Reading: “Emily of the New Moon”


When I wrote a post proclaiming my love for ANNE OF GREEN GABLES, Sarah from That Damn Green Dress told me about a series of books I had never heard of. Thank you Sarah! They are by the same author as “Anne of Green Gables,” L.M. Montgomery. The series is about a young girl, Emily. It begins with the first book, EMILY OF NEW MOON.

I found my edition at the used book store for $2. I loved it immediately. I also purchased the DVD version for $7 from Amazon. I cannot wait to watch it!

I must sit down and read LITTLE WOMEN once a year. It takes me back to a time when people seemed so genuine and proud. There were no such things as the travesties of “booty shorts” or “fast food.” This book reminded me of Louise Alcott’s writing mixed with the magic of Rahl Dahl.


The book is beautiful. The language is flowery and transportive. Where else will you read the word peccadillo? I vow to use the word as soon as I make a mistake. Which, hopefully will not be soon.


Here are some quotes I enjoyed:

“Sometimes I’ve been afraid that she would get so far ahead of me in the ways of eternity that I’d never catch up.”…Isn’t that so eloquent? I think that this is a thought all spouses have in worrying or dealing with their partner passing.

“Really-truly fairies?” she questioned.

“Why, you know, if a fairy was really-truly it wouldn’t be a fairy,” said Uncle Jimmy seriously. “Could it, now?”

“Emily allowed them all to enter the outer court of her temple of friendship but only Rhoda was admitted to the inner shire.”


I was so fascinated with this book, that I googled the author. I felt such a kinship to her, even though she passed away decades before I was born. How sad her real life was. I wish I could have known her and befriended her. I feel as though we both have witnessed the world through the same misty tilted glasses prescribed by a doctor who everyone insists does not exist.

I told my husband this book has sealed the deal on us taking a trip to Prince Edward Island when the children are out of the house. It sounds so beautiful and magical. I long to go there.

I cannot wait to read the other two books. I purchased them used from Amazon. I am pacing myself, because it is rare to find such treasures. I do not want them to be over. Each page has a sentence or paragraph with a unique view of the world that I have never thought of. I have to look up from the book and soak in some of the amazing sentences. This book represents to me real magic. The magic of one woman’s mind. I cannot recommend it enough.