Anthropologie Holiday Workshop: Corona 2013


I loved this workshop. The girls (Amber and Carly) that ran it were two of the sweetest girls I have ever met. They really liked their job. They liked the customers. They were just awesome!


I wore my Free People thermal oatmeal sweater dress that I found at Nordstrom Rack and my Anthropologie Heirloom necklace with the bee embelishments. I also snuck in some colorful tights, because I was cold and I thought no one would notice. Unfortunately, I tried some clothes on for reviews (coming Sunday) and they are the most prevalent thing in the pictures. Again, what can you do?


This workshop was more interactive than the San Diego Workshop I had gone to early that week. At this one, we all sat at a communal table. We introduced ourselves and told a fun fact about ourselves. Mine was I am double jointed. My favorite share fact was from a lovely woman whose mother and grandmother were doctors. They grew up with baby monkeys in their home that were from the research hospital her family worked at. It sounded like a fun childhood.


We ended up making a rubber band art installation made to look like string art. How cool is that?


We just took a circle of cardboard that they had precut (they had glued two pieces together to make it sturdy and thick) and wound our rubber band around it.


We started in the center and then each rubber band placed after that went crossed over the next to the right. It ended up looking like this.


Some of the girl’s crafts were perfect. With the center being, well, in the center. Mine, not so much. It took a curve at a weird angle. Kind of like their creator. ; ). Both of mine did this. I still think they look okay. Imperfect, like me.


After we were done they were going to spray paint them gold. Starting at the edges and going towards the middle. They were going to leave the middle bare. They wanted the rubber band center to shine through.


I cannot wait to make some of these with my kids. I think it is a super fun easy holiday display idea.


I am so happy I got to go this workshop. It was incredibly fun. The vibe was relaxed and welcoming. I am pictured here with Amber and Carly. They were unbelievably sweet. Just lovely and kind. The ladies attending the workshop were also so nice. I met Karen who has a blog, also. It is called Elderberry Street. She also did a blog post about the event there. Her pictures turned out fantastic!

Have you done one of these workshops? Are you looking forward to doing some crafts this holiday season?

Anthropologie’s Holiday Display Workshop: San Diego 2013


That is right! I did a workshop. Well, actually I did two! Monday’s post will be the workshop from Corona’s Anthropologie. I chose the ones based on their scheduling during the one week I had free.

I really wanted to make friends here, but I ended up leaving early. My husband had been so sweet to drive me on his day off. He was going to wait for me for the entire two hours. But when I finished super early with my garland, I opted to relieve him from his boredom and take him to lunch. ‘Cause I love him the best.


But while I was there, I met some sweet girls. It was also interesting to hear about the different projects the visual team had put together. Look at these mushroom spirals! Doesn’t it need a gnome? They made those by sewing burlap and then squirting foam from a can that hardens upon use. I also learned that they donate their displays. Who knew?


I wore my Anthropologie Nora Peplum Top with mustard skinny jeans from Old Navy and my beaded horse head necklace from Anthropologie. And yes, I realize my necklace is lying awkwardly. Ah, well, what can you do?


They taught us a fabulous new craft using paper clips and magazine clippings. Who doesn’t have those? Seriously, this was so much fun! These ladies are very creative. I highly recommend going to a workshop if you have the time. I will be changing up this project in a future post to make it more “me.” Post to come. I was thrilled to participate in such a fun project and learn a new technique.


When we arrived there were two tables set up. At each place setting, there was a glue gun. There were some yummy goodies. But I opted to not indulge. They did look good, though.


They had spray painted the paper clips gold before we got there. It gave the paper clip an antique like quality.


We made three links of paper clips of 14, 16, and 18 paper clips each. Once we had made our links, we moved on to the magazine portion.


We cut our magazine page into strips. And then tightly wrapped the magazine strip around a paperclip, securing it with hot glue at the end. I wound mine 2-3 times each.


I snuck a hottie into my garland. So if you see the garland all green with this guy’s head on it, know it is my gift to you. Enjoy!


When all of your links are covered, you attach a paper clip to all of them at each end so they are all joined together from smallest link to largest link. Then you wrap those two end paper clips in magazine strips. The other gals added red paint to theirs. But I really liked the green of my garland. So, I called ‘er done.


They were going to hang the garlands from a large tree displayed in the center of the store. I will be back to see if I can spot my contribution to the project.


Have you been to one of these workshops? Wasn’t it so much fun?

* I also went to another workshop that week. I had planned on running these posts side by side. But I really wanted to get my outfit post about Anthropologie’s Modena Dress up tomorrow. Therefore, the other holiday workshop post will go up on Monday.

I shared this on Savvy Southern Style

And My Romantic Home