A Dress Falled With Embroidery


My husband and I went on a lunch date on this day. It was not cool enough for the sweater, so I wish I had set it down.


I also wish I had more pictures of the dress itself, but my photographer that day was all about the closeups.

I hate closeups.

I love my photographer.

You will just have to bear with me.


Or bare with me. Look at the cute Free People bandeau bra (bralette post can be found here) I simply put over a regular bra for a pretty lace peek-a-boo moment.


I found this dress at my local Nordstrom Rack for a screaming deal. I could not believe nobody had scooped it up (it is sold out. I could only find one size medium of a similar dress. It is on sale for $30 from $148 on Free People here).


The embroidered detail is amazing.


I wanted to pair the dress with some wood accessories. I slipped on this Scrabble Ring for a fun solution. If I was a pumpkin latte kind of gal, I would happily drink it in this dress. This dress screams, “fall!”, with its orange and mustard accents.

Alas, I am allergic to pumpkin. So, I will have to get by just wearing the color.


I will somehow manage to get through the autumn with regular ol’ coffee.

And closeups of my thirty seven year old face.


The secret is in the sauce a little thing I am grateful to not be allergic to, wine.


Did you notice something amiss in the previous closeup picture? Something that did not look right?

Was it a bit creepy?

Was it my elbow?

I am double jointed in my elbows, so sometimes in pictures like those it looks as though my head should be flipped the other way.

Just give it time.

Halloween is coming up.

With pumpkins. And closeups. And weird elbows.

And wine.

It’s enough to make a girl’s head spin. What is making your head spin lately? I am definitely craning my head towards this dress. Are you double jointed? I only have it in my elbows and my thumbs…

And my mind.

31 thoughts on “A Dress Falled With Embroidery

  1. Oooh Jennikins, this is yet ANOTHER thing we have in common, for lo and behold, I am MEGA double jointed! My elbows can be bent so far the wrong way that it freaked my kind German doctor out until he made me swear never to lift freeweights, ever – thus giving me the world’s best excuse to avoid them! Also double-jointed in my knees, possibly my hips (I love sitting with my legs fanned out on either side, which is bad for you, hehe) and in all my fingers. Alas this is not enough to let either of us join the circus, is it?

    Anyway, you look so cute in this dress. It was clearly waiting for you to come rescue it. And I wouldn’t worry about the closeups, girlfriend – you’re gorgeous! And I wonder… maybe the pumpkin syrup they put in the lattes is just pumpkin flavoured? Like, might not contain any traces of actual pumpkin? You might want to ask somebody about that (email head office?) in case you have been needlessly missing out! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • That is awesome! You are much more bendy than me, though. I cannot sit on the floor like that. Alas, I did not get it in my knees… I don’t think. I’ve never actually checked. And I am cozy in bed right now so I am too lazy to go check.

      And thank you Gwen! It was the only good thing in racks of bad. And it was so cheap. I have all ready worn it three times so it definitely was a great buy! I think I might go wear it tomorrow.

      Have a lovely day!


  2. Love, love this dress! Jenni your skin is so amazing that you should not worry about a close up! Sorry to hear you are allergic to pumpkin. There is a new Oreo cookie out that is the vanilla cookie with pumpkin pie spice cream! Oh boy, this one gets me in trouble! Have a blessed day.

    • Thank you Janet! You made me feel so good. Thank you. And that Oreo! Oh man. It can’t really have real pumpkin in it right? I need to check that out!

      Have a sweet Thursday!


    • Ha! My sentiments exactly! I just discovered the two buck chuck Shiraz. Oh man! It is good!

      Have a gorgeous Thursday!


      • Oh yes! The Two buck chuck Shiraz & their Sauvignon Blanc are my two favorites (and what all my $36 cases of two buck chuck contain). Happy Thursday!

      • My husband just bought a case of the shiraz last night. I am SO happy! You cannot beat that price! Cheers! : )

        Sweet dreams!


  3. Love your dress! ๐Ÿ™‚ I did notice the elbow and had to scroll back up to see againโ€ฆlol.
    I agree with everyone, THANK GOD we are not allergic to wineโ€ฆ!
    Have a great day, Jenni ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Ha! My best friend noticed it right away, too. She texted me that it made her laugh for five minutes before she even realized I said anything about it. : )

      And cheers about no wine allergies! : )

      Sweet dreams!


