Reading: “Let’s Pretend This Never Happened”

Have you heard of “The Bloggess”? Honestly, I had been writing my blog for a year before I did. And it wasn’t until my favorite author, Patrick Rothfuss, mentioned reading her book (you can read his review about it here) that I took notice and actually clicked over to her site. Who is this other blogger capturing my crush’s attention? I will admit to a rush of jealousy.

So I clicked over to her blog to read. And I immediately saw why she has earned the accolades that she has. Jenny is hilarious. She tells the funniest stories. I feel like we would be best friends if we were ever to meet. As does everyone who reads her blog and her book. She is very personable.

Seriously, who writes, “Watermelon is the secret code word” in place of their name on those awful name tag stickers?

Jenny Lawson does.

And don’t you just love that? If that was all you knew about this woman, (and if you had not heard of her before this post, that would be it) you would want to meet her based just on that.


She does curse a lot. So, if you click on a link I have provided here, please be prepared. My blog does not have curse words, because I want it to be able to be read by all ages, but it works for her and all of her stories. I just wanted to put that warning here in case you have an aversion to profanity, so we can delve into the good stuff without any more disclaimers.


Her book is called, “Let’s Pretend This Never Happened”. You guys, I laughed so hard I cried and then I snorted and cried again. It is a collection of short stories from her life. She is working on her next novel right now.

Jenny grew up with a taxidermist father. The stories she tells about all of the crazy situations this led to, well, it cannot be described. You just gotta read it.


There is a story in the book that was probably the best short story I have ever read. It is about a squirrel. I read it while I hyperventilated in hysterics. Then I called my son into the room and I read it to him (I edited out the profanity). He also thought it was the funniest story.

My sister purchased the book after I recommended it to her and called me later so we could laugh about it together. And my friend told me she was mailed this book from a friend who said it was a book that had made her happy. My friend thinks we should pick this book for book club one day. I agree.


As a blogger I enjoy reading other blogs. Stephen King once said, “If you don’t have time to read. You don’t have time to write.” I completely agree with that synopsis. He meant it in terms of books, but I take it in terms of blogs, too.

The Bloggess became famous after she published a post in which she purchased a five foot tall rooster. And presented it to her husband. As an anniversary present. But that was not the best part. The best part was the note attached to the rooster. I still laugh when I read it.


The book has some of the short stories from her blog, but also a lot of new material, too. I definitely think it is a worthwhile purchase.

Blogger or not, if you enjoy funny short stories (with a bit of the absurd and a high dose of crass), I recommend this book.

Have you read “Let’s Pretend This Never Happened”? What did you think?

*If you have read this book and liked it, I recommend Laurie Notaro’s
books to you. She writes short stories in the same vein of humor. I really enjoy them. Update 6/7/2014: I am bringing the book, “Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns)” by Mindy Kaling, with me to Maui. It received good reviews so I want to try it. And if you want to read a funny short story right now, The Bloggess posted a link this week to a story that made me gasp with laughter: The Scary Ham.

This post contains affiliate links. Purchasing a book through the link will provide a small commission for my own scary ham this blog.


19 thoughts on “Reading: “Let’s Pretend This Never Happened”

  1. Bahaha! I need this book in my life!! Thanks for the recommendation, Jenni!!

    By the way, did you ever get that one I sent you, the one called Rivers of London? If not I need to email the book depository and be all, “AHEM!” at them. 😉

    • Oh my gosh! That package that has been sitting on my husband’s night stand all month is from you?!?! I thought it was another one of his books that he buys! Of course, last night we finally opened the Ebay package in the living room that I was complaining about because I was mad he hadn’t opened his package all week. Well, it turns out it was some stuff I had purchased for the blog and forgot about. Are you telling me I have to eat my hat twice in two days?! Ahhhh!

      In all seriousness, I am opening it right now. Thank you so much! You are the sweetest! I will bring it with me to Maui. Thank you for telling me now so it didn’t sit there longer! And thank you for the book!

      Have a wonderful Wednesday!


