
I have OCD. Of course, I was not gifted with the perfectionist side of the condition. Oh no, I am still messy as heck. But I cannot leave things unfinished. Everything must get equal attention. Example: if I kiss my child on one cheek, I must also kiss the other cheek. Otherwise, I have a horrible feeling in the left hand side of my stomach. Which causes me to worry my right hand side is not getting enough attention. And the downward spiral begins….

So, I must complete my unfinished stories from the past couple of months. The original post can be brought up by clicking on the bolded blue words. Here are their finished outcomes:


Washer & dryer: After a month of deliberating, we decided on buying a new matching set with pedestals from Costco. The set was on sale. I think we got a great deal, because just to fix the old nine year old washing machine was going to be $750. And yes, unexpected expenses suck. But, we are very happy with our choice. They have a steam option and came with a nice warranty.


My missing boot: Miraculously I found this! The pair are together again. I have never seen such a happy couple. Now, if only they could reproduce…


My missing black shirt: Still missing! Hmmmm… So my theory was that my shirt had ran away with my boot. However, said boot turned up sans black shirt. I hope that boot did not do something bad to my shirt. I may never look at it the same way again.



Green chest: My green chest from the flea market sat untouched next to my piano for a month. I am lazy. My friend, Kerri, came over and had the best idea. She told me it would look fantastic between my two leather chairs. Of course, it took me another month to make the move. I am lazy. But Kerri was right and it is the perfect place for the chest! Thanks Kerri!

Okay, I feel better now!

Do you?

6 thoughts on “Updates

  1. Thanks for the updates. Made me wonder about HOA and your colorful door? How long did you get to keep it, or maybe still have it?

    • You’re welcome! : ). As for the HOA, I think I have been in la la land. I do not want to think about the whole ordeal. But so far so good. Still no letter yet! Which is great. I am trying not to think about it. I really like the door!

      Have a great Sunday!


  2. Jenni–I have very mild OCPD! Which usually just manifests in me being very bossy. Though sometimes I can be clean.

    I adore your new washer/dryer. Our house was built before dryers were a thing so the water pipe and dryer vent aren’t next to each other, so to move wet laundry to the dryer I have to walk 15 steps. You better believe the first question I’ll ask when we move is “are the washer and dryer next to each other?”

    Glad you found your boots and the chest looks great!

    • Oh my gosh! You are my hero! I can barely do laundry as it is. I cannot imagine having to walk my wet clothes further. You are a saint! On the plus side, older homes are awesome. I love the character they have. Even the fun little quirks like that.

      I loved your sweater today! Adorable! Have a great week!


  3. Yes! The chest looks perfect there! Shame about your black shirt – maybe it was stuck in the bowels of the old washing mashine? Unexpected expenses are the WORST, our washing machine drowned in its own smelly tears last year and we had to get a new one. We have no space for a dryer though! And I love the idea of your boots mating and reproducing. They would make new boots for your children, obviously. It was clearly the male boot that ran away, to have adventures with some female boots in your neighbourhood. Soon there will be boots popping up all over the place that look juuuust a little like your boots, and then you will wonder.

    • : ). Love the visual. My friend lives down the street and I just picture the baby boots peeking out from behind hedges. That would be adorable. Almost worth having another baby for. Almost.

      I need to find that darn shirt. I really like it. It also happens to be my one and only black shirt. And since I would never buy something twice, just because I was so disorganized as to have lost it, it is likely to be my only black shirt. Ever.

      I sincerely hope it was not in that old machine. Well, if so, I hope they are happy together.

      Have a great night!


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