An Ombre Autumn Outfit


In my mind, when I purchased this Luna Luz dress in the summer at a local boutique, the outfit pictures I would take in this dress would be in an orange and yellow autumn tree setting.


However, I forgot one important fact.


I live in California.

And these trees?

Well, these trees only know one color.

And it ain’t yellow, orange or red.


Oh, well.

I guess this just means that the dress does not have any color competition.


I purchased this dress ((I cannot find my exact dress for sale online, but there is a white Luna Luz dress for sale here. I have seen my dress for sale on eBay previously but I did not see any listed when I wrote this) when I went back-to-school clothes shopping with my children. My daughter spotted the dress in the window with the giant sale sign and urged me to try it on.

“MOM! That dress is perfect for you!”

I know. She is such an enabler!

It’s actually not her fault.

I chanted those words throughout my pregnancy and through her first year of life.

Her first word was, “Muspeftyou.”

My husband just thought she really loved the cat. We’ve worked on her pronunciation since then.


I lie.


Besides her first word was, “nobye,” and you better believe it.

I think I know who is responsible for that one.


Are the leaves changing where you are? Do you own any ombre pieces? Do you actually remember your child’s first word? I forgot to write anything down, so frazzled and depressed was I. But we’re just gonna go with, “Da Da.”

I want you to know that I firmly believe that this has absolutely everything nothing to do with the second phrase that I continuously murmured throughout her childhood, “Did ya see that dress?”

Everything. Nothin’.

*I shared this on The Pleated Poppy and Reasons To Dress.

these photos were edited using VSCOcam C1 on level 3.

21 thoughts on “An Ombre Autumn Outfit

  1. That is a perfect dress. Perfect. Maybe I should start those subliminal messages with Macy… ya know, train a child up right…
    I would say to come visit us for the colors, but they are now in leave bags on the side of the road. So, your nice, green is a perfect setting.

    • Definitely start now. : ). Of course, it could be that she wanted me to buy it so she can borrow it in a little while.

      I always thought the leaves stayed until December. So sad to learn they are all ready gone. It does not feel like winter hear, but we all have the worst winter cold that I have ever had. It is the worst to be sick in the heat.

      Sweet dreams! : )


  2. Ha ha!

    LOVE the dress. Your daughter was right. I think she has been well trained by you.

    The first words my child spoke were just little whimpers. I can remember it like it was yesterday…her wet little nose snuggling up to mine, her warm belly was so very soft…that new baby smell….everyone saying she looked just like her daddy…{sigh} where has all the time gone?

    Now that she is older all she does is demand to go out and run around. Teenagers are difficult.

    No one told me it would be this hard to raise a well behaved pug.


    • I love it! My fur babies are still not well behaved. Murphy just figured out that he could open the doggy gate block with his nose to sneak out. He wants to escape!

      And thank you about the dress! I do love it! : )

      Have a sweet Sunday!


  3. Don’t remember my daughters first word, but I did keep a baby book, so I’m sure it is written down somewhere in there. The dress is beautiful and I can totally picture it with a fall leaves background. no ombre pieces in my closet….yet.

    • So smart! I wish I had known about baby books. I did not learn about them until my son was two. I definitely would have used them.

      Thank you about the dress! I was so excited to share it! : )

      Have a fun Sunday!


  4. Beautiful dress, and I love how you paired the boots with it!

    I am behind on my blog reading. We were just in California (Tahoe, Sierras) and they have fall colours there!

    • Thank you Liana! I am so behind, too. We have been sick. I fell asleep at 6:30 tonight and just woke up for a bit. Tahoe sounds like so much fun. My dad has taken the kids camping there and they loved it. I used to go there with my family as a little girl, but then my grandfather died and everyone was too sad to ever go there again. I remember lots of geese!

      Have a relaxing Sunday!


  5. You are stunning in black! Love that your daughter is your enabler. Does she raid your closet? I remember when I was a teen and my mom, my sister, and I would all steal each others stuff.

