Can you believe it has been six months since I started this blog? Me neither. It seems like only yesterday…
I started this blog, because I wanted to write. And I thought, well, why don’t you practice doing that on a blog? And then I thought, what if I could make a successful blog? Wouldn’t that be something? Now, don’t get me wrong. My blog is nowhere near “successful.” But I guess it depends on your measurement of success. I measure it in quality of life. Writing on this blog everyday just makes me happier. I have met the loveliest people. Truly. I am so happy with that. Any time I get a personal email or a comment on a post, I feel so grateful. I cannot believe someone would take time out of their busy lives to write me or to comment. It really is awesome.
There are things I vowed to do when I started this blog:
1. Answer comments. Before I started this blog, I was a follower of other blogs. I would comment. If the blog’s author did not comment back (and the number of other comments on the post was not a lot), it would hurt my feelings.
For my own blog, I really want someone to know that I value their comments. I value them. Therefore, I will always respond to positive comments, especially with comments on a post under 50. I appreciate the time it takes someone to comment. They have to fill in more information than I do to comment back to them. I will never take that for granted.
2. Not write about random bad things going on in my life. You know, the petty fights with girlfriends, being mad at my husband, grounding kids, etc. Out of respect for the people involved. And really, who wants to read that?
3. Write a blog my kids could read. That my parents could read. Because at the end of the day, this blog is about my life. I want those people to be proud of it.
4. Not post angry.
5. Be kind.
Things I am probably doing wrong:
1. Um. A theme. Every article I have read about having a successful blog states you must focus on one subject. There is just no way I can or will ever do that. Every week, I put in one post about: Outfits, food, decorating, and littlest things. The other three days I choose whatever the heck I think sounds interesting or fun.
Randomness. I guess that is my theme.
2. Web design. This is something I keep putting off and probably will for awhile.
3. Tags. I know I am not doing these right. It is something I am working on.
Whilst I am not following the formula to have a successful blog, I am still having fun. And darnit, that is why I do this.
Goals for the next six months:
1. Continue to post daily. I like to babble on.
2. I would like to end the blog year with more viewership.
I have no idea how I am going to do that. And I will be honest, when I have a day with a lot of views, it kind of scares me. Just a little, because I know the more people who view my blog, well, there will be more people who don’t like it. And that scares me. And, yes, I will delete mean comments. Because like I said, my kids read this blog. I read this blog. My parents read this blog. I do not want the negativity in the space.
3. Continue to do giveaways. It is my favorite. It is fun to be able to show my appreciation to my readers. (There is a new one starting Tuesday.)
4. Set up an account on Etsy for my daughter and link from my blog. She is so amazing. And so talented. I think if she could sell some of her pieces of art (for her college fund), she would have more self confidence. She is awesome. Not that I am biased or anything. ; )
5. Do more Facebook posts. And when I say more, that should not be hard to do. I have been slacking. I still have not figured out this “Facebook thing.” I do not have a personal account. I am learning as I go.
Six months. Time really does fly when you are having fun.
Because, folks, I really am just flying by the seat of my pants here. A year ago, I would not let anyone take my picture. This putting myself out there, is just about the scariest thing I can imagine. But I am going to continue to do it.
Thank you so much Cassie, Lorraine, Brynne Poore, Sayaka, Gwen, Kerri, Stephen, Sarah, Auntie M, Cynthia, and Fellow Bully Fan for taking the time to comment or email me like you do! It makes my heart sing. I could not have gone on without your kindness. Thank you! Edited to add: and Debbie! How could I forget. Blame the wine! Thank you Debbie!
I also owe a tremendous amount of thanks to Roxy at Effortless Anthropologie. Without her, my blog would not get nearly the views it does. I am so very, very grateful! Thank you Roxy!
And thank you everyone who reads or stops by. And thank you for commenting. Truly. It never ever is taken for granted.
I am having a special giveaway tomorrow to commemorate six months of blogging by giving away TWO necklaces that I love! See you soon!
Also, just for fun:
My Top Ten Favorite Posts From The Last Six Months (in no particular order):
2. My friends’ favorite recipe: Chicken Pot Pie
5. I am partial to all of my posts to my children, in “Dear Children.”
6. My very first post, which I cleverly titled, “Kitchen/Family Room”
7. If there ever was a post that has all of my crazy, wacky sense of humor in one (you either “get this” or you don’t), it would be: My Crazy Obsession.
8. Ten Cents
9. My favorite outfit post: Princess Maxi Dresses
10. My favorite decorating post: Our Library Ladder
Have a great day! My giveaway begins tomorrow! See you soon! : )