My husband and I are book hoarders. We have over 1000 books and love every one of them. We love to scour the used book store. Our city library also has a wonderful little addition that sells used books for a great price. The little old ladies in there are so cute. They are avid readers and have a good knowledge of what they have in stock.

On a recent trip to the used book store, my husband and I scored this almost complete set (I still need the one that came out this year) of hardcover Robert Jordan’s WHEEL OF TIME series for $50. My husband actually contemplated not getting them, but was quickly persuaded by my look of astonishment at his indecision. We scooped them up and when we got home, we pulled up comparable prices for these books and two of them went for more than the price we paid for all 14 books. All right, I am done boasting.


When I was 14, I read THE EYE OF THE WORLD (the first book in the series) and remember being sorely disappointed when I reached the end of the giant book and it wasn’t finished. This blew my mind. I had no idea an author could do that. You mean, the book is not over, there is another one, and then another one. It was extremely unsatisfying and my young fourteen year old heart vowed to never read another word of this series until it was completed.

I had no idea that would be 21 years. My husband read these books like a faithful reader and would scoff at my headstrong stubbornness. Well, the books are finally finished. So, who’s laughing now? Probably still him, but I no longer have to wait, ’cause we all know waiting is for chumps (or adults, as they are called in the “real” world).


(I am wearing an Anthropologie dress from many years ago. I remember the tag said the sale price was $79.99 down from $200 something, but at the register it rang up for $19.99! Super score! I am also wearing Anthropologie Honeycomb earrings, and vintage boots)

There are 14 (15 if you count the prequel) books total. The author passed away before he finished the books. The books were finished by one of my favorite authors, Brandon Sanderson. I cannot wait to see what sort of spin he puts on these books, because he has the best “never would have guessed that would happen” moments.

I am on the fourth book, THE SHADOW RISING. It is so good. Well, you know I think it is starting to get good, because someone finally kissed! Yes, I, Jenni, managed to get through three 700 page books, with naught a kiss in sight. Am I an adult now?

The books are about a young farmboy who is plucked from his village along with his two friends and girlfriend. They all have their own struggles and special talents that they deal with along the way. Of course, there is magic and many homey inns to stay at. I like that the women in these books have so much power. The details in these books make you feel like each character is your best friend. For being around 700 pages each, they really are easy reads. Much easier, but not better written than, GAME OF THRONES.


Have you read these books? What book are you reading now? I hope you are having as much fun as I am, in whatever world you decide to explore.

Spaghetti Leftovers

Spaghetti and What to do With the Leftovers


1 pound ground meat (I used turkey)
3 jars of pasta sauce (I do not care what kind, but humor me and buy them on sale)
1/2 red bell pepper
4 oz. cream cheese
1 box spaghetti noodles
1 box small random noodles
Minced garlic (please do yourself a favor and go buy a jar)
1 cup of shredded mozzarella cheese
A handful of parmesan cheese
1/4 cup Italian flat leaf parsley finely chopped (if you happen to have it)
Yummy french bread to serve beside


Really, Jenni, you are going to write a post about spaghetti? And you are going to use jarred marinara. Oooohh, you are so innovative! Well, this post is not really about spaghetti, but what I do with my leftover spaghetti. Plus, I purchased two loaves of french bread this week for .39 cents each, so I needed to use them up.

Okay, so I brown my meat with a pinch of salt and pepper, a splash of worchestire sauce, and a teaspoon of minced garlic from a jar because who has time to do it themselves? “I ain’t got time for that!”. While the meat is browning, I boil my pasta water.

Once the meat is crumbled and brown I pour in three jars of whatever pasta sauce I have gotten on sale. This week it happens to be Ragu. I mix 2 traditional jars with 1 pasta sauce with garlic jar, because I like my spaghetti fancy.

I learned the next trick from my mother in law (although she denies it ; ) ) . I use a potato masher and mash my meat in the sauce, a couple of times around the pan. This gives you finely chopped meat, instead of big chunks. If you are into that sorta thing and I am. I now add the chopped parsley and mix it in the sauce.


Cook your noodles the way your package states. Before you drain it, reserve 1/3 cup of the boiling water (carefully friends, you still need those precious hands to hold your wine glass later) and mix the water into the sauce. Now, drain pasta.

Serve it over noodles. Done. Consume. Done. Now get back up and cook some more.


