
Hi! I am so sorry to worry anyone about the unexpected blog break. Every day I would sit down to try to put thoughts to everything I was feeling. But the words never came. I wanted my explanation to be perfect. My words to be perfect. And yet, I rewrote many drafts with nary a perfect word in sight. How do you put emotions into words without pulling them from your soul in the process?

The truth is that I am just having a wee bit of a hard time right now. I cannot really explain it without getting into too personal of a detail.

I do plan on blogging again soon. I am feeling better. Truly. I am not a person who does well with any sort of change and a few things occurred all at once during the new year that threw me into a period of sadness that felt all consuming. But I am feeling more and more like myself with each day.

Thank you for all of your sweet words! They meant the world to me!


88 thoughts on “Words

  1. Jenni, I hope you’re not going through too much change, and I hope you and your family are safe and happy. I thought about and checked on your blog everyday, and just had hoped you were taking a little time off. A memory popped into my head when I read this post:

    I used to ask my grandma, who was an artist, why she stopped painting. She had so many of her own paintings hung throughout the house. Her response was similar to why you haven’t been able to write. She said she stopped painting because she was no longer happy. There were various life events that created sadness, or took away her long term happiness. I had a similar experience when I got older, and began exploring my creative side. If I was sad, I couldn’t produce anything or even find the motivation.

    I hope your sadness disappears and your happiness comes back; just in time for spring.

    Be well and safe!

  2. Hi, jenni. I was worried about you. I hope you are feeling better. Hope you get back at your blog soon. Feel better.

  3. Jenni, I’m so sorry you’re going through so much sadness. I hope that things get better for you soon. I’ve really missed seeing you here.

    I’m a writer too, and I find that writing out my sadness and pain (for my eyes only – I journal, and have since I was a kid) really helps me make sense of things when life itself does not make sense or seem fair or kind to me. Like how children play to understand their world, I write to understand mine.

    Take care. I hope that you are feeling yourself again soon!

  4. Jenni, it was like the sun parting the clouds when I saw your post! I’m so glad to hear your voice again.

    I’m so sorry that you are struggling and hope that you continue to feel better every day. I wish I had some magical words to help you 🙂

    My thoughts are with you. Take care of yourself.

  5. Glad to have an update bc I was worried about you! Hope that everything is better, or getting better, & that you are feeling back to your old self soon! We finally have our San Diego dates for the summer & I’d love to meet you for lunch or meet up for a visit, if that sounds good to you?! Should I email you?

    Sending lots of good thoughts your way!

  6. It is good to know you are taking a break to take care of yourself. I know that, for me, as we are all different, mental health requires time to recharge (I am an introvert), sunshine, eating as healthy as I can, daily exercise, a little dark chocolate, books to read, my patient and loving family, a wonderful therapist and sometimes medication. I hope you find your balance because your words are missed.

  7. Awwww… Jenni! Feel better. Take as much time as you need. We will all be here when you decide it is right for you to come back!
    Thank you for the update!
    Love you! Miss you!

  8. Hey Jenni, (I just typed Henni, which I guess is my cross between Jenni and Honey) ;). II am glad you gave us a little update. I have been freaking out.

    Just remember, keep your head above water, and it will all work out in the end.

    Thinking of you.

  9. We sure have missed you. Take care of yourself and know that you have many wonderful friends here thinking about you.
    Best wishes!

  10. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw your post this morning. So glad you shared a few words…
    Sending you an extra dose of strength and support.
    You were missed!

  11. Love you, Jenni! So good to see GnomeLover in my inbox this morning. Take care and I look forward to any posts you decide to write. And, if you’re not blogging, I hope you are pursuing some wonderful other things in life. 🙂

  12. Oh thank goodness! I was so worried about you. Your blog does so much to brighten my day. I have missed you terribly. I am so sorry you are having such a rough time. You don’t have to explain. I am just so glad you are back. Please know that many people are cheering you on and eagerly awaiting your next post! I hope things start looking up soon. I have a difficult time with change too.

  13. Sending you well wishes from Texas! I enjoy reading what you write and will be praying for you–mom to mom, woman to woman–that you are doing okay and feeling able to find joy during a tough time.

