Hot Air Balloon Dress

I am in love with… this hot air balloon dress!



Hi! Just a quick little blurp. Last month, I purchased this whimsical hot air balloon dress. I bought it in a medium. It is called Martha’s Air of Adorable dress. It fits perfectly. It sold out quickly, but they have restocked it again. I even purchased one for my daughter. I will not be doing an outfit post about it until Comic Con… But I fear the dress will sell out by then. And I did not want to hold out on you guys!


Have a great day!

It’s The Little Things: Candles


I know it seems silly, but to me, candles are luxurious. And I own a ton of them. All bought on sale, of course. But, you see, I rarely get an opportunity to burn them.

I cook a lot. Almost every night the scent of dinner or dessert can be obtained simply by walking through my front door. I love the smell of dinner cooking on the cooktop. Therefore, I do not want to damage it with an intrusive foreign smell.

I only burn candles on nights I am not cooking. This severely limits my candle burning schedule. I delight in leftovers, because then I know a candle can burn that night. There is something wonderful about the flickering fire of the candle and the waft of its scent. It truly makes me giddy with joy.

I do not know if you know this, but I am also a slight hoarder. Oh, I can give things away. I can throw things away. But if something small, that I love, goes on sale… Watch out!

I bought most of these candles during a fantastic deal Anthropologie had. They ended up being very inexpensive. How inexpensive? Well, people who might be the gift recipient of these candles one day, might be reading. If this might be you, avert your eyes. I will whisper the information…“$7.50.”


My favorite scent is buttered rum. I would do a lot of very bad things for a buttered rum life saver. Do not even get me started on a pack. Oh, the debauchery! This scent reminds me of my childhood and the love I had and still carry for this flavor.


The next best thing is pumpkin pie. I happen to be allergic to pumpkin. I do not eat pumpkin pie, but I adore the smell of it. This gives me the best of both worlds. Or maybe it just tortures me with the scent of something I can never have. I guess it is kind of like my husband watching NEW GIRL. The world would be a better place if I could look like Zooey Deschanel and eat pumpkin pie…

Nights of leftovers and the scent of buttered rum or pumpkin pie. It doesn’t get better than that.

It truly is the little things.

What is your favorite candle scent?


In the summertime, mine becomes Anthropologie’s Coconut Macaroon

Cool Whip Cookies

When I first heard about these cookies, I was intrigued. Imagine… A box of cake mix and cool whip. Dreams do come true. But I was skeptical. I have been a victim of that whole soda pop cake. You know, you take a bottle of 7up and add it to cake mix. Ugh, it was so disgusting. No, it did not taste like cake. Not a little. Not a bit.

But this recipe made more sense. Afterall, cool whip is made from oil. And each box of cake mix calls for oil. I promptly tried it out. I always buy cake mixes when they are on sale for $1. The cool whip was also $1. These cool whip cookies ended up costing just a little over $2 after adding eggs.

I followed the directions from this website



I added my cool whip to the cake mix. Then that spatula and I had a very intimate moment. I am ashamed to say the things I did to that poor spatula…







Now, these cookies were not the best cookies I have eaten. But they were the easiest cookies I have ever made. Would I make them again? Well, yes. I never post any recipe I would not make again. Believe me, I have saved you from some doozies. I would try a Devil’s Food cake mix next time. The lemon was a little artificial tasting. But my son just came into my bedroom where I am writing this post. After a big dinner and one of these cookies, he just asked, “Can I have another lemon cookie?”. So, there you go. From the mouths of babes again… I tell ya, they always tell it like it is.

Target Gift Card Winner


The winner of the $25 Target gift card is:

WhatJessLikes! (Congratulations!)

Thank you everyone for entering! I appreciate it! I will be doing a different giveaway next month. Stay tuned!

I have been writing this blog for two months. And I have learned some things. Such as, I should not write a post on a show no one has seen or heard of. Inside jokes do not go over well! I have so much more to learn.

Things Happening on My Blog This Month:

I will continue to do a weekly outfit post and recipe post. These are so much fun for me!

I will continue to post daily.