At this point, you should have 1/2 of your spaghetti meat sauce left over. If you do not, you are a pig! Just kidding, simply toss in another jar of pasta sauce. You will also have a lot of noodles. Now, it is decision making time: you can decide to just skip reading the next part and have spaghetti again tomorrow, you can throw the noodles away, save them with butter and salt for the kids’ snack, or give them to your dogs. I seem to always choose the latter.

You are going to now boil the pack of other random short noodles that you have in the house in the same pot you boiled your spaghetti noodles, because you do not need to do more dishes than you have to. It does not matter what kind of pasta you use. I happened to use penne this week, because that is what I had the most of. Drain after it is done cooking. Set aside.

Dice a red bell pepper into little pieces. Stick half in a baggie, write the date in sharpie and freeze it so you can use it in the future or use it in the salad for dinner. Take the other half and sauté on the stove in some olive oil until tender. This should take about 8-10 minutes.


Drain the oil and mix the bell pepper in with the sauce. Take 1/2 block of cream cheese (4 oz.) and melt it into the sauce. I had this leftover from the cheesesteaks I made the night before. This is easier if it is softened.

Combine 2/3 to 3/4 of the noodles until it has the sauce to noodle ratio you are after. Place in an ovenproof casserole dish. Pour 1 cup of mozzarella cheese over the top and a little sprinkling of parmesan. Cover with foil. Put the whole dish in the refrigerator and go have a glass of wine, knowing that you just made dinner for tomorrow night. And girl, that is impressive.


The next night cook this in a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes with the foil intact. Remove foil and cook another 10 minutes.


I served one of these meals with salad and bread and the other with just bread. I am creative like that.

Let’s see how these two meals broke down cost wise for me:

Total for two nights: $16.77

Ground turkey meat $3
2 packs of noodles $2
3 jars of Ragu $3
1/2 bundle of italian parsley .25
1/2 stick cream cheese .75
1/2 bag of shredded mozzarella $1
2 loaves of french bread .78
A sprinkling of parmesan .50
1 red bell pepper $1
1 bag of Caesar salad $3
1 and 1/2 sticks of butter for bread .86

Babysitting Woes

When I was thirteen, I read a series of books called “The Babysitter’s Club” and it changed my teenage life. Well, not really. But they were easy fun reads at the time. I decided I was going to make a ton of money. So much money that I could buy any pair of earrings I desired in the dollar section at the local store. The local store being 30 minutes away. Here you could buy yourself: a doll, a milkshake, an absurd amount of candy, an antique Indian figurine, jewelry, a coffee mug in the shape of a rattlesnake… The list goes on. I still have nightmares that I am lost in this giant store with its random crap, I mean merchandise. I would do all of my Christmas shopping here and I recommend you do, too.

My uncle hooked me up with my first babysitting gig. It was for a wealthy client, as in, they had a jacuzzi in their house. Let’s pause and take a moment to picture this. It was in a “rec room” connected to the family room and it was above ground. You could smell the chlorine from the couch.

The couple had two children and they were six and ten. They were going to be gone for 6 hours. But, they told me that the kids would be asleep for three of those hours. I was under strict instructions that Jimmy (that is what we are going to call him, not Damien, like he deserves) get his sleep. My eyes swam with dollar signs. If I remember correctly, they paid me very well. And I earned every penny.

It started off fine. The little six year old girl (let’s call her Suzy) was adorable with big brown eyes and flouncy blonde hair. Jimmy was a nondescript boy of ten with brown hair that covered his innocent looking brown eyes. He seemed normal. The night started off fine. The kids and I were watching t.v. Their beautiful large husky was asleep in the corner. And the ferrets were running around the room taking a nip out of my heel only now and again. Ferrets? Oh yes, ferrets, as in long giant rodents that they let gallivant around the house probably while they took a relaxing dip in their hot tub.

So, imagine me sitting on the couch with my now bruised heels tucked underneath me. Jimmy says he has to go the bathroom. “Okay, go ahead,” I mutter. I am preoccupied with the rodents trying to clamor on to the couch. A bit of time passes and Jimmy comes bursting into the room. He is wearing nothing but his swim trunks.

“Let’s get in the hot tub.”

“No, Jimmy, your parents told me you guys are not allowed in the hot tub. Besides I did not bring my swimsuit.”

Jimmy looked at me slyly from behind his bangs, and said, “you don’t need a swimsuit.”

Oh geez, am I really getting hit on by this ten year old kid? I thought I must have imagined it.

“Jimmy, go get your pajamas on. We are not going in the hot tub.”

So, sweet little Jimmy, goes and puts on his pajamas. He sits down next to me on the couch and says, “Do you want to kiss?”.

“What, Jimmy?”. I am aghast. This cannot be happening.