  14. THANK GOODNESS!! I was kind of shitting myself with worry for you over here! (Not to make you feel bad, but you normally post so frequently that your sudden disappearance was kind of scary.) So glad you are, if not quite okay, at least on the road to okay. Anytime you want to email me or skype me, I’ll be there (well, timezones and work permitting, but you know). Sending you so many good vibes across the sea. Love you!!

  15. Jenni, you always put a smile on my face when I read your blog. Hopefully through these replies, we can do the same for you. Sending you a big hug, Angela

  16. Jenni, you are such a lovely woman. glad you feel safe to share that you are not up to par with your blog. we are all here for you! feelings are Ok and good. take good care of you.

  17. Thinking of you Jenni. Feel better one day at a time. I always repeat the mantra, “This too shall pass.” Sending so much good energy your way.

  18. Thank You for the update! I was worried about you.
    You are so kind to stop and let us know how you are doing.
    I myself have gone through periods of deep sadness and I know how hard it is
    to continue through your day let alone be creative or share.
    I hope you are feeling better very soon and the clouds move away and the sun starts to shine!

  19. Jenni, I am SO glad you posted this, I’ve been thinking/worrying about you every day as I scroll through all the blogs I check! I hope things start getting better for you asap. I am very sorry to hear you’ve been having a tough time. Sending all the best!


  20. Jenni, I am so happy to hear from you! I read your blog daily and I love reading what you have to say. I’ve been so worried about the past couple weeks. We are all here for you if you need anything. <3 and hugs to you and your family!

  21. Jenni, I also am so glad to read your post today. I was concerned something horrible might have happened.

    Just know that all of us here genuinely care for you and are wishing you the best. I’m also certain that for every friend who has left a comment, there are lurkers who care just as much.

    We may not know what you’re going through, but you are amongst friends. Take care of yourself and your beautiful family. Things will get better…but until then, take some time to bask in love coming your way from this corner of the internet that you’ve spawned.

    • Beautifully written, Lisa. Thank you for putting into words what I was feeling but unable to articulate as elegantly.

  22. Oh so glad to see this note! I always enjoy your posts with the funny crossouts. You make make me smile every day! I hope you are feeling happier every day as time goes on.

  23. I hope you feel better soon and that you are enjoying the first day of Spring.
    I don’t do well with change either and not knowing what your change is, all I can say is to take one task at a time and not look at the big picture.
    You are such a good writer that I don’t want you to stress about your blogging. We know how good you are, so if there is a blog that is not your greatest work, don’t stress about it. Easier said than done, I know.
    We in the blogging world are glad to hear from you!
    Enjoy your weekend,

  24. missing your wonderful posts, but most importantly, feel better and looking forward to seeing your posts again soon!

  25. I am so glad to hear that you are ok, Jenni. I hope everything gets better in the near future. I look forward hearing from you again!

    – Deniz

  26. You got this, homie! This WILL pass. No feelings are permanent and, if it feels bad enough that you need to talk to a professional or take an antidepressant for a few months, that DOES NOT make you weak or any less of a person.
    You spend so much time giving giving giving… Giving to your husband, your kids, the people who read to this blog. Hell, you’re one of the only people who actually responds to comments on FP Me. All of that shit gets exhausting, I’m sure. Pile on to that any personal issues you have going on in your life with your marriage or kids or extended family and of course you’re going to feel crazy, sad, exhausted….
    Take a lot of hot baths, get a massage, talk to a therapist, write about your feelings (haha all the things I should be doing for myself but don’t. I should really practice what I preach).
    Hey, check this out: I am a recovering heroin addict and your blog has gotten me through my past opiate detox and has given me a reason to get up in the morning. Not your typical target audience, huh? I just want you to understand how many people you affect when you cast your net. When you’re feeling inconsequential, remember that!

  27. Hi Jenni,

    Just a note to let you know that I am thinking of you and I hope that each day you feel better. You are beloved by this community and I hope these words bring you both comfort and strength.


  28. Ugh! It’s been so long 🙁 I check every day and just wish you’d come back. I want everything to get better for you. We miss you!

