Winner of The Etsy Gift Card and Cravings

The winner of the Etsy Gift Card is Kristen. Congratulations! And thank you to everyone who entered. I really appreciate it!

I am so behind right now with this blog. I am doing my best to catch up. Thank you so much for being patient. The good news is all of our bags are now unpacked. The laundry is done. And the house is actually clean (attributed only to the fact that my two children are away for the week). This also means I can finally take some recent house pictures because there are a few new things I want to share. The first thing will be coming up in a post on Thursday. I am going to try to squeeze in some more home posts in the coming month.

As far as purchases or cravings, there are not a lot right now. Sometimes it seems as though stores have so many things that I really want and other times, there is hardly anything. This is one of those times. All I have purchased this month, as far as clothing is concerned, is this skirt. It hit sale and was selling out.

There are some things I have my eye on. I am only human, after all. But I will be waiting for sale:


At the top of my wishlist is Modcloth’s Porchlandia Dress. I love the embroidery. The price is right. And I like the shape. This one I might not wait for sale for. Maybe it will be a birthday purchase.


I love Free People’s Everyday Girl Swiss Buttondown. I can think of so many ways I would wear this top. It is one I will be watching.


I have been craving more items for the house than I have clothes. I am in love with this pillow from Urban Outfitters.


I recently purchased some more gnomes from The Moon Goat on Etsy. I wish I could buy all of the ones shown here. Aren’t they awesome? She is so talented! I only had one girl gnome in my house and this seemed entirely unfair and way too Smurflike. So, I added two more girl gnomes to the mix.

In reading news, I just finished The Girl With All the Gifts. I will have a full review of this book coming up, but if you like “The Walking Dead”, than I recommend this book. It is about zombies. I do not want to say anything else for fear of giving anything away. And I am thrilled about the sequel to Blood Song (my review for Blood Song can be found here) coming out in July and Patrick Rothfuss’ short novella coming out in September. I love looking forward to new adventures!

What are you cravings this month? Have the stores released anything you are pining for? I am hoping the best is yet to come!

*This post contains affiliate links. Clicking on or purchasing from a link certain links will result in a small commission for this site.

Pictures shown here are from Modcloth, Free People, Urban Outfiiter’s, Etsy, and Amazon’s websites.

Having A Dream


So, I want to write a book.

But not just a book.

A great book.

Yep. No pressure.

No, that’s not me being sarcastic. That is the actual title of the book. I’m pretty sold on the “Yep.” part. I have some wiggle room on the “No Pressure.”

I all ready have my idea. I just need to get over my shyness, because my idea involves speaking to people.

This leads me to the best thing I have ever seen.

You know how when you were a child, maybe you dreamt of flying to the moon? Or becoming President? Or inventing a miniature unicorn that could live on the shelf above your bed that never pooped?


Well, I did. I dreamt of all of those things. Of course, I never did do any of them.

That darn unicorn’s poop would land on my head while I was sleeping. Hardly an accomplishment.

I learned to never be a mouth breather.

This leads me to my other dream. I like to keep tabs on a certain gentleman by the name of Patrick Rothfuss. This year he auctioned off him reading your manuscript and critiquing it for you, on eBay. How amazing would it be to get writing advice from someone I believe to be the most beautiful writer of our generation? Can you imagine it?

Of course, I could never afford it.

Okay. I could afford it if I cancelled my husband and my fifteenth wedding anniversary trip in March. But I would never do that. As much as I would have loved the opportunity, my husband will always come first. Because our time together is sacred and unpredictable.

But I still dreamed that I might bid in it.

When I told my husband Patrick Rothfuss was doing an auction critiquing a manuscript and that I would like to bid on it, he scoffed.

Do you know what he said?

You’re not going to believe it. It’s kind of outrageous.

He said, “You don’t have a manuscript.”

Um, yet. I don’t have a manuscript…yet.

But I will.

He looked at me dubiously.

Next he’s going to tell me that my unicorn isn’t real either.

Well, honey, those aren’t brown Tic Tacs.

I watched the auction end and I cried. Just a little. Okay, a lot. I cannot imagine an experience I could have wanted more. It sold to some very lucky individual.

I consoled myself with the fact that there is always next year.

Yes, next year.

Well, next year, Patrick Rothfuss might do this auction again.

I hope to be ready.

Manuscript in hand.

How much do you think unicorn poop would sell for on eBay?

I only have a year to muck up my dreams.

Do you have a dream this year? A pet unicorn? An aversion to Tic Tacs now?


P.S. Patrick Rothfuss is still collecting money for his charity, World Builders. World Builders donates their money to Heifer International. For every $10 that you donate before the deadline, you get a chance to win some really cool prizes. More information can be obtained on Patrick Rothfuss’s beautiful blog.