  4. Oh I love that dress so much too! The style is super cute & of course the embroidery is beautiful! You have the best embroidered dresses of anyone!!! Also, you look very pretty in these pictures!
    Happy day!

    • Thank you Rebecca! I cannot resist an embroidered dress. But I am trying. : ). I am so in love with that one you just got. It looks great on you!

      Happy Thursday!


  5. Hey Jenni!

    Love your pretty Fall look…It’s always such a fun time of year for fashion =)

    You always find the best Free People deals! Lucky girl!!

    I really like that Anthro sweater dress too ๐Ÿ™‚ I want to read some reviews and see what it looks like on before I order it! Looks perfect for those breezy but sunny Autumn days!

    Have a lovely day :0) โ™ฅ

    • Thank you! I am curious about the reviews, too. In some pictures it looks really long. And the model is tall, so I am wondering how that is going to look in person. I like another dress, too, but it is all ready sold out in my size!

      Have a lovely Thursday!


  6. What beautiful pictures! Your husband does such a great job. My hubby’s pictures are always, always off-centered…thus no pics of me ๐Ÿ™‚
    I love that dress. You do so well at NR. I, however, do not. I always go looking for a gem and never seem to find anything! I am glad you found that dress. It is perfect.
    I have a double jointed thumb. Makes for a fun party trick/make people gag… not sure if it is good for much else! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • I am so grateful to my husband. I could never do it without him. I am a terrible photographer!

      There are many times I leave NR empty handed. But if I am on that side of town I usually stop by. I didn’t in September though. I wanted no temptations! I just received some Nordstrom Notes in the mail from my back to school shopping, so I might stop by this week.

      My thumb is double jointed but it is lame and does not bend back very far. Making people gag would be the best! ; )

      Sweet dreams!


  7. what a darling dress! love it with your boots, those are my favorite thing, all of the cute outfits with your cute boots! (p.s. so many things in the new anthro catalogue I can totally see you styling!)

    • Thank you Melodee. Those boots are my very favorite. I think sometimes I wear them too much, but they are definitely my go to shoes! : )

      Have a fabulous Friday!


  8. Beautiful.

    Loving the brown with the mustard and orange accents. That’s really kind of a nifty thing to be double jointed like that. You must have had fun freaking people out when you were a kid! Oh and I soooooo thought of you when I saw that amazing sweater dress on the Anthro site. It MUST be yours someday soon!!

    • Thank you Cynthia! : ). I did love freaking people out with that elbow when I was a kid. Still do. ; )

      And thank you about the sweater dress! I cannot wait to see it in real life! : )

      Have a lovely Friday!


  9. I totally noticed your elbow in that shot! And I love that you specifically commented on it.

    I love this dress on you, especially paired with those boots. The closeups of you are wonderful. So pretty.

    • Thank you Liana! My friend texted me saying she laughed for five minutes over that picture without even seeing me comment about it. : )

      And thank you about the closeups. I appreciate that!

      Have a beautiful Friday!


  10. Pingback: Keepin' It Real: September 2014 | Gnome Lover

  11. OMG …I looked at that photo again and almost hurled!



    Otherwise the dress is cute.

    Ha ha! ; )

  12. Such a pretty outfit, and so Jenni. You always find femininely folksy pieces with such beautiful embroidery and embellishments. The peek-a-boo with the bralette is genius, too. Such a cheeky little touch.

    As a sidenote, because you mentioned you scored the dress from a Nordstrom Rack, I am so pleased to share one is opening here! Perhaps I will finally understand what the craze is all about! It opened last week, caused a ton of traffic, was a total zoo with horribly long lines, etc. Or so I’ve heard. I’m waiting a few weeks for the hype to die down before I take a trip to check it out myself. (And, ya know, I have to wait until November when I have a shopping budget again. So there’s that.)

    <3 Liz

    • Thank you Liz!

      I am so excited for you. When ours first opened I could not understand the fuss. I did not find anything the first three times I went. But then I learned where my favorite brands were kept and that my rack does not stock pieces on Sundays and Mondays so if I want to look for new items I like to go Tuesdays-Saturdays. I cannot wait to hear what you think of it. Kyle will like it, too. I get a ton of my husband’s clothes there and all of his work shoes. Plus I have a Nordstrom Rack debit card that got me $20 to join and I earn points every time I use it. It is linked to my checking account so the money is automatically deducted. The points add up into Nordstrom Bucks. And you get free tailoring (in store) up to a certain amount with the card. I highly recommend it.

      Have sweet dreams!


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