  29. Adding my voice to the choir singing your praises, Jenni! You have the best blog on the Internet and your friends are all over out here wishing the best for you!

  30. Jenni, Just wanted to send a quick to note to let you know that I’m thinking of you. Miss reading your posts.
    Hope you are well.

  31. Hi Jenni! Yesterday I did a search for a FP dress and a beautiful. image of you in one of your stylish creations came up in the results 🙂

    I’ve been thinking about you and sending good thoughts your way. I hope you are feeling better with each passing day. Know you are loved and missed!

  32. Really REALLY missing you! You’ve been such a ray of sunshine and fashion inspiration since I found your blog. Even your recipes have made their way into my home.

    I hope you and your family are doing well.

    If you read these and want to reply or blog, please remember it doesn’t have to be perfect. I REALLY hope your blog is still a fun place for you. And I hope we will hear again from you when you’re ready.

    Sending love your way.

  33. I miss your sweet blog, and I hope you feel like blogging again soon, but… Take as much time away as you need! I’m a super sensitive girl and I had a crappy year and it was like one thing after another. After another! And then… After ANOTHER. So many things unraveled and it knocked the wind out of me for a while. I used to blog everysingleday but after that, I had to switch my focus to lame basic needs like remembering to, eh, drink enough water, get enough sleep, etc. It was my cave girl period! I’m still baby-stepping back into non-cave girl activities entirely, but one thing that’s helped me is easing off my blog and picking up Pinterest. I can still share and keep in touch by communicating with images, without having to put a narrative to things. Anyhow, I hope you’re feeling better soon. And when you do come back to blog, rest assured that your audience will still be around; you have created a uniquely kind and imaginative space for uniquely kind and imaginative people… And our sort (besides being well-dressed) is the loyal sort.

  34. Jenni,

    I agree with Puppyloveprincess, take as much time as you need. Just know that we are all thinking about you and sending healing thoughts.

    It is hard to get back to normal when life keeps changing things on you.

    When you start to see the sunlight again, just let us know things are getting a little better. We all care about you and your sweet quirky personality, I do not know how many times you put a smile on my face.

    Thinking of you

  35. Hi Jennifer,

    I haven’t stopped by in a long time and now I see you have left. I am so worried and hope you’re Ok. I’m sending you all my Love! Ginette

  36. I confess to stalking your page every day and hoping you will regain your love of blogging at some point. You are greatly missed by your internet friends!!! Sending you lots of love and hugs and wishes for happiness.

  37. Looks like a lot of people are really concerned about you 🙁
    Maybe just throw out one quick sentence to let everyone know you are alive?
    You don’t owe anyone anything, per se, but I think it would be a good thing to do for all of your faithful readers who are very, very worried about you and have supported you over the years. I’m just someone who logged in every few months to binge read your posts, but I know you have lots of readers who were much more connected to you than that.
    I have experienced deep, deep loss from death to divorce to drug addiction to house fires to domestic abuse to muggings to prison terms… I understand that life’s difficulties can be extremely painful, and the the last thing you probably want to do right now is write something perky about your latest outfit, but I really do think that just the words “I’m o.k. I’m alive. Still don’t feel like writing” would put a lot of people’s minds at ease. Then again, what business is it of mine? Anyhow, I wish you all the best. Good luck with everything.

  38. HI, just checking in. I have been on a long blog break and I am just now leaving comments on my favorite blogs. You are in the group of bloggers I adore and I think we all started blogging around the same time. I want to cheer you guys on.
    We all hope to hear from you soon,

  39. Dearest Jennikins,

    I now miss you so desperately that I am here google-map spying on your neighbourhood and I think I may have found your house. Look how sad (i.e. pathetic) your disappearance has made me!! You gotta give me some sign your okay before I find myself buying a plane ticket, okay?!

    Yours obsessively,


  40. Hi Jenni!

    It is now officially October, and I was hoping you would have been back to blogging since it is your favorite time of year. 🙂

    Would it be possible to post a quick update-just letting us all know that you are okay? Your loyal readers check regularly and also post rather frequently.

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