A Mythical Creature


What would you do if you met a mythical creature in real life?

Would you run? Panic? Take pictures? Scream? Laugh? Cry?

Here is what you need to know about these pictures. Five minutes after they were taken, my husband and I went to our favorite Cuban restaurant to get a coffee.

I had chosen my dress that day because I wanted something fun and fantasy-like.

I chose the tights, because I could.

One day purple legs will be all the rage, you’ll see. Or is that just another fairy tale?


At the restaurant, we saw a real-life mythical creature.

One that made me blush and then quickly leave. But for now, let’s look at pictures of Jenni without any coffee. She is a beast, all by herself.


This dress is old. It was called The Myths and Legends Dress from Anthropologie. I love the creatures on the dress. I think they are plain ol’ animals but I like to squint at the pattern and pretend that the deer are unicorns. As one does. I found my dress on eBay a few years ago. I would link to a similar dress, but I do not think there is one out right now. If you are looking for whimsical clothing, I have this shirt in my wishlist in two different colors and I purchased this skirt last week (review coming on Monday).

The purple tights were $1 last year in Nordstrom Rack’s clearance bin (I cannot imagine why) and the boots can be found here.


If you are into the fantasy genre, then you might understand that I did not buy the dress strictly for the fantasy creatures. I actually purchased it for the tower-like fortresses (um, the designer might call them something odd like…trees) in the middle of the forrest pattern.

They remind me of where druids dwell in the Shanara fantasy series by Terry Brooks.


Wearing this dress always makes me feel a tad bit braver and a touch more childlike. The brave feeling turns out to be a farce, as we will see further down, but for now we can still believe.


I wonder what is behind this door?


Ancient druids practicing magic?


In five minutes, Jenni is going to wish she could figure out how to melt into this wall.

But why?


Because as I was sitting in the restaurant enjoying my hard won coffee, someone walked into the restaurant.

You know how they always say kids are amazed when they see their teachers outside of school? As if they were seeing a magical creature come to life?

Well, that is exactly how I felt when my gynecologist walked into the coffee shop as I was innocently drinking my coffee. My good looking gynecologist. With his family.

Here was my dilemma. I could go say, “hi,” but would he have recognized me? And then his four kids (in their teens and twenties) would have turned to look at me. And know. In that coffee shop. That their dad had seen all of me.

With my husband next to me.

Too many people had seen me naked in that coffee shop. There were only ten of us in there. I did not like the number equation.

So, I did what any person would do when confronted with a real life mythical creature.

I left as quickly as I could.

Went home and booked my overdue doctor’s appointment (because I believe in signs).

And am patiently waiting to see the fearsome creature in his natural environment.

Without coffee. Kids. And clothes.

Exactly the way I would greet a unicorn. Just so ya know.

Outfits From My Closet

Well, after yesterday’s kind of heavy post about entitlement, it is only natural that I do a post the very next day showcasing some outfits from my closet. Materialism. It’s another beast I fight. And when I say fight, I mean I hold its long slimy head to my bosom and gently whisper in its ear, “Are you cold? Cause you look like you could use another sweater.”

The outfits I wanted to show today are made up of pieces I have all ready worn on this blog before. But I wanted to show how I have worn them lately.


Do you remember my Modena dress? I admit she doesn’t get as much wear as I would like her to. I think it is because my husband just doesn’t like this dress. And as much as I strut around and claim that doesn’t bother me or affect if I will wear it, it does. Last week I wore the dress with my fun faun leggings from Modcloth (I also wore the leggings here.) And he liked it!


My Ruffled Sweater Vest! How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Here I paired it with my Old Navy mustard pants and a white tee. I don’t know why I like this outfit so much, wonders the daughter of a beekeeper.

But I do. I do.


If you have been wondering if I had been neglecting my overalls since I posted about them here, I haven’t. I am still madly in love with them. I still get strange looks when I go out. This is when the Materialism Beast unfolds itself from around my waist, lifts his head up and hisses.

It’s not my fault if it spits hay at people in the process.

What is your favorite way to wear something you have had for awhile in your closet?

* P.S. Eye shared this on The Pleated Poppy!