Johnny Was


Let me tell you about a brand I adore: Johnny Was. It is based out of Los Angeles. The clothes are fun and very bohemian. They are also very expensive. Unfortunately, too expensive for me. However, they do have good sales. My favorite thing about this company is that it caters to women of all shapes and sizes. When I was a plus size, it was so hard to find clothes that were pretty and fun. It is refreshing to see this company embrace all women. Every woman is beautiful and we should all be able to shop where we would like to. I applaud them for understanding that.

I went to Nordstrom Rack last week. I had $40 in Nordstrom Bucks burning a hole in my pocket. I browsed the rack and noticed that they were sorely lacking in my usual size medium. But that has never stopped me and soon I had an armful of size smalls and larges. I headed eagerly to the dressing room.

I dragged my poor son with me, because my daughter was at a sleepover. When the lady showed us to a dressing room, she said, “Here you go, a nice big one for the two of you.” I told her there was no way he was going in with me and not being scarred for life. I figured he could just talk to me from outside of my fitting room door. She did even better, and let him sit in the empty dressing room next to me. That was so sweet and kind. I really appreciated it.

The woman in charge of the dressing room said to me, “Oh my gosh, you’re the Johnny Was girl!”

Now, this is slightly embarrassing. Every time I am there (usually once every 6-8 weeks) I ask if they have had a shipment come in. Because it only seems to happen once a year. She told me a shipment came in five days ago and she thought of me. But I had not left my number. They had been selling out like hotcakes. Darn! But I found three Johnny Was goodies, anyway! I ended up saving around 75% after using my rewards.


This shirt is a size small and I love it! I will wear this with my colored jeans. I paired this with my red pilcro pants from Anthropologie that I bought on sale for $32.50. The shirt has frayed pieces of fabric all over it. I love this. Maybe it looks like I got into a fight (hey,that’s my Johnny Was!), but it looks romantic to me.




This flannel embroidered shirt spoke to me. It is a size small. It is so feminine with just a hint of masculinity. I will pair it with jeans for casual days. But I wanted to try dressing it up, and the third picture showcases that. I am wearing Free People Ginger Fishtail Maxi in that picture. Which way do you like better? I cannot decide. I only own three pairs of denim jeans. I just love skirts and dresses. I feel sexy in the jeans, but I feel like myself in the skirt.



Oh no! I am wearing my belt the way my husband hates! Whatever shall I do? Love it, that’s what! I am smitten with this shirt/dress. I do not know what exactly this was supposed to be. Johnny Was runs a little big and this is a large. I automatically thought dress when I saw it hanging on the rack, but it could be a tunic. I could not resist the sweet red stitching. This was my favorite buy of the day. The second picture is what it looked like before I styled it.

My son was so sweet that day. We headed over to Five Guys for hamburgers when we were done shopping. He had to get my drink for me and grab the peanuts. He got the order for us when it was called. He is turning into such a little gentleman, just like his daddy. He melted my heart that day. I almost felt guilty for dragging him to a clothing store. Almost.

We did play Monster Hunter together when we got home. And then we watched “Say Yes to the Dress.”… Yep, traumatic day. Good thing there were brownies.

So, which was your favorite Johnny Was piece? Do you now have some sort of “Johnny” song stuck in your head? Me too! Mine is the Poe version.

Thank you for taking the time to stop by to read this little blog! I appreciate it.

Ten Cents


The other day, my husband accidentally dropped a packet of nails on the ground. I am sure my eyes turned gold from the amount of money I saw scattered on the floor in the shape of those pointy metal pieces. You see, whenever I see a nail on the ground, I immediately think, “Ten Cents!”

This all stems back to my adolescence and my brilliant grandmother who gave me a reason to explore.

I really had a lovely childhood. Our only neighbors were my grandmother on one side and my aunt and uncle on the other. My sister and I were allowed to go wherever our heart’s would take us, as long as we stuck to the paths around the properties. Between the families, we had 500 acres to explore. This left us with lots of time for our imaginations to invent many different adventures.

The problem is, I am not very adventurous. I would immediately climb a tree and read all day long. My father had kindly nailed a piece of wood into the curve of the branches of my favorite tree to make a rustic bench. So, I would sit there in my tree and waste the day away. Not much has changed since then.

