“Just Kidding”


When I was four, I found out something wonderful. Something beautiful. It was…


With words, you could tell a whole new story. Put together a sentence that could change someone’s day. Alter the universe. Or at least my universe.

And what if?… Oh my gosh. What a thrill. Well, what if I could invent a new truth? Form words about a scenario that had not occurred. Would never occur. But with words, I could make it happen. Imagine it happened.

And then I discovered two words that would change my little world forever.



Put them together and my new truth wasn’t a new truth. It wasn’t a lie. It wasn’t an elaborate tale. It was a glorious little thing called a “joke.” And everyone seemed to love a joke.

I reveled in this new manipulative (of course, I didn’t know that word back then) technique.

I could change words. Change the day. And make everybody laugh in the process.

I saw nothing that could go wrong with my new found power.

“Just kidding,” was golden. It was genius.

“Did you finish your green beans?”

“Yes, Mommy. They were delicious.”

Mommy looks at the plate. “You didn’t eat them! You didn’t even touch them!”

I put on my best smile. “I was just kidding Mommy.”

Mommy’s heart turns to butter that coats the green beans and turns them to mush. And I skip away from the table as an adorable vegetable-free little darling.

I turned the adorable up a notch (another power that was fading with age and the arrival of a pudgy toothless baby sister).

“Did you know that our dog is from the moon?

And he only eats rubber bands?

And at night he turns into my dresser and watches me sleep?”

Then I would grin. Wait an appropriate amount of time.

And burst forth with my delicious skill, “Just kidding!”

And everyone would laugh and laugh.

This went on for awhile. These innocent nonsenses. Fun little tales.

But the tales began to become bolder.

At first, it was just little things. Pretending the dog got out. Or there was a train in the road. The laughter I had used to receive began to dwindle.

My few short days as a comedian were coming to an end.

I was not ready to retire yet.

I needed the laughter. I needed the words.

I kept the “Just kidding” game going for as long as I could.

That is until it took a sinister turn.

I decided my little tales needed a bit more drama in them. Keep it exciting. Turn the power up a notch.

“Mommy! Mommy! There’s a stranger in our yard!”

Mom looks around in a panic. Grabs us. Rushes to hide. To protect.

After frantically searching, she comes back and there is me. Her manic four year old grinning ear to ear over how well my little joke worked.

“Just kidding!”

Mommy did not laugh that time. Oh no. In fact she looked downright mad.

She sat me down.

“You can’t say ‘just kidding’ like that anymore. It is lying.”

I was not giving up my power that easily.

“But it’s just a joke.”

“No. It’s lying.”

“But it’s not lying, because I say ‘just kidding,’ at the end.” She obviously didn’t get it. It was like I was saying, “Knock Knock,” and instead of responding ,”Who’s there?” in a sing song Mommy voice, she was instead hiding in the dark from a stranger at the door.

“Just because you say, ‘Just kidding’ at the end, does not make it a joke. It is still a lie. If you keep lying, you are going to get in trouble.”

The words sunk in. The power in them. I had been lying. That was bad, right?

I was a perfect angel after that talk.

I completely understood that I had been lying. That I had abused my power.

I was not stubborn then and I am not stubborn now.

I never lied again. Or got in trouble. I stopped telling people stories about my dog. Even when the dresser slobbered on me when I pulled my pajamas out of the drawer.

And I ate all of my green beans.


Just kidding.

Dream Big

*Today was supposed to be an “It’s The Little Things” post, but unfortunately I never got around to taking the pictures. Bad blogger! I need to get my Mother-in-Law over here to spank me. I wrote a silly little story about bowling instead:


We took the kids bowling the other day. Mid-afternoon. It was a good time. We always forget how much fun we have bowling together as a family (previous bowling post here). We need to do it more often.


I suck at bowling. My daughter does not.


I suck at bowling. My son does not.


I need bumpers put up, but I refuse to get them because I keep thinking I am suddenly going to become a bowling savant by the time my next turn comes around. Nobody can say I am not optimistic.


A few nights after we went bowling I overheard my children exclaiming with excitement that some famous Youtubers got to go bowling with The President. Underground. Under. Ground. I think the underground part was just as impressive as The President part.

My son came up to me and exclaimed, “I reallllllllllyyyyy want to go bowling with The President.”

“Well, maybe you can one day. Maybe one day you could be President.”

“No. I don’t want to be The President. I just want to be The President’s son… Or husband.”

“Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but I don’t think your dad and I are ever going to be President.”


But who knows? Maybe my bowling skills will improve and The President will want me to bowl with him.

It is important to dream big.

Regardless, it was a really cool moment to hear a child speak in a nonchalant way about a future female President.

It was better than a strike. Not that I would know. I have never actually gotten one. But that does not mean it can’t happen.

Dream big.


Although if we ever did get to go, I fear we would look like this situation in the slightly creepy scene in a life-size game at the bowling alley. You might want to enlarge it. It is worth it. You might miss the rats if you don’t… Or the bartender’s face. And yes, this is actually the decor at the bowling alley we go to. Ponder that.

You would think, perhaps, that I would be the one who put a campfire in the middle of the bar. But that would be wrong.

I’m the one scaring the bartender. You can tell by the scarf.

What is scaring the bartender?

