Searching For…


Most of the folks who stumble upon my blog by way of searching Google usually do so by looking for a certain dress or top. Typically they want information on a brand or article of clothing. Sometimes I will see someone looking at my blog through a search question and I want to scream the answer to them, because I know they will not find it on the post they are viewing. Like yesterday when someone searched, “Can I wear Johnny Was over 55?” YES! Of course! Please do so! You will look fabulous. It is like that dream where you cannot speak. In the meantime, they silently move along. Still searching for the answer. Never knowing that I am miming it to them through the internet. Isn’t that how it works?

But other search terms, well, I really am not at all sure how or why the search engine sent their quest to my blog. But I do get a chuckle from it. I have all ready mentioned in this post a weird search engine term that frequently sends folks to this blog. But I thought it would be fun to share a few others. The Bloggess shares hers every so often and before that, Pioneer Woman shared hers. And before Pioneer Woman… Well, who remembers? Anyway, those search engine posts on different blogs are always some of my favorites. I wrote some of my search terms down exactly as they were searched, typos and all. The italics are my thoughts on them:

I have a lover my husband is to small
(are we talking gnome size or imp? I draw the line at gnomes. I would hate to have to fetch him from the junk drawer)

How do i show my mil i love and appreciate about her

Why is my maah lumpy and sloppy?
(So many questions. Not enough towels)

Son smelling mom dress
(is it because maah is lumpy and sloppy?)

Dream of getting three hamburgers

No wonder everyone always wants to go to grandma’s house
(no wonder, indeed. She must feed you three hamburgers)

Big toe lover .com
(I have no words, and apparently not big enough toes)

I am comin gnome accross spiders too much, what does this indicate?

Think my diy finds me too needy
(I believe you. Are you hammering into him? Drilling him about his whereabouts? You should paint him a different picture)

How to deflect a curse
(I am still working on that. Did you talk to that telemarketer, too?)

You met a fairy in your dreams and gave a gift
(was it three hamburgers?)

Dream dictionary tattoo on forehead
(that would be an odd looking tattoo)

Lovely name on vest for lovers

Yogurt in dream, dreamology
(I have met your unhealthier soulmate somewhere on this blog)

Trader joes croissants didn’t proof
(next you’re going to say they didn’t rhombus either)

Contain of fair & lovely pig
(I would love to be offended that this search brought you here, but the first two descriptions are nice, so I’ll take it)

What goes with roosters on a mantle
(um, what doesn’t go with roosters on a mantle? Needy DIY is that you?)

Gnome as a manicurist
(see big toe lover dot com)

Gnome Lover Height
(I’ll tell ya, but not if you are looking for a lover because your husband is to small: 5’6″)

If you have a blog have you checked it recently for funny search terms? I find the best time to do so is right before midnight. The best search terms seem to be at night, when people are dreaming about hamburgers… And sloppy maahs. Hopefully not together.

Anthropologie Early Summer Reviews

I was at an Anthropologie a few days ago, waiting to meet my father at a nearby restaurant so we could eat lunch and I could pick up my kids after their camping adventure with him. I was not planning on doing reviews. But so many great pieces beckoned to me and so I decided to share them with you.

I did not buy anything, because I had splurged on this dress and this vest during the tag sale. But I added many items to my wishlist. I was surprised, because nothing popped out at me online, but I loved them in person.


First, I wore my Modcloth dress from a winter sale, that day. It is long sold out (similar dress here), but Modcloth always has fit and flare dresses that are great year round. And this dress has been on my wishlist forever, but always sells out in my size before I can buy it. The necklace is Simply Livly’s Turquoise Necklace. And the shoes are Anthropologie’s Almanac Sandals, now on sale.


I love. Love. Love. Love the Dolan Horizon Lines Maxi Skirt. It is $88. It is elongating. It is not too clingy. I am definitely picking this up soon. I am wearing a medium and apparently I am not wearing it right. I guess the waistband is supposed to fold over on itself, but I prefer it this way. It is big at the waist, but I think a small would be too clingy around my thighs and hips. The colors are muted and remind me of watercolors.


And the Gabo Eyelet Tee is so good. So, so, so good. Well, except for the price. I am going to try to hold out on sale for this one. It is artsy and just unique and different (which is kind of what I am exclusively looking for lately). My husband says in no way should I ever wear these two together. And I know they clash, but I like it. What do you think? I do see what he is talking about, so you won’t hurt my feelings either way. I am wearing a medium here and that is what I would buy. It has big holes with no lining so it will definitely need a camisole underneath it to wear out into public. To wear for pictures on the public internet? Meh. That’s up to you.


