It’s The Little Things: Dog Collars


Dog Collars. The varieties are endless. The choices overwhelming. I like to accessorize my pet, without actually accessorizing my pet.

Enter the dog collar. Jewelry for your dog that nobody questions. He.He.

And I have two dogs, so you would think that I would have my fair share of collars.

But Ollie cannot wear a collar. His neck is too fat. He has too many rolls. This causes sores if he wears a collar.

So, it is just Murphy that gets to be adorned. Not adored. But adorned. They are both adored.


I found a seller on Etsy that makes wonderful dog collars. The shop is called Mod Dog. I have purchased four. The gnome version being one of them, of course.


I just purchased another one this week, because I realized my “newest” one was three years old. Um, sorry dog. But the collar has held up so well. I purchased it in bees, because it reminded me of my dad (the beekeeper).


This time, I purchased the deer collar, in the 3/4 inch size. I liked how whimsical it looked. Plus, I caught my dog munching on one of my bushes this last week, so it kind of fits him.

I have been in boutiques where dog collars are so pricey. I just purchased mine for $21, including shipping. And it comes with a one year guarantee.


It’s The Little Things: A dog with a pretty collar. Hey, it doesn’t always have to be deep. : )