In A Gorgurd


I have been wanting to take some pictures in this little gully for quite some time. In a moment of serendipity, we happened to be over near it when I was wearing something we could trek down into the small green valley in.

Once we got down into it, we began to notice signs of life.


I was keeping my eyes peeled for snakes. I wasn’t too worried about myself. I had huge leather boots on, but my husband was in loafers. I wasn’t so sure he would fare as well against a snake bite.


We didn’t find any snakes, that I know of. But we did find a giant vine with small little gourds trailing on it. There were bright ripe ones and crushed grey dusty ones. I could not help but think of my favorite books growing up, The Xanth Series by Piers Anthony. If you have not read the fantasy series, it is a world full of puns. Gourds take you into another world when you stare into them. To be specific, it is where bad dreams are created. It is ruled by Night Mare. You guessed it. A horse… Gosh! I love puns!

I was very careful not to peer inside of any gourds. You neve’ know.


I told my husband, “Honey, it’s like we are in Ireland!”

To which he replied, “You always say that any time it is green. If you actually went to Ireland, it wouldn’t look like this. Oregon doesn’t even look like this went it is green.”

Hmmmph. Next he’ll tell me it is perfectly fine to stare into gourds, too.


I was so excited to wear my Salt Creek Vest on this day (sold out, but when I wrote this there was a medium left and there might be some still available in stores). I am not a fur girl, even the fake kind. I loved everything about this vest when I saw it online except for the fur collar. I even saw a lone vest at my store in my size that someone returned a few months ago but did not try it on because I did not want to get attached.

She It has the most amazing back.


I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to score one for 70% off.

I could even handle the collar.


In fact, just between us, I think I like it.

A lot.

What the heck is happening to me? Did I fall into a gourd land where Jenni likes fur collars?

Or pays full price?

I just could not wait for this black shirt to hit sale. It wasn’t too expensive. It was the perfect length. Material. Shape. I have been wearing it twice a week. It was a wonderful splurge. I needed a basic long sleeved black tee that did not have a pocket and was not tight. The Mother Cruiser jeans were a sale score a few years ago (similar here).


That is surprisingly hard to find.

Like a perfect valley.


I thought we had wandered into a dream. We found an old toy. I assume it was an old dog’s toy. Which made me a little nervous. I kept looking around for its owner. Sure a rabid beast would be hulking around the hill. But all we witnessed was a lone man pull up in his car at the top of the valley with his camera to take pictures of… His car.

Lots and lots of pictures of his car.


What an odd thing to do.

I mean, who does that?

It is almost as weird as taking pictures of yourself in outfits.



Do you have rolling green hills near you? Have you been to Ireland? Is my husband right? Is this green valley a sad little sight compared to there?


The journey was almost perfect. But towards the end of the shoot, my husband gave a tremendous roar. Then he began shaking out his pants. Red ants had climbed up his legs and bit him. He literally had ants in his pants. Piers Anthony would have been so proud.

So much for a perfect green valley.

I am quite sure this never would have happened in Ireland…

Or Xanth.

10 thoughts on “In A Gorgurd

  1. I hope your hubby didn’t get bit too badly by those ants!
    Cute jacket! I am not a big fan of fur either – even faux fur too – but it looks good on that jacket. I bet it would look good without it though! Is is easily removed?
    Glad you didn’t run into any snakes. Yikes – that would be soooooo scary!

  2. I am always taken aback at how green it is whenever I go back home to Oregon. You’d think I would remember and not be surprised but I am. But now I like any little bit of green anywhere. No matter how sparse so your little valley looks lovely to me. Yikes — Fire ants. I knew nothing of them until we moved to Fort Wirth two years ago. Now I am petrified one of us or the dog will step in one of their hills. Is your husband okay?

  3. Red ants are no joke. Your poor husband. I know you wrote much more (adorable gourds! Books! Vests!) but I can not stop thinking about those biting ants. SO painful.
    However, I believe that a trip to Ireland is needed, to verify the levels of greenness in your valley. Call it scientific research. It is your duty to mankind.
    And, that t shirt. I need it. What size did you get?! I hate full price, but I feel like I would use it ALL the time.

  4. Now that I see the back of this vest, I am in love with it too. I have been obsessed with anything crochet lately! I agree on the fur / faux fur – not a fan usually but this looks great on you!

  5. Fun post! You look fantastic in that vest. The alligator is a Tuffy dog toy. They are good for “aggressive chewers” aka bulldogs.

  6. Hahaha! Ants in his pants, I love it!! Poor thing though, I hope he’s okay?
    Ireland does actually look a bit like that! Victor and I went there about nine years ago… took lots of pictures. Maybe I can find some and show you…
    Your vest is cute, but your ring is just BOSS! Bold jewellery like that really suits you, Jennipie!
    And as for that guy in the car? I think he was trying to sell the car over the internet. I mean, people do sell cars on ebay, don’t they? So yeah, that’s my theory!

  7. I loved the Xanth books growing up, too! Also, funnily enough, I am in Ireland right now. But I always say green places look like Ireland, and probably still will when I leave here at the end of the month. So I’m with you on that one!

    • How cool! Enjoy the rest of your time there! I have to show my husband this! Woot to someone else understanding! : )

      I still read the Xanth books, although they are not the same. Did you ever hear thar podcast with these two guys talking and one of them recalled the time they ran away to Piers Anthony’s house? It is awesome!

      Have a lovely week!


      • I haven’t read Xanth in so long, I will have to pick it up again for nostalgia’s sake. That podcast sounds so great, which one is it? That cracks me up. I can see myself doing something like that when I was young.

        Actually, I have you to thank for introducing me to Pat Rothfuss’ books through one of the blog posts you linked. The one about the penny. I can’t believe what I was missing all this time.

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