I Call Bull

Dog, that is.


It is surprisingly hard to find cute english bulldog clothes. And, yes. I realize that might be a weird thing to search for, but I like bulldogs. I like clothes. And ever the two shall meet.


There are numerous french bulldog items. And pug items. But hardly ever english bulldogs. I wonder why that is. Whatever the reason, I usually scoop up the French Bulldog tees and give them love, any way. This French Bulldog shirt was no exception. My husband wants our next dog to be a French Bulldog. I want to stick with what we have, um, because have you seen our walls? They are covered in English Bulldog and Bichon paintings. It would seem weird not to continue the theme.


But, I digress.

What I really want to talk about is the act of getting dressed.

I am not a fashion blog. Or a style blog. Or anything like that, regardless of what some might think. I know nothing about either of those things.


I am simply a “getting dressed” blog.

As in, whoppee! I got dressed today! I can do this thing called life. Let’s be dressed together because whilst naked always sounds like fun it rarely ends up being so. Just ask my neighbors.


Men and women used to dress for the day. They used to really dress. I am not quite sure when it stopped. To be frank, I don’t really care what anybody else wears. I would never judge. I just wish that it went both ways.


For instance, I was at the grocery store later the day I wore this last week and the cashier said to me, “You’re all dressed up. Where are you going?” And I thought to myself, I’m wearing a dog t-shirt and a skirt. This should not be described as dressed up.

I started to feel defensive as other people turned to stare at the ridiculous girl who was dressed up.

“I just came back from a date,” I lied.

Well, I kind of lied. I had gone and seen a movie with my husband but we ate at Del Taco and went to the early bird seating. The whole “experience” cost less than $20. It was not exactly fancy, but again… dog t-shirt.


Honestly, putting on happy clothes makes a huge difference in my day. I knew I wanted to pair this happy shirt with my skirt I had scored at the consignment store last year for $10 (similar skirt here. I previously wore the skirt in this post here with my bulldog). The Glimmered Horseshoe Necklace, boots and belt were past sale scores from Anthropologie. And the scarf is a few years old from H&M.

Are you one of the “dressed up” few? How does that make you feel?

Did you notice that I never, not once, mentioned the somewhat unfortunate placement of the bulldogs on this shirt? It is because I am growing up. I didn’t even snicker it at all.


46 thoughts on “I Call Bull

  1. Cute outfit! I love bulldog items too and usually purchase when I find them. Purchased a cute pullover sweater from the men’s department in Target, and also got some boxers with bullies on them in the Target men’s department too.

  2. I’ve also been asked that stilly question…why are you all dressed up? I feel like responding by asking, “Why are you dressed like a bum?” But I never do. Of course not. I’m too polite. I’m Canadian after all and have a reputation to maintain. Even if sometimes it almost kills me.

    I’m a sucker for doggie tees, as I make my own pug tees and sell them on Etsy. Maybe I need to be making you a bulldog tee : )


  3. Great post! It is nice, & an accomplishment, if you’re really not doing anything or anywhere to get dressed. I would have loved to live in prior decades where people got dressed up everyday!
    Love your fun outfits! You always look great!

  4. Uh oh. I am sitting here in my grubby clothes. And to top it off I went out in public in them. It was just a follow up visit at Kaiser so I thought what the heck – everyone looks terrible at Kaiser – why should I even try to look good.
    The problem is that I have been wearing grubby old clothes every day. Working from home makes it too easy for me to fall into the grubby clothes habit. And it really does need to stop because I don’t feel good about myself in old jeans and tshirts.
    I’ve been toying with the idea of documenting my outfit everyday and putting it up on the blog. That way I’ll be compelled to dress better. Dressing well really makes a difference in my self confidence levels. I need to just do it!
    Thank you, Jenni! You have totally inspired me!

  5. I love that skirt on you! It/You remind me of a good movie…can’t think of the one, but it’s good. I like that you wear dresses and skirts. That, to me, is “dressed up”. I feel dressed up when I’m wearing a funny t shirt and skinny jeans. Haha! That’s the most I guess I can do so it’s fun to see you look so cute. Love you and hope you’re feeling better.

    • Thank you Mandi! You always look beautiful. I am finally feeling a little human today. : )

      Have a magical week!

      P.S. Check out Patrick Rothfuss’s blog for info on Subterranean Publishing’s deal this week. It was a few days ago. I bought the bundle and am LOVING it. You would like it too.


  6. I love your blog and your style! I wear skirts all the time. I feel pulled together and like I can accomplish things when I like what I’m wearing. At work, I am apparently known as “the weird girl who wears skirts all the time.” This would be solely based on wardrobe as I don’t know the person well. I think it’s sad that people don’t dress up as frequently. It’s fun to dress up!

  7. Aloha!

    I found your blog via Liz over at With Wonder and Whimsy, I had spotted you in the comments many a time but didn’t realise you were a follow blogger (should have guessed really..one is useless!)

    I LOVE this combo and I loved your comments about how you wish people could just get dressed without being judged. I have to say, living in London, most people don’t really give two hoots about what you’re wearing, it’s got such an eclectic sense of style which is one of the reasons I love it so much.

    The skirt is gorgeous, I love the flow of the fabric, it almost looks as though it has quite a bit of fullness to it as well. I bet the movement when you’re walking is beautiful.

    Anywho, I shall stop waffling!

    Laura xx

  8. This is a great outfit! One of my favs on you. Your photographer, (smile), really captured it perfectly! You look sophisticated, approachable. Yes, I would say dressed up — that’s a major complement, I applaud the time, effort, thought and planning it takes. I think it says I feel good about myself. Also makes me think I need to put together some outfits so when I do get out of jeans and oversized t-shirts I can have a look. Luv ya!

  9. I love this outfit. The skirt is so pretty and feminine. I love the ruffles and the booties. And the scarf looks very cozy.

    I like getting dressed up, but also to be honest, I often find dresses and skirts to be the simplest options when getting dressed in the morning. I find that people tend to associate anything that’s not pants with being fancy. Hm. I am a fancy non-pants person.

    • Thank you Liana!

      I so agree with you. I think dresses and skirts are so much easier than pants. But for some reason pants seems to be thought of as the easy thing. I wonder if it is gender related based. Hmmmm.

      Have a terrific Tuesday!


  10. I’ve been checking in on you daily too & have missed you! I hope you’re doing ok & your family is as well! Hope to see your posts again soon!

  11. Hi Jenni,

    The last two weeks haven’t been the same without a post from you. I check in every day and hope all is well.

  12. Ne too! I was thinking something happened to my subscription as no new posts have his my inbox. Hope you’re well & just taking a break, or vacation.

  13. It’s funny because I am not a fashion expert but I love fashion. So I describe my blog as a “mom fashion blog” but maybe I should pick another description. It’s more about having fun treasure hunting and adding some style to the reality of everyday life.
    It’s nice to make an effort. When I took my cat to the vet, I was not Miss Glamour but I did wear Anthropologie pants instead of sweats, as an example.
    I love how your blog balances fashion, cooking, treasure hunting and storytelling. It’s spot on!
    I have had people ask why I’m dressed up too and I give them the true embarrassing answer. I have these clothes just hanging in my closet that I need to wear. It makes me sound like a clothes obsessed person or that I have an amazing dream closet.
    I really like your skirt and I did not notice the dog placement on the shirt until you pointed it out. That is one thing that irks me about printed clothing. Sometimes you don’t get the best print placement.
    Have a great evening,

  14. I feel like when Dorothy and the Scarecrow say goodbye, “and you I will miss most of all”. Hope you are feeling okay. Miss you oodles!!!!

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