Gnoman…Gnoe-man…Gnoah, man!…



I have to thank Melinda for spotting this gnome sweater at Modcloth and alerting me to its existence. And on the last day of one of their sales, too. Thank you!

I kind of love this Gnome Is Where The Heart Is Sweater more than any item in my closet right now. Don’t tell Humboldt!

How could I be a gnome lover and not own this?

I couldn’t.

I do not want to be the crazy lady wearing this sweater every single day, but I would if I could. It is so comfy and I like the length and the fit.

The jeans are Mother Cruiser Denim that I got on sale at Anthropologie for $40. Regular retail price is $220. I am often confused when people state that Anthropologie is too expensive. They have fantastic sales. I snatched up two pairs. They are my favorite jeans I own. I had to get them shortened, but that was no problem. If you can find these, I cannot recommend them enough. They are magic. I sized down one size.



My husband (the pictures above are not him. They are the model at Modcloth). Oh, I desperately want to post photographs of him. He is the whole reason behind me even liking gnomes, being the Angry Gnome (this is his nickname, which is hilarious, because he is the least angry person I know). He, however, would rather stay a mystery. I keep telling him, “Honey. I need pictures of other people on my blog. People are going to get sick of pictures of just me. I’m getting sick of pictures of just me.”


So, for now, he wins.

I did want to show the two gnome sweaters I purchased for him (on a discount, of course) from Modcloth. The sweater sporting the gnome with the skis is called, “Assert Your Elf Sweater.” Yes, elf. But it is obviously a gnome. I cringed at the name and purchased it anyway. The UFO gnome invasion is called, “Gnome away from home.”

How cool are they?


And yes, we wear our gnome sweaters out together. And, yes, we are so cool dorks. And, no, we do not care.

We like to coordinate.

Oh my gosh, sidetracking into a funny story:

Years and years ago, my family found ourselves at the Fashion Island Mall in Newport after a trip to Disneyland. I wanted to go to the Anthropologie there and we were going to eat dinner at P.F. Chang’s.

So, there we are. In our matching Mickey Mouse t-shirts surrounded by chic women (this is often the mall shown in “The Real Housewives of Orange County.” I once smelled one of the cast members there. Yes, you read that right…I am a freak. She smelled divine).

Two women walked by us as we were waiting outside for a table.

One of them turned to the other one and said:


“They match.

They are all matching.”

The word “matching” was said loudly and as a derogatory word.

They turned around and stared at this new breed of species they had never encountered before.

I waved.

They snickered and left.

I would love to go shopping there with my husband in our matching sweaters sometime. I find instances like that encounter amusing. They are just lucky I didn’t try to smell them. ; )



Would you laugh at us? Or do you think it is okay to “match”? And do you ever match your partner (besides Halloween)?

P.S. Please do not forget to enter for a chance to win a $25 e-gift card to Anthropologie. It ends Tuesday night!

29 thoughts on “Gnoman…Gnoe-man…Gnoah, man!…

  1. I smell people and things all the time! It is for certain one of my strangest and most frequent idiosyncrasies. Apparently, it is a learned behavior because my 3 1/2 yo daughter is a sniffer too ( this is what my husband calls it). Many times instead of kisses we sniff each other.

    • Ha! I love that! I am glad I am not the only one. And I love that your daughter does it, too. That is such a cool trait to pass on. I sniff my husband all of the time. I think he thinks I’m nuts but I can’t get enough of him! : )

      Have a great evening and rest of the weekend! Thanks for sharing that I am not alone! Makes me happy.


  2. I look forward to reading your blog every day. It brings a happy smile to my face. Please go on writing your stories, matching and blogging to your heart content.

    • Thank you Laurie. That is so incredibly sweet. I appreciate that so much. You made my day!

      Have a lovely weekend! Thank you again!


  3. All of the sweaters are so cute!!! That is awesome that your hubby wears them. I have a few peacock shirts for Jon, and he will wear them as well. A sign of true love for sure!

