“The Wizard Will See You Now…”


Okay, I did something bad.

I know I am going to get in trouble, but it will be fun while it lasts.


I have always been a rule follower. If you tell me I cannot do something, I do not do it. But somewhere along the way, our homeowners’ association has lost me. It seems that they let some things slide. While others, they are extremely picky about. I think it has something to do with living in an older neighborhood.

You want to hang those holiday flags? Sure, why not. It does not matter that Easter was over two months ago. Colored eggs are so chic.

Naked statues in the front yard? Well, mermaids are adorable.

Peeling garage doors needing paint? Hmmm… It looks so shabby chic.

But dare to paint your fence color a different shade of beige than the beige that was chosen, and you will get letter after letter. With a final warning being that they are having a meeting about the “situation.”

And then come the fines.

I know.

I have done that very same bad thing.

And yes, we had to repaint our fence… From beige to more beige.


I had my painter paint our front door bright green. Bright green. It went from brown to bright green. I am scared. Our neighbors have white, blue and the occasional red. I figured why not?

I probably figured wrong.

So, let’s enjoy the green door while we can. I give it one month. Then back to brown.

But, hey, I cannot say I did not try.

Do you have a crazy color for your front door?

I shared this on:

Savvy Southern Style!

And My Romantic Home

27 thoughts on ““The Wizard Will See You Now…”

  1. Great door! We had a red door because it reminded me of Edinburgh where I used to live. The homes are stone so not colorful but the doors are colorful. I love love specially colored doors. Now our door is coordinated with the elaborate paint job of our Victorian. but hmmm maybe i should rethink….

    • Oohhh! You have a Victorian! I LOVE a Victorian house! You are so lucky! I imagine Edinburgh was amazing. I love any colored door! I just have my fingers crossed I do not get a warning in the mail!

      Have a great day! Thank you so much for commenting! And for liking my door color choice! I really appreciate it!


  2. I love your green door! I hope you get to enjoy it longer than a month 🙂 I’d love to paint our door a funky color, but I don’t think it would work with our house (sadly). Instead, our door is plain black. But it does make a nice background for colorful door decorations. You house is so cute!!

    • Thank you so much! I really appreciate it! I hope our association feels the same way. I like a black door. I think it is really elegant. I do not think I have ever seen one here in California. But I like the way they look in magazines. Very chic! Thank you for taking the time to write me a note! I appreciate it!

      Have a wonderful day!


  3. Jenni!!!! 🙂 I LOVE it!!! You go girl!!! 🙂 Dare to be different….and FABULOUS!!! What a beautiful green it is too!! XOXO Hoping your door stays the color YOU wish it to be!! Love you!!

    On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 11:13 PM, Gnome Lover

    • Thank you Kathy! I love you! I cannot wait for you to see it! I hope some of your good spirit rubs off on our association! Fingers crossed!

      Thank you for being you. Have sweet sweet dreams!


  4. Dude, I LOVE your green door! How can your neighbours fine you for painting the fence a different shade of beige btw? Ugh, I’m mad on your behalf now! You GOTTA keep the door green, make sure there are no clauses that cover the colours of the doors maybe? Until then, you could start taking outfit pics in front of your green door, eh?

    • Thank you, Gwen! We pay a monthly fee to a homeowners association. It actually is great most of the tie. It makes everyone keep their yards up. They pay for beautiful landscaping of common areas. But they want everything uniform. Which most people like. We live in a land of beige. So, I am pretty sure my door will have to go! But I am really enjoying it while I can!

      Thank you so much for commenting! Have a wonderful day!


  5. I love it! I would love to paint a brightly colored front door one day…it just wouldn’t suit the house we live in now, though. I hope you get to keep it!

    • Thank you! The red doors I have seen are more tucked away. Maybe they have not seen them. I also think red is a more acceptable color, because it has been done so much. It is not scary. Our front porch is very visible from the street. There is no way they could miss seeing the door. Hopefully, all will be good. : )

      Have a fabulous day!


  6. Oh gorgeous! I love it… Our chocolate brown door needs a facelift too, but it “goes” with the chocolate brown trim board around the garage door… so I’ll keep it the same color (new darker shinier paint) but will paint both so they still “go”

    • Great idea! I did love our brown door, but the green is more “us.” I will still be okay with the brown when I have to repaint. When are you repainting? Now is a good time, because it dries unbelievably fast (well, in California, anyway).

      Thank you so much for the compliment! I really appreciate it. I hope you have a fantastic evening!


  7. Oh, I just LOVE your front door (and the title of your post! haha)! Ours are bright green, too! We have a white house with white shutters so we went with a bright, vivid green for our double front doors, just like you (shown here if you’d like to see them, last photo in post):

    But we didn’t stop there! haha We decided to paint our flower boxes on the shed and fence to match – shown in this post:

    I will be waiting to see if you go back to the brown. I’m guessing you are going to stick with the green!!!! I think it looks awesome! Way better than brown!

    Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage

    • Thank you Donna! Your house is adorable! I love the green. Your style is fantastic. I long for window boxes. But we have done our home improvements for the year. Knock on wood! Thank you for sharing! You have awesome treasures.

      Have a great night!


  8. My front door is colonial pink, fairly bright. I would never make it in neighborhood with such strict rules. Love you green door and hope you get to keep it.

    • Love! Pink was my first choice! You are so lucky! My husband and I agreed on green. I would love to see a picture. It sounds fantastic!

      Thank you for commenting and following me.

      I REALLY appreciate it! Have a wonderful day tomorrow.


  9. This is great! Our ‘GnomeLover’ has a rebel streak. Hope you get to keep the door green and enjoy it for a long time. Really enjoy how much color you incorporate into your life.

    • Thank you so much, Auntie M! I think I know where I get it. ; ). And I love that so much!

      I love color. I keep thinking of new ways I want to add it.thankfully, my husband feels the same way!

      I love you! Have a great Friday!



      • Love you (& all your family) bunches. I’m enjoying your blog; I don’t always get to read it everyday, so I’m sometimes playing catching up. (you know me, always been slow.)

      • Me, too! Right now, I should be folding clothes. But am I? There are so many more fun things to do! I need to catch up on tons of stuff in our bedroom. I hear ya!

        I love you! Thank you so much for reading and commenting. It means the world to me.


    • Thank you so much. I appreciate the compliment. I just found out emerald is the color of the year. I was being trendy and did not even know it. : )

      Have a great day! Tank you so much for commenting!


  10. If you stop paying the home association, will they leave you alone about your door? ;D
    I have to say, living in Brooklyn, NY, I can’t imagine what it would be like to live in a place where you can’t pick your own fence and house and door colors. In fact, here, you could paint a giant skull and crossbones on your front door and people would just shrug (although I’m sure some folks on the more pricey blocks would be snarky about it…only there’d be nothing they could do if the family owned the home and didn’t rent). Here’s to green (and diversity)! Good luck.

    • Hi Ellie! Unfortunately, when we bought our house, we signed a form conforming to the association’s rules. Yep, conformists. : (

      If we do not pay, they will put a lien on our house. Which would be no fun. If they tell us to paint the door and we don’t, we will be fined. If we do not pay the fine = lien on the house. So much fun! : )

      So far, we have not heard anything (knock on wood). So I am hoping they ignore our house! : )

      Thank you for commenting and for being so supportive!


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