Fifteenth Blog Giveaway: $25 Etsy e-Gift Card/NOW CLOSED


This giveaway is now closed. Thank you to all who entered.

I have been blogging for fifteen months. It has been incredibly rewarding. Thank you to all who continue to stop by to read this blog. I really, really appreciate it. I think as a personal blogger, who blogs daily, it is easy to get burnt out. So, I really mean it when I say, “Thank you.” And I also mean it in the cheesiest and most sincere way, “you complete me.”

This month I am giving away one $25 e-gift card to Etsy.

I love Etsy. I am always finding something new to love. I buy most of my jewelry and vintage clothing from Etsy. I also love to browse it for unique gifts and household ideas. The pictures above are things I am currently loving on Etsy. Source list at bottom of the page.

To enter for a chance to win this month’s giveaway, please answer the following question:

“What are you looking forward to the most this summer?”

Me? Sleep. Glorious, glorious sleep.

If that is too personal, you may leave any comment on this post as long as it is positive.*

You may earn a second entry by subscribing to this blog on the right hand side of the page. There are many ways you can do so. If you are a subscriber, please leave a second comment stating that you are a subscribed reader of this blog.

Limit two comments/entries per person.

This giveaway runs from June 10, 2014 12:00 a.m. PST to June 15, 2014 9:00 p.m. PST. I will be using to choose one winner for the necklace from the comments entered on this post. I will contact the winner on June 16, 2014 via the email address provided in their comment/comments. I will post the winner’s name on this blog on June 17, 2014.

Past winners are welcome to enter this giveaway.

Thank you everyone for entering! And for reading! And for stopping by! And for your support! I love ya to the moon and back! : )

By commenting on this post, you are entering this giveaway for a chance to win one $25 e-gift card to Etsy and agreeing to the rules outlined in this giveaway.

I will attempt to contact the winner three times with the email address provided. If I have not heard from the winner within fourteen days from the first attempt at contact, the prize will be forfeit and a new winner will be drawn.

* Negative comments (chosen at the discretion of the owner of this blog) will be deleted and that entry will be forfeit.

*pictures from Etsy. Sources:
Pink Dress from Hellhound Vintage.
Peacock Necklace from Peacock Fairy.
Blue Pillow from ToucheeFeelee1.
Embroidered Wallets from Erica Maree.

Past Cards: This Is Your Little Girl

Every month, I pick one of my vintage post cards from my collection to share with you. It isn’t easy. I have a lot of them. And, I try only to buy the ones that make me laugh inside. If you missed last month’s you can find it here.

For this month, I picked a short but sweet one. It is dated Feb. 13, 1912:


The front of the Post Card reads:

“Be The Day Rainy
Or Be The Day Fine
The Sunshine Comes With You
My Sweet Valentine”

It appears to be hand written. And, honestly, the picture appears to be hand painted. But it is raised and embellished, so I am unsure on that note.


The back of the postcard reads:

Dear Edward this is your little girl. Isn’t she sweet.


And, I know. I know I have a sick sense of humor that I find this card so funny that it brings tears to my eyes. But I just imagine Edward getting this post card and him looking at the illustration of the little girl and it just seems crazy to think he that thought that was his little girl.

And it was mailed from the same town to the same town. So, he was not someone overseas who had not seen his “little girl.”

I have to wonder what this card meant. And all of my theories point to poor Elizabeth being a bit addled in the head.

Also, this was a Valentine’s Card. Isn’t that an odd message to send on a Valentine’s card?

Over one hundred years ago, Master Edward received a Valentine’s Card with a cartoon drawing of a little girl on the front from Elizabeth.

And I have to answer Elizabeth’s question of, “Isn’t she sweet?” with a few of my own.

Elizabeth, what were your and Edward’s real names? I suspect based on the picture of your little girl that perhaps your initials really were O.O.

And, Popeye Edward, would you care for some spinach?

Past Cards: I Want Some One To Love Me

In keeping with my flashback to the past through old postcards (you can see the previous installment here), I thought I would share another vintage postcard from my collection. It appears to be sent in June of 1927. Making the front of this postcard kind of scandalous.

I like it all ready.


This is the front of the postcard. In the corner, you can see the sender has put a name on it. It says, “Lois.”

Lois was ScandaLois.

And I wish I could have known her! ; )

This is the back of the postcard:


It reads:

“I guess you will sure be crazy to get this card. How did you get over the party?