I added “It’s The Little Things”, which will run every Thursday. It will be about little things that make me happy or just little things. : ) That was my friend Kerri ‘s suggestion. Thanks Kerri!

I will also be adding a section entitled “Dear Children.” It will not run weekly, but only when I feel I have something to share with my children.

I recently learned my children are googling my blog. Which is sweet. Very sweet. But I would like to take this rare opportunity when my children are actually wanting to hear what I have to say. I have begun writing them letters about things I feel they should know. I am nervous about this, because I know some people will not agree with the lessons I am trying to teach them. And that is okay, but please humor this mommy with her words to her children.

And I will be taking out “Purchases” and just posting those items to “Outfits” or “Our House.”

Decorating is a passion of mine and I would like to post more about our house. We are also doing some home improvements around our home and pictures will be coming soon!

And now I would like take a moment to respond to your lovely comments:

Kerri: I had a lovely day with you! I cannot wait for pedicures tomorrow!

Tara: I love that you love sports. I wish I could be that girl. My husband took our daughter to a hockey game last year and they both said it was the most exciting sporting event they have gone to! Thank you for following!

Aetten: I am so intrigued by the pottery! What do you make? I love creative women. Thank you for following!

Teresa: Yay! I hope your day went well and you had a lovely Mother’s Day!

Katie: I hope your swim lessons went well! And The Hunger Games rocks!

KJ: Oh! I love Portland. It is so beautiful. I hope you had a wonderful day!

Alicia F: I hope you had a great time at Busch Gardens! It was perfect weather last week. Thank you for following my blog! I am so grateful!

Noelle: You are so, so sweet! Thank you for the kind words. I hope you had a great weekend with your family!

Brynne: Your comment was so beautiful. I could feel your enthusiasm through my tablet screen. I love that you appreciate the little things! Thank you so much for following my blog and the lovely comments. Enjoy your flowers and the gorgeous day! You have a great outlook on life!

Loraine: I hope you had a wonderful dinner with your family! My husband often works holidays (like this Mother’s Day), so I know exactly what you mean about celebrating on different days. Thank you for following me and commenting. It is very nice and I am very thankful.

Odilets: I loved your comment. So sweet! I will think of your family this Friday and imagine your family being reunited. Thank you for sharing. And thank you for commenting!

Amy: You are right! The clouds have been absolutely amazing lately! Incredibly pretty. You are a good mommy: twins and ice cream! So sweet! Thank you so much for your nice comments! They lift me up! Thank you!

Ashley: I hope your work week continues to be great this week! Thank you so much for following me! I appreciate it!

Katie Contests: I am partial to the rain, but I think that is because we rarely get it. And also, my dad is a beekeeper and they really need rain. But my husband is from Oregon and he informs me I would get sick of the rain very quickly. I hope you have sunny skies today! Thank you for following my blog! I appreciate it!

Suppkdogg: I hope you had a wonderful weekend with your beautiful family! I never get to see you. And I know it is my darn fault. So sorry! Thank you for being so supportive by following and commenting! You are a good friend.

Amanda: Hi! Thank you for following! I will pair the shirt with a gold pink polka dot skirt by Kate Spade that I snagged at Nordstrom Rack and jeans. So far I have only worn the jean version, because I cannot find the skirt. When I find it I will post a picture. Have a fabulous day!

Blooberrymuffin: I love your Mother’s Day story! So very sweet! I also love reading about your trips and fashion on your blog. You are one cool chick! Thanks for following my blog!

WhatJessLikes: Congratulations on winning! I hope your work week goes fantastic this week! Have a great day!

Pastelhell: I loved your romantic reply. So sweet. I hope you had a wonderful day together. Thank you so much for following my blog! I hope this week is just as wonderful for you!

Karen: Your reply was fabulous! I love a happy girl! Which skirt was it? I hope this week is equally great. I bet it will be, because you seem like a very positive person! Have a great day! Thank you for following!

Kristina: Nothing beats being poolside in pajamas! Well, maybe with a cocktail! I hope today is equally relaxing for you!

Thank you all for participating!

You can verify the authenticity of the drawing by clicking on the link and entering the name you typed into the comment section:

Have a great day!