Comic Con 2014 Part II


Yesterday’s post covered a lot of the costumes, but there is still more to tell about Comic Con.


There was a cool display at The Lego Booth, as usual.


There was tons of elaborate Walking Dead stuff. They had a huge set-up that looked like Terminus.


And a small set of lego-like Walking Dead creations.


I bought some jewelry.


And my daughter purchased that dress from the video game Portal (she is required to wear a tank top underneath).


My favorite part of Comic Con is definitely, without a doubt, the free books. All of the big fantasy/science fiction publishers are there and they give away so many books for free. It is amazing. There were even more in a separate bag that we missed photographing.


My husband surprised me with a really cool piece of art from Rhode Montijo. It is a little hanging tree sculpture with our initials on it.






There were amazing displays.



I caught a glimpse of Sean Astin, but did not meet him again like last year. Closure and all of that.

More costumes by cool people. I love how happy that older dude is in his Ghostbuster costume. It made me smile:





This fox costume was started by its wearer way back in October. The back of her ear is covered in flowers. It was really cool.

Her friend spoke for her when I asked her questions.

I could not help but quip to them, “So, the fox says nothing?”



This woman found this man sitting and conducted an interview with him. I believe it was about what he thought could change on their ship. It was a very long interview. They both were excited about it.

I love that like-minded people can find other like-minded people at Comic Con and relate on a level that they would not generally get to in our close-minded society.


I got to try the new Monster Hunter game coming out next year. I cannot wait! By the way, this photo is edited. My giant pimple needed to be toned down. If only I could do that in real life.


My son loved the Minecraft display.


If you went to Comic Con, would you dress up? What would you go to see? To do?


By the way, I think this picture says more than anything I could compose in words about Comic Con.

And, yes, that is totally the face I would make if I saw a shark flying through the air.

I’m a Monster Hunter, remember? Sharks are nothin’.

18 thoughts on “Comic Con 2014 Part II

  1. I’d probably go as Jon Snow, I have the accent for it though I suppose at a stretch I could do most of the Games of Thrones characters. At least their voices. I’m not kidding anyone that I’d make a convincing Khaleesi 🙂

    • Ha! I love the Khaleesi part. I think I am the only one who is upset with Jon Snow. I hate how he chose The Watch over his lover. : (. But he is definitely the most innocent of the bunch.

      I think I would be someone from “Firefly” if I ever were to dress up. I love that show.

      Have a lovely day!


      • Hi Jenni, no you’re not the only one upset with Jon Snow. My wife and I were both shocked that he did that. It didn’t seem the right thing to do at all.

        Have a nice day too!


      • I know. I hate that part. But I guess it shows that nobody is all good or all bad. Just like my mean mommy picture. : )

        Have a great day!


  2. OMIGOD, you got the new Cherie Priest book for free! Maplecroft isn’t even available to buy yet, so that must be a review copy – I’m probably more jealous of that than anything else you got to see and do, haha. If you’ve never read anything by her before, she’s great – her Clockwork Century series is so, so good!

    Anyway, deep breaths… So many cool costumes, like those two dragons walking away… but my favourite is probably the old ghostbuster guy – he just looks the business, you know? “Been doing this for years, the insurance is terrible and my back is killin’ me, but you gotta protect the city, right?” 😉 also, too funny about the silent fox!

    I love that you *and* your kids are into videogames, and each have your own fandoms and favourites. What is your husband’s favourite – does he have one? (Victor got my mother to try a racing game once – what was it called, need for speed or something? In the beginning, she kept crashing, and saying “This isn’t my lifestyle!” but after a while, she got really into it and was evading police cars like nothing else – I think she was even mocking the police cars!)

    Finally, that tree sculpture is amazing! What a lovely romantic gift! It’s so cool that you and your husband have these special artists that you patronize. You must be able to trace their development as artists throughout the years in all the artwork in your house!

    • Ha! I did not even know the Cherie Priest book was a big deal, but my husband did. I guess he reads those books, because he asked the guy if he had any and the guy found him one.

      I am reading a series right now that my sister has informed me I have read before. Of course I do not remember it. It is all new to me!

      We all play that video game. I am selfish and only like to play with my husband. But he likes to play with the kids too. It was always “our” thing so it is really hard to break that aspect of it for me. I love that your mom got into that game. That is awesome!

      Have a great day!


  3. Loving the LOTR displays! Ohhhh, your new art by Rhode is amazing! I can’t wait to see him at the Ghoultide Gathering that is here in Michigan every Fall!

    • That is so cool that you love Rhode, too. He is so sweet and his wife is too. Their special airs on t.v. This October! I am SO excited for them!

      Have a fabulous Friday!


  4. Aw you are too lucky, going to Comic Con for me would have been awesome! I would have totally geeked out and gone made for the X-Men stuff and loaded up on fantasy jewelry (the clockwork angel from Infernal Devices? the ring from LOTR? yes and yes!)

    • I love that you have an agenda! I did not see a lot of X-Men stuff. Did you ever watch “Firefly”? I loved that show and got a keychain that is so cool.

      Have a cool weekend!


  5. looks like a blast! i would totally go to comic con 🙂 that tree your hubby got you is so stinkin cute!
    xo jac

    • Thank you Jac! Now I only need to get him to hang it. I have a pile of stuff I have been waiting a month for him to do. He has been working six day weeks so I get it but the pile is starting to crawl!

      Have a super weekend!


  6. How fun! I wonder if I would like it or if the crowds would freak me out. What a sweet gift from your husband! That last photo is freaking AWESOME! I always knew you were a super hero!

    • Thanks Cynthia! Oh those crowds! I had never seen it as bad as it was on Sunday. It was beyond awful. So if crowds freak you out, stay near the books, it is my favorite section and it is 1/4 of the crowds.

      I like to hide my super powers. ; )

      Have a wonderful Friday!


  7. Wow. It is like an overload of the sensory! I would be lost! I love the sweet gift your husband got you. So sweet! My boys would love all the legos (though they wouldnt be allowed to see the walking dead stuff…or pretty much any of the stuff…) I am glad you go to be apart of it. The professional side of me would love to see the displays!

    • Thank you Alicia! It is sensory overload. The Lego booth is SO crowded. I think it overwhelms my son. There are so many scary scary zombies walking around with realistic wounds, I would definitely not bring a really young child there. Thankfully when we first started going and my son was too young for that none of that was out. He still is not allowed to watch it but the costumes do not bother him.

      The displays are awesome. I am always curious as to how long they give them to set them up. Some of them look like they would take forever.

      Have a great weekend!


  8. wowzers. I so need to get tickets for this next year! everything my family loves seems to be there. I love the Walking Dead stuff you took pix of!!!!! How far in advance do you buy tx? I had no idea about the free books! love all of the pix!!!!

    • Hi Melodee! Tickets used to go on sale in November for the following year. Then they pushed them to January. And I think this year was March. Go to the Comic Con website to create a registration number for anyone who would want to go because you have to have a number registered well in advance before you can buy tickets. They will email you with the ticket sale date. They sell out super fast. We are usually on the computer for 3-4 hours the day of trying to get them. The free books are so cool. And meeting all of the authors is so fun.

      Sweet dreams!


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