  2. I had always wondered about this book – now I know I must read it! We have a vacation at the end of the month and I wanted to get a book for it – this is it!!!

    Off topic – have you seen Anthro’s Folk Art dress? It was love at first sight for me, and it so reminded me of you!

    • Thanks Heather. I hope you like it. I thought it was hilarious!

      I am so in love with that stinking dress. But why? Why does it looks like I will need a special bra for it? And I hope to pick it up on sale. It is much too expensive for me right now. Although, my birthday is coming up. Hmmmmmm. I am upset that they did not list that the dress is an Otomi design. It obviously is. So, that bums me out.

      Have a lovely rest of the week!


  3. Thanks for the recommend!! Just checked and my library has this for Kindle, so put it on my list of books to read. Can’t remember if you have read The Storied Life of A.J.Fikry, but if not, you have to read it. I just finished and LOVED it!!

    • I hope you like it, Barbara. I thought it was incredibly funny. I started a different book that had popped up as a recommendation when I purchased this one. I am on page 50 and it is one of the worst books I have ever read, but it has great reviews.

      I have not read “The Storied Life” but I will definitely try it. You always pick the best books. I have loved everything you have recommended. So thank you for this one.

      Have a sweet Wednesday!


  4. A good friend of mine told me about & recommended her & that book last year. I think I didn’t get it bc it was only hardback, or maybe just laziness. Now that it’s in soft cover I should get it! And check out her blog as well!

    Hope you find your bathing suits soon!

    Happy day to you!
    🙂 rebecca

    • Thank you Rebecca! I hope you like it. It is fun. I found one of my bathing suits. Thankfully it is my favorite black one so, I am thrilled with that. So excited, but I have not even started packing yet. I have to clean my house, because I have a friend staying in it to be with the dogs. And I volunteered to work at the school tomorrow! Aaaaahhhhh! And we leave at 4:00 in the morning Thursday. I honestly was not thinking we would be able to go with my son’s situation so I am not prepared! I am so excited!

      Have a wonderful Wednesday!


  5. Okay you’ve convinced me. I NEED to buy that book. Maybe I’ll just get it on my Kindle.

    I’ve just started reading her blog but didn’t know about the Beyonce story. That really did make me laugh.


    • Thank you Suzanne! I think you will like it. You have a similar sense of humor. That Beyonce story is so funny. I love it!

      Have a beautiful Wednesday!


  6. I have checked out her blog a few times and loved it. I need to add her to my list so I remember to check her out every day. Her book sounds great! Thanks for the recommendation. One can always use a good laugh!!

  7. I like the dog pictures today and I too loved Jenny Lawson’s book. My husband told me I wasn’t allowed to read it at bedtime because I laughed so hard and so loud that it was disruptive.

    • Thank you! I laughed so hard, too. Oh, those dogs were too funny. I tried to get a good picture of Ollie with the book but he just wanted to sniff it to see if it was food. He is so silly. I am sure he is having the time of his life right now. Our friend who loves dogs stays in our house with them when we are gone. She lets them sleep with her in our bed. They are so happy!

      I hope you have a beautiful weekend!


  8. This is the first I have heard of this blog and I may now have to buy the book. I read about her when I checked out her blog and became interested when she mentioned that she has anxiety issues, which I can relate to.
    Thanks for sharing,

    • Thank you Stacey. She definitely expands on her anxiety issues in her book. But she does it in a really relatable way. I really like her. She is just down to Earth and definitely just tells it exactly how it is.

      If you do read it, I would be curious as to what you think.

      Have a super evening!


  9. I might look into this… but I generally read only fiction, and it’s really hard to make me laugh out loud. I read Tina Fey’s book (can’t remember the title) and I think it maybe made me snicker. Once.

    • Oh my gosh! Laughing out loud is my favorite. ; ). I read Tina Fey’s book. I liked it. It definitely did not make me laugh as hard as this book. I read Mindy’s book last week. I did not laugh once. I would check out Jenny’s blog and see if it makes you laugh. Every post of hers makes me smile. I usually one read fiction, too.

      Have a lovely Wednesday!


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