Sometimes, I would take a fruit roll up into that tree and tear it into pieces no larger than an ant. I would ration those pieces all day, and suck on them bit by bit.

One rare day, I ventured from my perch in the tree. I went to visit my grandmother.

I arrived dusty and twitchy with boredom. My grandmother quickly set me up with a task. She told me that she really needed my help. She nonchalantly commented, “There are too many nails on this property. Why don’t you look around and see how many nails you can find? I will pay you ten cents for every nail that you bring me.”

I remember being thrilled with this quest being given to me. Not only would I be helping my grandmother out, but I I would be earning money in the process. Really easy money.

I set off exploring with the pail she had given me. I quickly found many rusty nails. I wandered the property and found a feather. Hmmm… This could be interesting. I searched for more nails and found some pinecones. I wonder what I could do with these? Lovely multicolored rocks just hinting of gems inside were quickly scooped up. Soon I saw rabbits scurrying by me. A crow watched me overhead, cawing loudly. I never knew there were so many lizards making a home here.

I stayed outside looking for nails for two hours. I think my final haul was 21 nails. They were all rusty and I was so excited to hand them over to my grandma. She paid me with her loose change and I was giddy with delight. I went home with my pail full of treasures.

This would become a trip that would weave itself into a frequent pattern for my grandmother and me. As time went by, the nails were still always plentiful. And there were always undiscovered treasures to be had. But I did notice as I grew older that the once rusty nails I would find would sometimes be shiny and new. I would quickly add them to my pile, with naught a thought of where they came from.

As an adult, looking back, I have some thoughts on the rusty and new nails. Were they placed there by my grandmother so I would have a reason to explore? Did she toss the nails I had found from my explorations back onto her property as I made my way back home? I do not know the answer to that. My grandmother has recently passed away and so I will never know.

However, I do know I earned much more than loose change on my hunt for those nails. I earned such a rich childhood filled with so many sights and sounds I surely would have missed from my perch in the tree. My grandmother brought me back down to the ground. She taught me there is so much you can discover when you think you are searching for something else. Sometimes the treasure you are seeking is not the treasure you end up finding. Sometimes it is much much more. Sometimes it is a grand adventure hidden in the form of a rusty nail.

Necklace Winner


The winner is: NOELLE!

I am so happy for you, Noelle. I will get the necklace to you soon!

Thank you all so much for entering! I wanted to comment back to all of the unbelievably lovely comments left here in the last week, but I did not want to mess up the order of the comments for the drawing. It was very hard to keep my mouth shut. There was so much I wanted to say. I love that we all share a love for life and just trying to have fun along the way. I know I will reread the comments when I am struggling, so I appreciate it. I mean I really appreciate it. Every comment. Every follower. Thank you.

I am so grateful to anyone who stops by and reads my little blog. I have spent the last thirteen years raising my babies and had put all of my hopes and dreams in a small space in my soul. The days melded together and I remember them with happiness, but not contentment. I quit college to have a baby and have always wondered, “what if…” This is just a tiny fragment of a moment in the universe. But it is all mine. And it feels so good to share and create again. Thank you so much for being there with me along the way and helping me find my voice again.


Here are the comments I wanted to respond:

Keiko: thank you, you are so sweet. I loved reading your daughter’s writing!

Alissa: thank you! Oh, to have a three year old again. Enjoy all of the days.

Katie: thank you.

SuppKDogg: that comment was so lovely. It is so nice to hear that she knows. It is sometimes hard to tell…

Noelle: thank you! We have a lot in common. I like that. Thank you for following.

Suzanne: thank you! It is hard to know sometimes if what you are doing is right. I appreciate it. Thank you for following.

Kindra: I also believe in the power of words. Like magic. Thank you for entering!

Pam: awww, a sweet six year old. Believe me, she will be borrowing your accessories before you know it. Thank you for following and entering. I appreciate it.

Jane: thank you so much for the kind words. I love that pot! Great idea to house the kids shoes in it. I cannot wait to hear about the other Anthro items we share.

Jennifer: thank you for the outfit comment. It was much appreciated. Blush.

Danielle: I am so flattered that you follow me. Thank you!

Jen: that comment was very sweet and I very much appreciate it! Thank you!

Tatiana: thank you so much for the kind comment. Thank you for following me.

Ann: thank you for the style comment. That made me happy. Much appreciated.

Kristy G.: Thank you! I very much appreciate you following along, as well.

