Overheard In May 2014

May was a weird month. I kept getting bad news. And it seemed those around me were receiving bad news. And the bad news compiled into a quicksand hole of stress that I could feel myself struggling through as I tried to meander through each day.

Well, two nights ago, we had incredibly good news (about my son’s health). If you are wondering why I am sharing this in my overheard post, it is to explain the scream of jubilation you must have heard from your house.

Sorry about that. It was from my husband.

It went like this:

“Wheeeeeeewwwwww! Waaaaoooooooeeeeeewwwwww!”

This was repeated and fist pumped and jumped through the house. I told him I had never ever seen him so happy. It made the month of May close on a sweet note.

With that said, I spent much of the month at home with my son or in the doctor’s office, so I did not hear much. But what I did overhear, I will share with you:


At The Cheesecake Factory we sat outside and to our left, was a beautiful German couple in their early twenties. They were hipster cool in an easy-not-on-purpose kind of way. They would have made the people actually trying for this look fall on their knees and rip at their hats.

They ordered a chocolate malt and a slice of cheesecake. For lunch. Or breakfast. It was eleven o’clock. Which again, was cool without trying to be cool.

I don’t think I have ever had a moment like that.

The waitress returned after a few minutes to inform them that the kitchen thought they might be out of malt. She told the couple that they might want to pick something else on the menu.

They both grinned at her and said, “This is okay. But we do not know this word, ‘malt.’ What is it? What does it mean?”

Well, the waitress was not expecting that answer. And she just kind of stood there trying to determine if she knew the answer. I don’t blame her. I am not sure what I would have said myself.

So she said, “It’s the stuff that makes a malt a malt.”

And they grinned wider.

And she hastily left, returning minutes later with cheesecake…and a chocolate malt!

“They found some malt in the kitchen,” she said.

She left the desserts on the table with obvious relief.

The couple only ate two bites of cheesecake and a few sips of the malt before they asked to take the food to go.

Then they cooly sauntered away. Both of their perfect hats faced towards a new adventure.


I volunteered at my son’s school two weeks ago (for the first time all year. It is hard as they get older. They get bigger. I get lazier). The fifth grade was doing a colonial day reenactment. They got to pick five items to make that they would have made back in the colonial days. I was helping at the book binding booth.

It was actually quite comical to hear the different conversations around me. Here is one:

A tall fifth grade boy sweetly grabbed one of the pillows his friend had made, and rubbed it on his cheek. He put his head on the pillow that was so small it barely fit into his hand, and proclaimed in the most innocent voice, “Oh. They feel so good. I should have made this.”


In the triage across from us (at the ER), there was a two year old who had ingested her grandparent’s prescription medicine. She screamed as they force-fed charcoal into her system. The mother sang Barney lyrics in an eerily high and enchanting voice, “I love you. You love me…” And then it randomly changed to, “Clean up. Clean up. Everybody do their share. Cle-”

The little girl left a few hours later: tired, confused, perfectly healthy. And the mother handled the whole thing with such gentle grace.

After they left, one nurse said to the other, “you have charcoal splattered all over your scrubs.”

The other nurse shrugged and said, “I don’t have another pair with me.”

To which the first nurse softly said, “Don’t worry. It really isn’t noticeable unless you are looking for it.”

And it was wrong. Oh, so wrong. But that mother’s last song began playing itself in my head.



In the hospital bed next to us at the emergency room, a fifteen year old boy had severed his big toe almost completely off. I did not ask how, but believe me, I was curious.

When he was being discharged (after they had performed the reattachment surgery), they gave him some interesting advice.

“Make sure you keep changing the diaper* on your toe. I know it is unusual, but the diapers will absorb the fluids that are draining.”

Who knew?

*I believe this is what I heard. But I could be wrong. I cannot find any information on diapers being used for wounds. So, maybe I was delirious with exhaustion or maybe it is a new thing. Please take it for what you will.


I was at Trader Joe’s purchasing peonies and a few other staples, when I went down an aisle, and saw a mother pick up a jar of Trader Joe’s Clarified Butter and say to her daughter:

“Let me just clarify something for you. This. Is. Butter.”

I laughed. And I bought the clarified butter. I had forgotten I had wanted to try it. Making it is a pain.

How was your month of May? Did you overhear anything good?

If you missed April’s “Overheard In”, you can find it here.

Keepin’ It Real: May 2014

Every month, I try to do a summary of that month with outfit outtakes and a quick wrap up of things I might have missed blogging about in that month. May had some doozies in terms of outtakes. And it was a doozy of a month for a lot of people I know, my family included. When I told my friend we had to endure one more day of May, she exclaimed, “NO-O-O!”

I hear ya, sister.

If you missed last month’s “Keepin’ It Real”, you can find it here.

On to this recap. May, I will not miss you:


Recipe fail. My mom asked me the other day, “Do you post everything you make?” Oh my gosh, no! When you are experimenting with a new recipe there are going to be some misses. I have even made some recipes from very acclaimed chefs and have had to throw the whole dish away. So, no, I do not post about every recipe. Only the ones I would absolutely make again. And again.

The other day, I made this dessert. So bad. Tip: Do not add raspberries to Strawberry Shortcake. It sounds good. It is not good.

Outfit Outtakes:


As promised. A glimpse of Holy Holey Girdle. It is such a small glimpse. We saved over the other original pictures with the revised ones, so this is what we have left. Here is the actual outfit post.