    • Thank you Heather. Yes, it is a sign of true love. : ). Although, he fell in love with the sweaters way before I bought them for him. He thought they were so cool. I agree! Although, he wore one to work for the first and last time, and he was sad people thought he was wearing it as an “ugly” sweater. I secretly laughed about this. I am glad your husband will wear the peacock shirts. I bet they are awesome!

      Have a peaceful rest of the weekend!


  4. I find myself inadvertently matching with my toddler all the time. People have commented.
    I kind of think it is funny to match outfits. On certain occasions only…I have made my husband change before we leave the house. My brother-in-law, however, is completely uncomfortable with matching. Which is why we always try to come up with excuses to match (such as last year’s Ugly Christmas Sweater Christmas party–he was miserable, it was wonderful).

    • : ). Thank you for you honesty. I almost always match my husband with color or texture. Sometimes not even on purpose. I love that you guys do it to razz your brother-in-law. Oh my gosh? Can you imagine if he saw us in our gnome sweaters? It makes me giggle. I wonder what it is about it that makes him uncomfortable? You must get to the bottom of this. Of course, we all have our things we don’t like to see people wearing. Mine are short shorts and tons of jewelry. And I couldn’t really explain it even if I tried.

      I love that you sometimes match your daughter. That is so cute! Have a terrific weekend!


  5. Those sweaters are awesome.

    I can’t say my husband and I have ever dressed to match, but when I was a child, my mom would often sew matching outfits for my younger brother and I. My favourite was a multicoloured striped fluorescent sweatshirt with matching sweatpants. My brother’s had green fluorescent ribbing around the neck and wrists, and mine had pink fluorescent ribbing. I am pretty sure the two of us damaged some retinas.

    • Thank you!

      Oh! I love your mom! That is so cute and cool. I bet your brother “loves” pictures of that. I can just picture it. I am imagining doing that to my children when they were younger and my daughter would never have gone for that! She put her foot down about what she was going to wear at two. I wish I could still pick out her clothes.

      Thank you for sharing! : ). Have a great Sunday!


  6. Love the Romeo and Juliet gnome sweater!

    Jenni – among many many things – one of the reasons I love you and your blog is because of your sense of humor and your sense of fun. You embrace the silly and irreverent. You are my kind of gal! I would not be laughing at you – I would be laughing with you if I saw you and your matching family. I think it is freaking awesome. And this is sad from a fellow silly who just aggressively pranced around in public wearing a kids Hello Kitty party hat!

    Are you feeling better?!!!!

    • Thank you so much Cynthia. That is so sweet of you. I do try to always have fun. I am so happy it shines through. I have a post about a dreamI had going up tomorrow that I am so excited to share, but I am so worried about the backlash because it is meant to be funny. But it involves some funny nudity (no pictures) in it. I hope it is taken okay. I keep pulling it but I am just going to post it anyway.

      Thank you so much. Your words carried me through the night. I am still sick. Worse even. I found some old antibiotics tonight and started taking them. I hate going to the doctor!

      Have a great night!


      • Oh no – please go to the doctor! You have been sick for so long! I just read an article in the LA Times that the flu hit early and strong this year. And, that it is affecting young, healthy people really hard. I hope those antibiotics help. And quick.
        Can’t wait to read your dream post. It sounds like a hoot.Funny naked stuff is funny. I am sure it will be a hit!
        Oh – typo for me – “said” not “sad”.
        Feel better!!!!

      • Thanks Cynthia. I actually had an antibiotic that had not worked for something else from a few months ago. It was almost full. So I started that. I actually do feel better today. It is kind of awesome.

        Thanks for being so sweet and concerned.

        I ended up chickening out and not posting it. It is still in my rotation. I am not worried about strangers reading it. Or really adverse reactions. I just have to make sure it won’t affect my kids negatively. It will get posted, but not until some sort of break probably. : )

        Thanks again!


      • Jenni, taking old antibiotics is dangerous. Medicines have expiry dates too, so they could make you even sicker! Please just go see a doctor, okay? 🙂

      • You are so sweet Gwen. They aren’t expired. Although I did do that awhile back and wrote a super funny post about it. Only I haven’t posted it yet. But these antibiotics are still good. Almost full. I do feel a bit better today. Almost human! Yay! If I am still sick by Tuesday, I promise I will go see the doctor, because I would probably need the Tamiflu.