Sayaka: Oh! Thank you! I am 35. I had my babies young. But I still feel like the wrinkles are there. You made my day. Thank you for following.

Kerri: thank you for following and entering. This necklace is right up your alley!

Amanda: thank you! Thank you for following me!

2TaraBytes: It took me ten years to acquire this much of a hoard. ; ). Thank you so much for following me.

Holli: I so appreciate the very kind words. Thank you! And thank you for following me!

Amy: Thank you! I am so happy you are following me. It means a lot. Thank you.

*To verify the drawing’s authenticity, simply go to the link and type in your name I have responded to you above. (for instance Kristy was Kristy G.). You were given one entry per comment. There were 34 comments. Here are the results:

P.S. I will do a giveaway once month, so there will be another opportunity soon. I think it was so much fun! I am so excited for the next one…

Liebster Award


I was recently nominated for a Liebster Award by:

He is a very cool Irish musician who writes beautiful poetry. You should definitely check him out. I am extremely flattered he picked my little blog. Thank you!

I am copying and quoting the rules from his website that he received from his nominator:

The Liebster Award is very unique in the fact it brings recognition to the smaller blogs of the ‘verse. With that in mind, all of the nominated blogs will have under 200 followers.

The rules:

1. Thank the Liebster Blog presenter who nominated you and link back to their blog.

2. Post 11 facts about yourself, answer the 11 questions you were asked and create 11 questions for your nominees.

3. Nominate 11 blogs who you feel deserve to be noticed and leave a comment on their blog letting them know they have been chosen.

4. Display the Liebster Award logo.

5. No tag back thingys.

Eleven Questions I Was Asked:

(1) What most defines the decade you were born in?

Disco and Scooby Doo.

(2) Why do you write/draw/paint etc?

I write, because it is the one talent I was given. A psychic once told me I would die at the age of 43. I am trying to leave memories for my children.

(3) What is your favourite gangster movie?

Ummm…hmmmm… I have to admit to never even seeing “The Godfather”. Does “The Usual Suspects Count”?

(4) What song most reminds you of your teenage years?


(5) What is your favourite period of history?

The 1920s before the crash. Women were so glamorous. Men dressed up.

(6) What is your favourite swear word?

The big F. But my children read this blog, so I keep it tame.

(7) What is your favourite TV programme?


(8) Describe yourself in three words?

Fun, Loony, Moody

(9) Name the person that influenced you the most?

My amazing grandma. She would dance wherever she chose. She ate dessert before dinner. She wore whatever she wanted. She had the most amazing laugh…The kind of laugh with the sound “hah” actually in it. She was beautiful. She was free.

(10) Do we, as a society, value beauty over intellect?

The fact that “The Bachelor” and “Jersey Shore” exist, would be a most noteable and unfortunate, yes.

The sadness that we are constantly perfecting plastic surgery, but have yet to cure cancer.

(11) If someone made a movie of your life what would it be called?

Loony Girl

Eleven Facts About Me:

1.) I quit college to have babies.
2.) I watch “Everybody Loves Raymond” every night… Yes, every night.
3) I come from three generations of beekeepers.
4.) I worked at Taco Bell for six months to meet a boy who worked there…I “succeeded.”
5.) I have a very raunchy sense of humor.
6.) I am allergic to watermelon.
7.) My husband officially asked me to marry him two weeks after our first date.
8.) I play video games.
9.) I have dumped a drink on a boy’s head. He later asked me out. I almost did it again.
10.) I have been to a rave. See Taco Bell boy above.
11.) I once interviewed a nun for a college project.

Eleven Questions For Bloggers I Have Nominated

1.) What is your favorite childhood memory?
2.) Where is the most amazing place you have traveled to?
3.) What is your least favorite household chore?
4.) What is your favorite meal?
5.) Why did you start a blog?
6.) What is your favorite movie?
7.) Do you speak another language?
8.) What is the best deal you have gotten?
9.) What advice would you have given your younger self?
10.) Would you travel to outer space, given the opportunity?
11.) Do you like camping?

Eleven Fantastic Blogs I Am Nominating

Keiko’s Tanpopo
Lindsey’s Luscious
See Emily Shop
That Damn Green Dress
Happily Ever Anthro
Sunless Rose
Swish and Swoon
Outside the Box
Readers Unbound