If I did sleeveless, I would be all over the Tulipan Tank Dress. It is comfortable. It is flattering. I love the two different colors on the dress. It comes in four different color combinations. It does run big. I am in a small in this dress, so I worry the more petite girls might be sized out of this. I have this in my wishlist, because I would definitely buy this for a sale price. It has a weird criss-cross back and my bra straps did show, so that is something to consider, because I hate wearing special bras.


I adore everything about the Embroidered Cutwork Dress. I love that it comes in black and white. I have so many white dresses, but I have wishlisted this dress in both colors. This dress is a tricky one in terms of sizing. I am wearing a small in the picture above.


And a medium in this picture. I am unsure which size to get. I am leaning towards small. I will be patient with this one and wait until sale. It is a basic piece and I like how it can be dressed up or down. I also like the length of the dress as it is not too short.


I wish you could have seen me in the dressing room trying to put on this shirt. What? Jenni, that is not a shirt. That is a romper. Um, yes, I eventually did figure that out, but it took me an embarrassing amount of time to put this on. First, because the leg holes confounded me for a shirt opening and second, once I realized it was a romper and not a shirt, I had to decide if I was actually going to try it on.

And I did.

For you.

I am wearing a medium.

I am just not a romper girl. I jiggle too much to be a romper girl. I think this will be amazing on so many girls. I have a friend in particular who would rock this romper. Kerri, I’m talking to you. But it is just not for me.


I would be pulling it down all day. And it would eventually look like this. I think we can all agree that would be a bad call.


I was intrigued by the pattern of this skirt, on the hanger. It is called Apolline Maxi Skirt. I do not think this is a maxi skirt. More like a midi. I did not find this flattering on me. I am wearing a medium. It is a flimsy material and I think the price tag is high for it. It does receive good reviews online. It is just not for me.

The shirt in the picture is great. It is the Lace Lined Tee. I am wearing a medium. It has great details and I have wishlisted it.


I also tried on the Carte Neoprene Skirt with the top above. It was on my store’s last chance rack and happened to be my size 6. I think I would size up to an 8 in this. It was a little tight. It is also, short, short, short. No surprise, my husband loved this skirt. I loved the map design on it. It was different and cool. The material is really odd on this. It is thick and slippery. I think this one is a pass for me, because of the length. This would be great on the younger set.


I tried on the Mira Shirtdress. I think the pattern is pretty and the colors are great. I am not a shirtdress girl. I would say this runs true to size. I am wearing a size six here. If you are a shirtdress girl, then I think this one is cute.


I have been waiting for the River Fade Dress (previously called Bavay Dress) to hit sale for months and months. Now they have renamed it and put it back in the new arrival section, so it looks like I will have to wait even longer.

The dress did not disappoint in person. I love that smooth easy feel that chambray can take on. The dress is very flattering. I am wearing a medium above.


And the small here. There really was not much of a difference between the two sizes. I think I would order a small if it ever goes on sale. I love everything about this dress, although my husband said it reminded him of a kangaroo.

Great. Just call me Kanga.

Have you tried on anything you love lately? Did you buy anything during the tag sale? Isn’t it hard to wait for sale?

*This post contains affiliate links. Clicking on or purchasing from certain links may result in a small commission to feed Roo for this blog.

Disneyland in June


We recently went to Disneyland. Like the forgetful dweebs we are, we forgot to take any pictures (Except for the one lonely graveyard pic from Haunted Mansion). I am so bummed. The kids are getting bigger every day. Growing bigger. Growing older. Growing apart. From us.

Why couldn’t I take a picture?

Here are the highlights I chronicled in my head from the day:

1. Eating at a restaurant in the park, we began speaking to the most wonderful old woman (she was the hostess). Picture a nursery rhyme with an old lady in an apron. You would have this woman. I believe she was even wearing an apron. Her face tried to hide that she had once been beautiful among many lines of gathering folds. But it was still there, in her twinkling crystal blue eyes. Her lips still full, despite time trying to steal them, bit by bit, away.