From Me”

But on the top right hand corner, the sender has also put the words, “ha ha” before he/she addressed the card to “Miss Lois.” There was obviously a last name, but I blacked that out. No need to embarrass Lois any further.

So, let’s do some guessing. Shall we? It is the most fun.

These are the things we know:

In 1927 Lois went to a party. I am not thinking that the woman in the chair is actually Lois, but we should examine her further.


She is holding an umbrella.

She liked to sit in a chair the wrong way.

In a dress.

She is holding an umbrella. I realize I all ready said this, but it bears repeating.

She looks like she is still at a party.

Or feeling the affects of a party.

And the chair is on a sheepskin rug. This, my dears, is my favorite part.

Or the umbrella.

Or the tipsy girl in the chair.

And then Lois’s world collided with “Me” and I have to wonder if she “sure was crazy to get this card.” Or if she all ready was crazy. Or if the sender was crazy. That “ha ha” inserted into the corner is kind of disturbing. Well, as is getting a card in the mail with two sentences sent from “me.” And the front of the card having an obviously demented woman with the only headline being, “I want some one to love me.” And then your name next to that line. Well, it is either a cute little joke or just plain creepy. The sender obviously wanted her to know it was a joke with the “ha ha” inscribed in the corner. But that just ends up being slightly disturbing as well.

I like it.

Did Lois ever really hold an umbrella, sitting in a chair backwards on a sheepskin rug while reading a postcard and getting over a hangover?

We will never know.

But I like to think, yes.

“ha ha”

Winner Of The Giveaway, A Small Announcement, & Cravings

The winner of the blog giveaway is Kel! Congratulations! I am thrilled for you. : )

I loved reading everyone’s birthday memories. Many of them made we want some do-overs for my own. And quite a few brought back beautiful nostalgic memories. I also liked that some of your favorite birthday memories are not your own. So selfless! I love learning more about each of you each month. That comment section of my blog during my giveaways is not only my favorite part, because I get to know you better. But a friend of mine recently told me it is hers, too. Thank you so much for sharing and entering!


An Announcement:

I am nervous about the announcement I am making right now. I couldn’t sleep last night. I have vowed to always be honest on this blog. I think it is important to keep it real here. After having this blog for one year, I have come to the realization that it is costing my family approximately $65 a month to keep it going. I love giveaways. I do not want to stop doing them. They are my favorite part of the blog. Giving back. To all of you. But my favorite part of life is being a wife and mother, so I must also think of my family. So, to offset some of the costs, I am going to be adding affiliate links to my posts. You probably will not even notice them. All this means is that when you click on a link such as an Anthropologie top, it will generate a very small commission for this blog. I will not be adding any more links than I normally would. I will never add links to a product I would not or have not purchased for myself. And there is always the option of just not clicking on a link. : )

I have added them to this post as a test run. All of these links in this post are affiliate links. I have also added a small Modcloth banner to my home page, because I love Modcloth! And I am happy to be working with the company.

Who knows? Maybe I could generate enough income for better giveaways. That would be a fun goal. And so, so cool!

Thank you for being understanding.

And now onto the monthly fun:

Everything in my craving list will have to wait until sale. That is just the way I like to shop. Unfortunately, I doubt we will see much in terms of big sales in April. March seems to have seen the deeply discounted winter sales.

I am not craving much. And I have a post coming up in the next week detailing my purchases for March. But twist my arm and I will reveal items I think are cool right now.


This Anthropologie Farmer’s Market Peasant Top looks so pretty in the close up shot. The pattern looks very detailed and interesting. I love this. I cannot decide if it is because of the name of it more than the shirt itself. I hope it makes it to second cuts for me.


I think these Selah Booties from Anthropologie are rad. I have no idea what I would wear them with. They would need to be under $50 for me to consider them.


I love the color of these Ankle Zip Charlie Trousers. I think they are fun.


And I NEED this Raja Wall Bust. Except, why couldn’t it be a dragon? I might be on the hunt for that instead.


This $9.99 Ear the Call of the Wild Ring from ModCloth is neat.


One more. I MUST snag at least one color of these Tassel Bloom Hoops from Anthropologie when they hit sale. They are my favorite things on their site right now.

Congratulations to Kel! I am so happy for you. There will be a new giveaway beginning April 10th.

Thank you to everyone who entered!

What are you craving? Anything on your wishlist I showed here?

P.S. Trying to claim a blog lovin’ account. Please ignore. Follow my blog with Bloglovin