“Do you want to kiss? Or I could just rub my butt in your face,” he says totally straight faced and in his childlike innocent voice.

“OH MY GOD!”. I screamed. “Jimmy, you cannot talk to me like that.”

He jumps off the couch and proceeds to do a perverted little hip grinding dance around the room. The ferrets loved it.

“Bedtime!” I announce.

Little Suzy looks at me sadly and says, “But we haven’t eaten dinner. I’m hungry.”

Oh crap! Well, at least it gets me out of this room of sin.

So, the kids tell me they want a grilled cheese sandwich. Marvelous, easy and quick!

I butter the bread, put the cheese in between and attempt to turn on the burners. Wait, what is wrong with these burners? Ugh, it is an electric stove. I had only ever used gas (to this day I would not know what to do with an electric cooktop). So, I did what any sensible rattled thirteen year old would do. I nuked it. It became a soggy goopy inedible mess. Nonetheless, I served that experiment to those kids and then tucked them into bed.

I went to the restroom and then sat down on the couch with the biggest sigh. I did not even care when one of those ferrets crawled into my lap. I watched t.v. for an hour, when suddenly, I was grabbed from behind. I tried to wriggle free, but I kept being pulled back. I felt at what was grabbing me, sure it would be a certain little boy’s hand, when my fingers touched fur. Their dog was vigorously humping my back and I couldn’t break free! I was being mollested by their dog! I started screaming and wriggled myself loose. I was standing there staring incredulously at the dog, when I heard a giggle from the corner. I looked and little Jimmy was staring at me from the corner of the room. He must have snuck back in when I was in the restroom and had been quietly watching me for the past hour.

“I saw what (insert dog’s name) was doing to you.” Jimmy smirked.

Before he could go any further, I marched him back to his bedroom and bade him goodnight. The rest of the night was spent with me huddled in the corner watching the ferrets scuttle around, the dog laying in the corner and the entrance to the room in case little Jimmy decided to make another move.

After that night, I was very selective about who I babysat. It was nothing like the books I had read. As for little Jimmy, I do not know what he is up to now, and I hope to never find out. If I was a gambling type of girl, I bet it would involve ferrets.

I love clothes!

Yes, I can finally say that! When I was heavier I would buy clothes based on what I could conceal. I never felt unattractive and I think all shapes and sizes are beautiful. I lost the weight purely because I was pre-diabetic and I hate needles. With that said, it is so much fun to buy clothes in a standard store and have them fit.

So, buying clothing has become an obsession. A total addiction. A heart pounding, pulse racing kind of time. Here are some recent outfits I have pulled together:


This dress is Splendour in the Grass dress by Free People. I purchased mine off of ebay for half price, plus no tax (shhhhhh!) and free shipping. I always check ebay for the clothing I want. Often times it is being sold for a severe discount. I have never had a problem purchasing from ebay (knock on wood).

The inspiration for my look came from this post by Mary from Happily Grey. I tried the dress she is wearing and it looked awful on me. But she rocked it!

I am wearing a size small, which really is a great reason to buy any dress. It definitely runs large. I paired it with vintage Frye cowboy boots from the flea market (which my sister borrowed over a week ago and I fear they are gone for good). I am wearing a necklace by a fantastic woman on etsy. Her store name is simplylivly. This necklace goes with all most everything in my closet. You can make it shorter or longer just by tying the knot in the back. Plus, I love the way I trinkle when I bend over. The definition of this word actually means to act secretly or in an underhanded way. I changed it to represent a sound. This is a derivative of the words tinkle and trinket. As in; I am glad this lovely trinket is making such a pretty sound and I am not tinkling whilst bending over. Here is a link to this necklace.


I am wearing Free People New Romantics Speak Easy Shift Dress. I scored this dress during their 25% off sale purchase promo for $23. I paired it with Anthropologie pilcro stet pants in this lovely color of flesh. Honestly, though, I love this color pink. The necklace is a fun rabbit made to look like old fashioned lace. I found it in a day spa and was surprised because it matched nothing else there. So, of course I had to buy the white rabbit and “give” it to my daughter. Isn’t funny how everything just works out?

The boots are vintage from the flea market. I paid $50 for them and they are beyond comfortable. It took me a little bit of time to get over the thought of wearing someone else’s sweaty old shoes (because of course they were sweaty). Practicality won over, because they are so much cheaper than new cowboy boots. By now the germs have got to be dead. Right. Right?

I love the worn look of both boots.

As always, thank you for following me! Which look do you like best?