It really is more like an extra pair of skin colored shorts than anything else. And to be even more forthright, the only reason I wore them on this day was to hide my colored underwear. The dress is so flowy, it hides a lot of flaws. The girdle is not the typical spanx. It does not offer much support, but it makes me feel more confident.


And I could not resist adding this picture because of the unfortunate placement of my hand.


So, I fell in a cactus (picture of my cactus hand is in “Keepin’ It Real: April 2014. Link above). And my twirling has never been the same. The outfit post for this photo shoot is here.

This picture makes me laugh.


“True Detective”, anyone? Just a bit of an odd thing to find around town.



Peonies! Everywhere?! Yes, please! Tip: Trader Joe’s will let you take the plastic bucket if you ask nicely. : )


Does this alert ever make anyone’s day better?


At San Diego Children’s Hospital, the ceiling tiles are randomly painted overhead. Isn’t that just a nice unexpected thing? That way, when a child is being wheeled through the halls and into various rooms, they have something to look at and look forward to.

I could hug whoever thought of this.


My mom gifted me a gift card to Anthropologie and these for Mother’s Day. Isn’t that the sweetest?!


Father’s Day idea. My kids each made my dad and my husband some of these hammers a few years ago. We just painted a wooden hammer and then shellacked it. I found the idea on Pinterest. Easy peasy.


And my most exciting purchase of the month. Seriously. These barf bags. I have a post about them ready. If you ever get car sick or have children that get sick, these are priceless.

With that in mind, May, you can be on your way.


Oh my gosh! Last night my husband and I were dancing with the dogs in the kitchen to “I like to move it.” When we sing it to the dogs they dance with us. It is actually quite cute and comical.

The dogs are funny, too.


Well, Ollie got too rambunctious and did a back flip! He hit his head so hard. We immediately stopped dancing, but I felt so bad for him. You can see the beginning of it in this picture. Who knew he had it in him?

Coming up in June:

Maui posts! We are heading back to Maui next week and I cannot wait to blog about it!
My Husband’s Secret Part II… She had to find out sometime. ; )
Honey Ice Cream! My favorite treat in the summer.
Whirlin’ Twirlin’ (Free People Mixed Print Tunic).

What did you think of May? Will you be happy or sad to see it end?

NOW CLOSED! Fourteenth Blog Giveaway: A Gorgeous Floral Necklace


This giveaway is now closed. Thank you.

One of the best things about blogging is the wonderful people you meet. Wait. Cross that out. The. Best thing about blogging are the people you meet. I have made so many wonderful friends here on this blog. You guys have no idea the joy you have brought me.

Thank you!

Thank you!


This giveaway is a bit different. It is actually being sponsored by the lovely Heather from The Peacock Fairy. This is Heather wearing another one of her creations (this is not the necklace being given away. That one is in the following picture). Heather and I met through blogging and we have found so many similarities between ourselves. We both share a love of bohemian clothes. Cooking. And peacocks!

There is a big difference between us and that is that Heather is talented in jewelry making. She even uses a wood burner. I find this incredibly cool!

She owns the shop, The Peacock Fairy, on Etsy. She is so creative.


The Peacock Fairy is sponsoring this giveaway with a necklace that she created.


It is so pretty. I covet it. The design is like nothing I have seen before. It is the epitomy of feminine romance.


She sweetly gifted me my own necklace, too. It has a gnome inside. Isn’t that the coolest?! I cannot wait to wear this everywhere!


This giveaway will have four ways to enter.

The first and foremost being to leave a comment here on this blog about your favorite flower and why that is. Or the last time you gifted someone flowers or were gifted flowers. Did your partner ever give you flowers unexpectedly? You can answer any of these flower questions or make one up on your own. You could also just leave a nice comment on this post and that will suffice as an entry.

The second way to enter is to visit Heather’s shop and leave a second comment on this post stating which jewelry piece is your favorite that she has made.

The third and/or fourth way to enter is to leave a comment stating you are a registered reader of my blog and/or Heather’s blog. Each blog that you are registered for (there are many ways to register on the right hand side of this post. Facebook counts! And Heather’s twitter follow button is on the top right hand corner of her blog page and her Google Friend Connect button is in the middle on the right) counts as an entry. You must leave a comment stating you a registered reader of that blog. If you are a registered reader of both blogs, you may leave one comment stating that and I will count it as two, but it must be stated as such.

Limit four entries per person. Since I count the comments at the end, you must leave a comment for each method that you are entering with, unless stated otherwise.

This giveaway runs from May 10, 2014 12:00 a.m. PST to May 15, 2014 9:00 p.m. PST. I will be using random.org to choose one winner for the necklace from the comments entered on this post. I will contact the winner on May 16, 2014 via the email address provided in their comment/comments. I will post the winner’s name on this blog on May 17, 2014.

Past winners are welcome to enter this giveaway.

Thank you to everyone who enters!

And who reads!

And who clicks over to read sweet Heather’s awesome blog and check out her shop.

Heather and I really appreciate it!


By commenting on this post, you are entering this giveaway for a chance to win one floral necklace and agreeing to the rules outlined in this giveaway.

I will attempt to contact the winner three times with the email address provided. If I have not heard from the winner within fourteen days from the first attempted contact, the prize will be forfeit and a new winner will be drawn.

* Negative comments (chosen at the discretion of the owner of this blog) will be deleted and that entry will be forfeit.

Outfit Sources: Anthropologie West End Top, H & M Skinny Jeans, Gnome Necklace c/o The Peacock Fairy, Forever 21 Backless Smock Dress, Tracy Reese sandals (old) similar here.