A Day Of Married Life


Let me say that there is a song out there that when sung, raises the hackles in the back of my throat (what? You don’t have hackles in the back of your throat? Well, how long have you been married? Give it time). And my husband. Well, he insists on singing it throughout the house in several octaves higher than his voice should ever go.

This, of course, makes the song more tolerable.

Ironically, the song is “Let It Go.”

I have tried that advice.

The stakes in my forehead throb with the pressure and each note makes the headache more intense. No stakes in your forehead? Please see the hackles in your throat diagnosis above.

So, to counteract this annoyance, I started singing the theme song of Darth Vader’s.

Don’t ask me why. The stakes told me to do it.

“Dum. Dum. De. Dum. Dum. De. Dum. Dum. De. Dum.”

That’ll do it. Surely that will show him what his song singing is doing to the deformities in my soul.

The “Let It Go” song miraculously stopped.

Then. In response:

“Dum. Dum. De. Du-“

“No! I was only singing that to annoy you!”

“You could never annoy me.”

“I don’t see how that is possible. You do realize I might quite possibly be THE most annoying person in the world.”


“Not to me.”

And the snow drifts in my heart melt and the large sun that forms the shape of my husband looms large in my chest.

And the stakes in my forehead melt back down into ripples of wrinkles formed from too many songs.

And I swallow the hackles (not without choking. Love is pain).

And I slowly sigh.

Maybe that singer has it right after all.

“Let it go,” is great marital advice. Just not fantastic in singing form.

Let it g-


Dum D-


Marriage. ; )

12 thoughts on “A Day Of Married Life

  1. LOL loved this.

    My husband has taken to singing loudly with his iPod on. Let me say…that man cannot carry a tune on a good day, when he can hear himself. When he is deaf to his singing is is much worse. Horrible in fact. I have to put on my iTunes to drown him out.

    Beautifully descriptive writing!


    • Thank you Suzanne! I cannot sing either, but somehow that does not bother me. ; ). Too funny about your husband. And cute. I love the little quirks in a marriage. It makes it more interesting!

      Have a sweet Sunday! : )


    • Thank you! We try! ; ). Even when we are irritated, we can usually find the humor. I say usually, because it is still a marriage. And marriages are hard. They take work. But we do have a lot of fun doing day to day! : )

      Have a fun Monday!


  2. Such a great post & so true! If I even think about the song, “let it go” it’s in my head forever! Not the dem lovato version (I’ve actually only heard a snippet of that), but the real, idina menzel version, love her, she’s amazing! I do love that song too & have been telling myself maybe there’s a reason I’ve been thinking about it & it stays in my head. MIT is great advice, so that’s what I’ve been trying to do. Let things go. Let the little things go. Let the not so important in the scheme of things go. Hmmm, I think this comment may have inspired me to do a post on this, when I have some time! 🙂
    Have a great day!

    • Thank you Rebecca! Yes, “let it go” is great advice. I really do not care for that song at all. There is just somethin’ about it. But I do like the sentiment of it. We were supposed to watch “Frozen” this weekend and time got away from us. So, hopefully if the kids do not have a lot of homework tomorrow, we can watch it tomorrow night! Can’t wait to read that post! : )

      Have a lovely week!


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