It’s The Little Things: Predict A Pen


The other day found me in the aisles of Target mindlessly shopping for three events I had to attend that weekend. Most of the space in my cart was being taken up by cartons of Wondra and twenty four rolls of paper towels I had found on sale. You can never have enough paper towels. Or Wondra. Or toilet paper. But that’s a story for another day.

There is an aisle in Target that is so random. So wonderful. I can’t stand how much I like this aisle. Imagine an aisle similar to Spencer’s Gifts. Or an aisle in Target created by Fred and George Weasley using Muggle items. Or if Andy had grown up and instead of collecting cowboy dolls and slinky dogs, he preferred naughty little paperclips. Well, he would find those in this aisle. It is an aisle of mischief. And it is my favorite.

So, there I was standing in that aisle, with glittering, magnificent crap items all calling my name. I wanted to give each object its due attention, but I was immediately drawn to two things.

A beautiful sky blue flask.

And a pen that was similar to a magic eight ball. You pressed it to activate the pen part and it revealed an answer at the same time.

Now, if you know me, you know that this decision was a no-brainer. Well, and also, this post was not titled, “Beautiful Flask.”

Of course I was going to go for the Predict A Pen.

But what if I told you the flask had a goldfish in the center of all of that blue?

Well, a goldfish on a flask is exactly equal to a magic eight ball pen.

In case you ever come across this scenario or were just wondering.

I decided to let fate decide.

And by this, I mean I parked my shopping cart in the middle of that magical muggle aisle of nonsense and decided to ask the Predict A Pen.

“Am I going to win the lottery?”

Okay. I know that was not the question. But if you have a pen that is giving you the answers to the future in your hand, you don’t start small. No baby steps here.

“It’s Unclear, Ask Again.”

So I did.

“If you’re lucky.”

Hmmmm. Is Predict A Pen messing with me?

I asked the question a final time.

“Not for a million dollars.”

Okay. Now I knew the mystic pen was messing with me.

I liked it.

I decided to ask it the burning question. And give new meaning to the phrase, “Ink or Swim.”

“Predict A Pen, should I buy you instead of Goldfish Flask?”


I looked up. Coming towards me was a sweet woman and her family. I had a flask with a goldfish painted on it, in one hand. And a magic eight ball pen, in another. And I was having the entire conversation above. Outloud. To myself. With inanimate objects.

I said to the approaching woman, “I’m holding a fish flask!” I like to state the obvious in an uncomfortable situation. I guess it could be worse. I could have said, “I carried a watermelon!”

I immediately set the flask back down on the shelf.

I had a sweet conversation with the woman and then I made my way to the checkout.

I was wondering to myself if that woman must think I am crazy.

I looked down at my hand and flipped it over to reveal Predict A Pen’s answer.

It said, “Without a doubt.”


And that is why I do not have a flask with a tacky tastefully decorated goldfish on it in my purse. And that is why you will find me around town talking to a small black pen in my hand. Completely sober. And that is why my children will not go out with me.

Predict A Pen has none all of the answers. He even has the appropriate response to most of my crazy observations.


Who could compete with that?. Poor Goldfish Flask never stood a chance.

It’s the little things: an inanimate object with an attitude that can perform multiple tasks. In other words, my new best friend.

“Gosh. Is there something wrong with me?”


* Predict A Pen is just a fun little novelty. It cannot really tell the future (that I know of). I feel the need to state this as not all of us are muggles. In which case, this pen would have been an incredible deal! Sorry. You will have to go to Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes for the real deal. The above link is an affiliate link. Purchasing the pen through the link provides this muggle blog a small commission.

It’s The Little Things: Small Artwork And I Need Help

Okay. Not necessarily help. I kind of need you to take my side. In a disagreement.

With my husband.

It has been going on for over a month.


My daughter recently finished these two art pieces. I love them. I think they are so cool. They are pen on burlap. And I enjoy all of the details she put into them. When I look at them, I see the pure joy of a teenager.


However, I have a dilemma.


My husband wants to hang them askew. So that one is taller than the other.

Can you imagine what that does to my OCD?

You guys, it can’t happen!


They will probably go underneath the painting of the vineyard my daughter did in fourth grade.


There is so much detail around all of the sides, I do not know how to hang them.

But, I do know my heart cannot take unevenness. Especially since I would see these from my place of worship my bed.


What should I do? Is there any other way or place we can hang them? I think side by side is fine, but they have sat on that chest for over a month, because we cannot make a decision.

Please help!

It’s the little things: well, this painting has little things all over it. But really, I need some advice. I cannot keep walking by these another day.

The guilt.






And also, he left the hammer in the corner until we could reach an agreement.

It’s been there for over a month!

Things are gettin’ crazy around here!

That hammer is no accident.

It is almost worse than paintings hung at an angle.


He’s playing dirty.








On September 28th, my children and I went to a local alpaca farm that was open to the public to commemorate National Alpaca Day. I was not sure what to expect, but it was nearby. It was free. And it sounded like fun.


My kids had a blast. They loved feeding the alpacas ($1 a bag).


The alpacas only have lower teeth, so they cannot bite the kids when they feed them. I think they look like cartoon characters. Each one was so cute.


Here I am in the pen. Please excuse my scant makeup. It was the weekend. It was hot. And I got one shot at a photo.


But I did get a pic in our house of what one wears to an alpaca farm. This is Anthropologie’s Cuoco Henley from the spring and the star necklace that was recently on sale for $10.


If you ever have a chance to visit an Alpaca Farm, I highly recommend it. The animals are so clean. I know when I am in a petting zoo, it kind of grosses me out with all of the goat droppings. However, all of the alpacas use a communal bathroom. Which means all of the waste is in one area. What clean animals! I know this particular alpaca farm is open to the public again for one day at Christmastime.


As we were leaving, an older gentleman was trailing behind an older woman with a little girl of about six. He stopped me and said, “Do you see my wife and granddaughter? We are going to see the alpacas. Are the alpacas this way?”

I stopped to chat with him and told him to just proceed up the hill and they will open the gate for him and his family.

He said, “I am from Peru. That is where the alpaca is from. I miss them.”

I asked him how long it had been since he had visited his country. He told me a few years.

I also told him that of all of the countries in the world, Peru is number one on my must visit list.

He smiled and said, “Aaahhhhh. Machu Pichu. The most beautiful place in the world.”

I said, “Yes! I want to go there so badly!”

He smiled fondly at me and his eyes got a faraway look as he remembered his homeland.

We wished each other a good day and we parted ways. But it was really an interesting conversation for my kids to hear. And I hope him and his family had a beautiful day!


Have you been to an alpaca farm? What did you think?