        Have a lovely sick-free week!


      • Old antibiotics?????? Not to scold, but a little, but not finishing the course of antibiotics is why we have almost no effective antibiotics left and why there are things like MRSA. I remember the first time I heard someone say the had some antibiotics at hone and I was like “how do you have extra laying around?” I told her that if she wants there to be effective obese for her children’s future, perhaps she should finish the course.

        Ok, off my soapbox. Great post. I sometimes think it cute and other times rolls my eyes with the matching outfits. I did LOL about the comments those ladies made about your family matching in a good way..

        Fell better!

      • Thanks Bronzi. I always finish my antibiotics. However, my doctor changed them right when I started a batch. I had only used two. Therefore it was a perfectly good, unexpired bottle with just two missing. However, I am going to the doctor tomorrow. : )

        I love matching but I can see some people not liking it. It is not for everyone. Or most people. But life is short. I just love to have fun!

        Thanks for your concern! It is sweet. Have a lovely week!


  7. The sweater is so cute, so glad you got it. I love how you have braided your hair to match. Does the gnome on the sweater look like your hubby?

    • Thank you Melinda! I appreciate the notification about the sweater so much. I do think it looks kind of like my husband. He looks more like Sean Astin in the movie What Love Is, but with a beard. I am a huge fan of facial hair. So, gnomes are perfect for me. So, I guess it looks like my husband only in the fact that he has a beard! Hopefully one day I can post a picture of my angry gnome!

      Thanks again! Have a great remainder of the weekend!


  8. You have to wear this sweater layered with your slik toadstool blouse! seriously! It’s got ties at the neck, right? Those would look so adorable hanging over the top of the gnomes there!!

    Right, then, having run out of exclamation marks… 😉 You look super cute in that sweater, and I love that you and Lenny (that is your husband’s name, right?) wear semi-matching gnome stuff to fancy places. And that you waved to those nasty snooty ladies. They clearly don’t realize all the fun they’re mission out on! We haven’t really done a matchy outfit thing since his sister’s wedding, but Victor *is* amenable to it provided he doesn’t “end up looking like a douchebag”. So we’ll see! 😉

    • Hi Gwen! That is such a fabulous idea! I love it! I am definitely going to try it. The sweater is very form fitting, so I am worried it might not work. But I am still going to try it!

      And, no, that’s not his name. : ). I don’t think he wants his name posted yet, but it is in my email address I sent you. Shhh! Top secret. ; )

      Victor is such a good sport. I agree 100% with his requirements. And my husband feels the same way. I fully expected him to hate the gnome sweaters. But for some weird reason, he really liked them. I think they’re quirky. So, we’ll go with it!

      Have a great day! I still need to get over to your blog and comment on your fabulous pencil skirt. And that bag!!!


  9. Jenni!!!

    I was just informed that if you have the flu it is not a good idea to take the antibiotics. They won’t help for a viral infection and may make you worse. If it is the flu – the doctor will give you anit-viral medicine instead.

    • Thanks Cynthia! I stopped taking them and I will go to the doctor tomorrow. Scary! I am so tired of being sick…and not having wine! : ). Thank you for the info. I appreciate it.

      Have a marvelous Monday!


      • Oh good – I am relieved to hear that you are going to the doctor. Hopefully, you will be able to have a glass of wine soon!!!

  10. That sweater looks so cute on you! Modcloth has some fun clothing but so far I have only purchased one dress and I think it was a bit over priced for what it was. The Nevermore Dress with the ravens. What has your experience been with the items you have bought?
    Take care,

    • Thank you Stacey. I think you are correct. I do think sometimes the pieces are expensive for the quality. This sweater was fair with my discount. I have taken to purchasing most things on a good sale, though. I recommend waiting for a good sale. I did that with my last three dresses I purchased at 50% off each and was satisfied with that.

      Have a lovely week!


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