But it was her hands that interested me. She had the largest hands I had ever seen on a woman. And I began to ponder as she chuckled and spoke in delight, what stories her hands told. She tossed them about, describing her beloved grandchildren. Were they hands that had worked everyday of her life… Until they were so full of pent up energy they might burst?

Was she standing there smiling and laughing, all the while, being in terrible pain from arthritis plaguing her appendages?

Was this the way she was born? Her heritage, along with her curly hair, twinkling eyes, and rich spirit.

I do not know.

But I wonder. I do.

2. At the same restaurant, my nine year old son turned to me and said, “Mom, ten and under.” And he pointed to his kid’s menu.

I laughed and said, “Yes, and that is you.”

He said, “I know, but soon it won’t be.”

Oh, dagger straight to the heart…

So, his kid’s meal comes out. He had ordered the kid’s fried chicken meal. On the plate was one piece of chicken.

All was quiet at the table, when you hear my son who has the vocabulary and soul of an old man say, “This. is. infuriating.”

And he glowered at his lonely piece of chicken.

Which made us all laugh hysterically.

3. Being in the restroom with my daughter, when we both heard a scream.

A woman rushing from the stall dismayed at the self-flushing toilet.

Only to be met at the rows of sinks by her mother, who was fascinated by the magic of faucets and paper towel machines that would turn on without a press of a button or the turn of a knob.

It is rare in this world to witness someone being truly delighted. Seeing someone’s “first.” Someone in awe.


My daughter and I bathed in it.

4. Eating a giant bag of Salt & Vinegar Kettle Chips from my Mary Poppin’s bag of treats and indulging in frozen lemonade as our family sat on a brick wall and people watched.

The icy sweet goodness.

The old Indian couple lounging on a bench in front of us. Her body covered with beautiful silver jewelry. Both wearing traditional Indian clothing. A young Indian family, in jeans, rushing up to them. Carefully handing over hot cups of liquid to their elders. Respectful. Itching to get back and enjoy the rides. The young woman’s braid, thick and luscious trailing down towards the small of her back. Never stopped swinging. The constant motion of motherhood.

5. My children’s smiling faces. Laughing. The outline of my daughter’s profile, as I stared and marveled at the beauty she is becoming. The sun gleaming off of her skin, as we waited in yet, another line.

6. Getting fast passes for Indiana Jones. Watching my daughter’s smiling face, my son’s stoic one.

The ride was over, I asked my son, “So, did you like it?”

“Yes.” He replied, “I didn’t stop grinning the whole time.”

And then he smiled in delight.

7. After Indiana Jones, which was our favorite ride of the day, we followed a family out the exit. The grandmother was faster than us and she used a walking cane. The mother was a smiling pretty woman. She stepped away from her family and I watched what she did next.

She approached a young couple in their late teens standing in the hour long standard line and handed them two extra fast pass tickets that she had in her possession. The thing is, I would never have given those teenagers those tickets. I would have assumed they would have been ungrateful, or, well, “teenagers.”

Those kids beamed at her. They thanked her so profusely.

They ran excitedly to the fast pass line and I watched the woman watching them and smiling to herself.

And I smiled, too. Because she was a better woman than me. And she taught me that I might have a little soul searching to do.

It was another “pure” moment. And my soul drank it in.

8. And tears. Lots of tears. Meltdowns from children in the heat. Begging to go home. A teenage girl crying. Fighting with her mother next to us.

The disappointment on the parents’ and children’s faces as they realized they just were not tall enough to go on the ride they wanted.

And I wanted to scream.

I have been that parent. My children have been those children.

I wish I had known…

“Be grateful! Relish Dumbo, Peter Pan, the carousel. Enjoy the holding of the hands. The sticky fingers. The slobbery kisses.

Because one day, you will be standing in the line that you had coveted and you will see those frustrated parents and children. You will envy the rides they get to go on as you stand and wait for another “fast” one.

Cherish that line that keeps them young. Because there isn’t another one.

That “tall enough” line is the measurement of youth. And it does not go backwards.”

But I don’t.

I remain silent.

And I watch them walk away in disappointment, as I stand there, my heart being the only thing shrinking.

8. Haunted Mansion.

My husband and I holding hands. Our children in a car ahead of us. Us. Kissing in the dark. Ghosts swirling around us.

9. Happiness.

Tired, aching feet.

Tired, happy soul.

Disneyland. Those are the memories I will take from the day. No pictures. Just images in my head.