    • Thank you Cynthia! My husband is an enabler, too. I don’t stand a chance! She borrows some things and vice versa, but her style is very different from mine so she doesn’t like a lot of my clothes. We mostly trade cardigans and accessories. I hope she never wears my shoe size! That girl loves shoes!

      Have a great Sunday!


  6. I love that dress! I especially love those boots!! they are my fave of yours…they make every outfit look amazing…I am partial to boots. I wish the leaves were changing…I think we live in the same vicinity from some of your winery pix….it’s like summer all over again here!

    • Thank you Melodee! Those boots are my favorite, too! I dread the day they wear out! We do live in the same area, I remember from a post you once did. I think you are about twenty minutes away from me. We need to meet up for lunch sometime. I have been so sad looking at the weather forecast. It was SO hot today! It looks like it will cool off a bit but nothing like a real fall or winter. I feel guilty feeling so sad about the heat with people having 0 degree weather right now, but it is so depressing running our air conditioner in November.

      Have a lovely Sunday!


  7. I’ve fallen for that dress of yours completely (though you do her far more justice than I ever could!) and am certain she’d enjoy my closet! The pick-ups and the ombré…swoon!
    A sweet little story I have for you is that my son’s first and then, long afterward, second words.
    The year that I was pregnant my ex-husband gifted me a beautiful, delicate diamond cross pendant for Christmas. Now I know it was more of the guilt gift, but at the time I was delighted with it and wore it constantly. In fact, I quite adamantly refused to take it off while in labor at the hospital. So as you can well imagine, my son’s early memories of me must surely feature that glimmering, glistening bit of starlight swinging down betwixt us every time I reached for him. As he got older, I would see him catch sight of it and focus…and found myself hold it out to swirl in the light, saying “look, pretty necklace”. And so it was that his first word was “pud-dee-ack-wus”. (I might have summarily begun calling myself pretty mami, in hopes he’d repeat that as well…but as none have come forward to verify that ego-indiscretion, we’ll just pretend it never happened!)
    Soon after…his words went away… Away with the eye contact and cuddles… Away into autism…
    Years…three years later in fact, in the midst of his then-typical monster growls my four and a half year old son growled out “Cookie Monster” in a ferocious snarl. And I wept. And danced. And shook. Three years of speech therapy and I was gifted Cookie Monster!
    (He’s a veritable motor-mouth these days, btw)

    • Thank you Leanna! I enjoy that dress! And thank yofor sharing. Your stories always touch my heart. You are so strong. I am so glad that he is talking now. I am also so impressed with his drawings. They are amazing!

      Also, you are so selfless to come and comment here yesterday after the horrible day that you had. I am so sorry about that! Please keep mme updated. I have been thinking about your situation all day. I hope it is resolved on Monday.

      Have sweet dreams and a wonderful Sunday!


  8. It’s become common in my life of late that I only check blogs instagram, twitter, every few days, so I saw your post of this on Instagram today. I said you looked beautiful in it & like a model, & I so think you do! You look gorgeous, it really suits you!! I have one ombré sleeveless shirt that is also puckered all on the front. It’s a bit big, maybe somewhat under the arms, but it’s good for hiding the tummy that is left post pregnancy! 🙂 OY VEY! I would like to buy the ombré “boarding an” from nordstrom, aptly named & celebrated by Sheaffer’s blog “Pinterest told me to”, but it’s kind of pricy & I can’t shop anymore…..too much lately I’m afraid, & I don’t NEED anything, but you can relate, correct?!?! maybe someday! 🙂

    • Thank you Rebecca! That is just the nicest compliment. Thank you! : ).

      I have not been on Instagram this week, because I have been so sick. It is all I can do to get out of bed. I went to the doctor yesterday, so I hope the medication he prescribed works soon!

      And I can so relate about wanting things and having to say no. I want something at Anthroplogie so badly right now, but it is entirely impractical and I cannot buy anything more this month that is more than $10 (I cannot resist a $10 find).

      Sweet dreams!


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