Pigs Fly Cry


The last time we went to the fair was when my daughter was eight and the moment we got there was the first and only time a child of ours has slammed their finger in the car door. She swears that this is why her thumb on her right hand is slightly larger than the other. I say it is the best souvenir ever. She doesn’t quite agree. Well, we went to the fair again this summer. I told her maybe she could get a souvenir for her other hand this time and then they would be even. The kid was not amused. I’m not sure why. I am very helpful.


When we got there, they had Monster Trucks that were tearing around the dirt arena one at a time. We made it through watching one truck. They are loud. And, well, how many times can you watch a truck go over a dirt hill?

That is a serious question.

My limit is seven. For life.


Have you ever heard a pig cry? I mean really heard a pig scream? Because we had not before the trip to the fair this summer. It is the most horrifying sound we had ever heard. The pig was ginormous. In fact, in searching for this picture on my camera, I had to do a double take. In my memory, the pig had been coal black with raised tufts of fur and gleaming red eyes. I was shocked to see a plain pink pig instead. Funny how the crazy mind works.

The pig was bellowing in a way that only monsters in my dreams do. Or kids slamming their fingers in car doors, but we won’t go there.

And then after terrifying everyone in its vicinity, the pig let out a torrential flow of urine that I thought was never, ever going to stop.

It was madness.

None of us will ever be the same.

The fair. It changes a person.




So, we decided to go eat some food. As one does after watching an animal relieve itself. Doesn’t that always make you hungry? In fact, I am sure you are thrilled just to be reading this right now.

We ate.

And we ate.

And then we could not eat any more. The best thing we had were the Tasty Chips. They were, well… I think you can guess.


We had fifty ride tokens to use from our Costco package. None of us wanted to do any rides. But we persevered. The kids went into The House of Mirrors. I stayed outside. I still find it terrifying. I am not the most space oriented person, and as a child I got helplessly lost in The House Of Mirrors. Then I watched “Watcher In The Woods” and I never went in the contraption again.

But sending my innocent children into The House of Mirrors?


They made it out in less than three minutes. They obviously take after their father.


And we played some games and lost $30. Or rather, we paid $30 for a small stuffed zebra that I do not think has migrated himself from the jungle of my car. Poor guy.


We rode on the carousel two times and my son went down the giant slide twice. He loved it. Times sure have changed since I was a kid. We used to fly down on burlap sacks. Now the kids have these fabric bags with straps. So fancy. It still looks frightening to me.


The kids had their sculptures made. That post can be found here.


We found a gnome hidden in the bonsai trees. So, he, of course, must be included in this post. He did not cry. Nor did he create any bodily fluids, but I still like him the best.


I had to take an outfit picture with my pink $10 H&M dress against the pink ride.

It was a pink day.

Pink ride.

Pink dress.

Pink pig.

Later that day I saw a pink elephant and I was tickled…


Have you been to a fair this summer? What memories and souvenirs do you bring home? Some folks go home with large stuffed animals. Some folks go home with full bellies. As for us, we go home with longer appendages and nightmares of screaming pigs.

I think we must be doing it wrong.