
I have OCD. Of course, I was not gifted with the perfectionist side of the condition. Oh no, I am still messy as heck. But I cannot leave things unfinished. Everything must get equal attention. Example: if I kiss my child on one cheek, I must also kiss the other cheek. Otherwise, I have a horrible feeling in the left hand side of my stomach. Which causes me to worry my right hand side is not getting enough attention. And the downward spiral begins….

So, I must complete my unfinished stories from the past couple of months. The original post can be brought up by clicking on the bolded blue words. Here are their finished outcomes:


Washer & dryer: After a month of deliberating, we decided on buying a new matching set with pedestals from Costco. The set was on sale. I think we got a great deal, because just to fix the old nine year old washing machine was going to be $750. And yes, unexpected expenses suck. But, we are very happy with our choice. They have a steam option and came with a nice warranty.


My missing boot: Miraculously I found this! The pair are together again. I have never seen such a happy couple. Now, if only they could reproduce…


My missing black shirt: Still missing! Hmmmm… So my theory was that my shirt had ran away with my boot. However, said boot turned up sans black shirt. I hope that boot did not do something bad to my shirt. I may never look at it the same way again.



Green chest: My green chest from the flea market sat untouched next to my piano for a month. I am lazy. My friend, Kerri, came over and had the best idea. She told me it would look fantastic between my two leather chairs. Of course, it took me another month to make the move. I am lazy. But Kerri was right and it is the perfect place for the chest! Thanks Kerri!

Okay, I feel better now!

Do you?