Being Batman

It was noon on a Sunday at Comic Con. And I was done. I was hot. I was tired. And if one more person pushed themselves into me, I was going to scream.

I collapsed on the floor against the wall and watched the people walking by. Some of them were in costume. But most were not.

Out of the corner of my eye I spotted Batman. He was in a form-fitting black suit with the familiar pointy ears and long cape. His chin was covered in grey and black stubble. He was being followed by people wanting his picture. The crowd stopped in front of me and I watched as he posed for twenty minutes with stranger after stranger.


Finally they left him alone.

He had a respite. He lowered his head and I was overtaken with a feeling of sadness at how weary Batman looked.

He looked around him to make sure no one was watching.

Then he ducked underneath the purple curtain and sat down. I saw him remove his mask.

I saw Batman.


He was older than I had first thought he would be. His features different. A man that for one day got to be someone else. Because at Comic Con, he was not Joe The Accountant. Or Steve The Bartender. He had no bicycle or beat-up pick-up truck. At Comic Con, he WAS Batman. There was no doubt.

This was not Halloween. Or some kind of delusion. This was simply the magic of a convention where people truly believe.

It was the purest form of human acceptance in the weirdest form or place.


He rested for merely five minutes before he put his mask back on and stood up.

Immediately people flocked to him.

He stood straight and tall. Children ran to him. Hugged him. Women in scantily clad costumes threw their bodies against his own. Men stopped and hooted and hollered at seeing the hero in person. Even the security guards were thrilled when they shook his hand.

For one day this man had complete power.

It was breathtaking.

These moments would probably carry him through the year. Maybe as he waited for a train, someone would push him, but he could remember Being Batman a week before.

Maybe his lover would leave him but he would know months before he was Being Batman.

Maybe he would get a raise at work but it would not compare to Being Batman the previous year.

I saw the man Being Batman.

And in that moment he was just Being… Himself.

14 thoughts on “Being Batman

  1. You just so eloquently and perfectly captured what it is like to be an actor. This is why I – and so many others – are addicted to acting on a stage in front of a live audience. You get addicted to that feeling of power and transformation and having a reaction coming at you from a crowd of people. It is incredible.

    • Thank you Cynthia! I had not thought of actors with this, but I love that. I can see why you would want to do it. What an adrenaline rush! I am so so so bad at acting. I envy those with the gift.

      Have a gorgeous week!


  2. what a fun place to be someone other than yourself…and be Batman! I saw a cute wooden sign that says “always be yourself, unless you can be batman, then always be batman!” hahaha

    • Ha! I love that saying! Too funny! : ). Maybe I need to be Batman, too. Thank you for sharing!

      Have a wonderful Wednesday!


    • Thank you! It definitely was a fun part of Comic Con. I love people watching, especially super hero watching. : )

      Have a lovely week!


    • Thank you so much Alicia. Writing short stories is my favorite part of the blog. I really appreciate the compliment, especially since you are such a gorgeous writer.

      Have a lovely evening!


  3. Okay, this is possibly my favourite post of yours, ever. What a lovely story. I retold it to Victor while we were getting ready for bed, and he was both laughing and going “aww!” Isn’t it lovely when life just gives us these chances to sit back and observe something special like this?

    On a slightly sillier note, I wonder if Comic Con ever does photo-calls for all the Batmen who are there? I mean, wouldn’t it be awesome to have a picture with like, fifty-three versions of Batman, peppered with a few Robins and Catwomen for good measure? Maybe even a Joker or five?

    • Thank you Gwen! It is definitely one of my favorite posts, too. I started this blog to write stories. The styling was completely by accident. So, my heart is definitely in this one.

      I know they do open calls for Storm Troopers. There are days at Comic Con where they all march together. I have never seen multiple same super heroes. I think that would blow people’s minds.

      Have a beautiful weekend!


  4. I loved your perspective of Batman as both man and superhero! I felt like I was there sharing it with you. I actually felt close to this man I will never know. Thank you.

    • I really appreciate that. Thank you so much! That story came from looking through those Comic Con pictures and remembering how weary he looked as he sat before me. It was a cool moment to witness. Much better then being on that crowded floor.

      Have a wonderful weekend!


  5. I love the stories you post on your blog. You always have the most beautiful insights.

    I’d love to go to Comic Con… the X-men were my favourite when I was younger.

    • I appreciate that Liana. Writing stories is always my favorite. Comic Con is best when people watching. Otherwise it is so crowded and overwhelming. I still love X-Men. The new movie that came out a month or so ago was definitely the best one!

      Have a super Sunday!


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