I would love to say it was my mad bowling skills. But I think he just noticed my double jointed elbow.

It got me a free drink.

Like I said.

Dream big.

The person who created this scene sure did.

Don’t let that buffalo tell you any differently.

I’ve heard he doesn’t have his head on straight.

This Ain’t Your Mother-In-Law’s Blog


My poor disappointed searchers.

Well, some of my disappointed searchers. The rest are quite lovely. It is just the few that are worrisome.

When you have a blog, you can see how people found your blog in your stat results on your stat page. Some of of my blog traffic comes from search engines. Seeing the search results that led people to the blog is one of the best parts about having a blog. A behind the scenes look at the internet. And the thoughts in people’s heads. Sometimes they are funny. Sometimes they are sad. Sometimes they are scary. Oftentimes I get a chuckle.

There are the typical Hunter Boots searches. Anthropologie searches. Dear sweet people looking for gnome products. And the nice people actually looking for my blog.

But one of my top searches that leads to my blog is for “mother-in-laws in revealing outfits.” I get this one at least a couple of times a week. That is a tame one. Sometimes there are more graphic words involved. Often there are more graphic words involved. In fact, sometimes the very word “graphic” is inserted into the search. And one letter in the alphabet repeated three times for some reason. I can’t quite figure out what that means. Boop-Boop-De-doop-oop!

Anyway, who knew mother-in-laws were so hot?

The reason this becomes even more funny to me is because what I believe they end up seeing is My Beef Stroganoff Recipe. Because my mother-in-law has not revealed the whole recipe to me. Sadly for the searchers, we are both fully clothed when this happens and many feet a part. Just so ya know. The picture of me in that post is unfortunate. I was still afraid to let loose on the blog when it was taken. Do a weird little thing called…smile. But I leave the creepy picture up because I think it is funny.

I also hate revealing outfits. So, that is why it is doubly hilarious.

Poor guys. I do hope they find what they are looking for. Just not here.

I also can’t help but wonder if they make the beef stroganoff recipe…later.

In fact, the whole situation often leaves me with questions in my head. Such as: Oh, God. Please have seen my site and left. Please.

How long did you stay on my site?

Are you the one who clicked that picture of me five times?

And then I silently scream. And run around my house five times.

Then I call my mother-in-law to see if she would be interested in hosting a site with me. There seems to be a certain niche missing in a certain market. Just kidding. Seeing if you were paying attention..

What surprises me is there haven’t been any quirky gnome searches. Nobody has that fetish I guess. Poor gnomes. Mother-in-laws are just so much hotter. I can say this because I plan to be one one day. And with all honesty and with utmost sincerity, I hope the person who marries my daughter has a thing for gnomes instead.

Or beef stroganoff.

Hey. You’d be surprised.

Or would you?

If you have a blog, do you get crazy searches in your stats? I write mine down in a running list that I hope to post one day. None of them have ever compared to what The Bloggess gets each month (those posts can be found here and here). Thank God. I’ll happily take the mother-in-law lusters and naively go make some beef stroganoff… By myself… Fully clothed… And just a bit more skeptical about this internet thing.

One Of Those Weeks

September and I have never gotten along. And this year is no exception. If you think it is odd to have a feud with a month, then you must not know me.

“Hi, I ‘m Jenni. I name inanimate objects. Coax my bacon into the oven. And scream at the month of September. Nice to meet you.”

It is not that I hate September. I just find September to be a whiny month. Or maybe that is just me, spurred from the noises emitting from my clenched lips. In California, September wants so badly to be a part of the summer season, it usually throws the hottest weather at us while the store front windows mock the flocks of people with mannequins smirking in their knit caps and thermals.

It would make anyone grumpy.

This week has been draining. So many things that just hurt my soul. And on the worst of the days, I came home to clean the house to find that Murphy had pooped on my couch. Not just on my couch. But on my antique Kantha throw. Thankfully it all washed out okay, but it was definitely the final straw in the breaking of my day. All this to say, I have felt very uninspired this week. Each time I went to write, all I could start were stories that I never finished. I hope your week went better than mine. But if it didn’t, I wanted to share some things that eased the hurt of the week just a little:

If you love both “The Walking Dead” and “Breaking Bad”, like I do, then you must watch this rap off on You Tube. It is fabulous. There is cursing, so if that bothers you, then do not click over. If you do not watch both shows then it probably will not make any sense.

Patrick Rothfuss wrote an inspiring blog post this week. It seems to be about Dungeons and Dragons, but it is really about realizing one’s dreams. It uplifted my spirits to read such a cool turnaround for the guy. It just shows that hard work pays off. Oh, and lots of talent. Lots and lots of talent.


The new Domino magazine features both the talented Emily Henderson and Jenny Komenda’s homes. It is full of inspiring home decor ideas. I say this as my own house right now is beyond thrashed. I do not know how it gets so messy. I strongly suspect the gnomes. And a certain white, fluffy dog who apparently hates Kantha.

If you are old enough, I highly recommend reading it with a glass of wine, as well. Or a pint of Baskin-Robbins.

And if you have not seen this kid’s reaction to getting a new sibling in the family, you must watch it. It makes me laugh harder when I watch it with my children, because they strongly agree with that little boy.

Did I miss anything inspiring or funny this week? Please share. I love a smile.