“Bonk! Bonk!”


Okay. I had to fit those words in somehow. I cannot recall a time I have ever actually said those words before this week. My husband and I were laying in bed after the kids had gone to school (I selfishly love his crazy hours). And he proceeded to tickle me. I think I scared him silly when to get him to stop, I started yelling, “Bonk!” But it sounded more like a “honk” from a semi-truck being blasted through the horn of a fifty year old bouncer at the end of a long shift guarding the door to a room full of frogs that he had spent years trying to imitate.







It was at this point that one of us erupted into a fit of laughter. And for the first time in history, it wasn’t the person being tickled.

“I think you broke my laugh box,” he said to me.

“Yea, well, that’ll teach you.”

Teach him what? That somewhere in the depths of my soul a semi-truck bred with a crazy clown and the only offspring they managed to produce was a terrifying sound?

I have to wonder what other freaky infant noises are being harbored in my soul.


That baby might just be the most annoying creation in history. I need to quiet the urge.



It’s The Little Things: Phone Camera Lenses

I never knew these existed. Did you? But I read about them last month on A Beautiful Mess here. They compared different photo lenses for phone cameras. Some of the ones they showed were expensive. I knew as much as they intrigued me, I probably would not be indulging in them. But they also showed a pack of lenses for sale at Amazon for less than $10. They are the VicTsing 3in1 Lens. I thought it would be fun to play around with them.

Spoiler: I was right! So, so right!

Duh! ; )


This is what the three lenses (that really does not sound like a word. Does it?) look like. There is the fish-eye lens and the macro/wide view lens. The macro and wide view lens screw together. To use the wide view, you keep them together. To use the macro (super close-up), you unscrew them and attach only that one.


This is what a lens looks like attached to my phone (I have an iPhone 5).


This one is my favorite. I think. I really love them all. It is the fisheye lens. It makes everything look distorted. I think it is so cool! This is sweet Ollie using the fisheye lens.


This is a selfie. I am on my knees (in case you were wonderin’). Probably beggin’ for clothes.

Or a cookie.


A flower in our backyard.


This is a picture of our backyard without the wide angle lens.


This is the same spot with the wide angle lens. You can definitely tell the difference.


And here is the macro lens. A flower petal in our house.


My eyeball.

Because why wouldn’t I?


An in-depth look at a pompom.


Here it is without the macro lens attached. It is a definite difference.

It’s the little things: getting more uses from something you all ready own!

I hardly ever use my camera on my phone. But now with these easy lenses, I can take fun pictures anywhere I am. These lenses will fit easily into any purse I own. I am thrilled with this cheap little indulgence. I am going to buy a pack for my daughter, too. They are a cool little gift.

Have you heard of these? Have you tried them? Do you use your phone’s camera?

* I was not paid for this post. I purchased the lenses myself, because I really wanted to try them. However, the link provided is an affiliate link. Purchasing through that link will provide a small commission for this blog. I will never write a post about something I have not purchased myself or that I would purchase for myself. As in anything I review, your experience may vary. I am not a professional photographer and I tried to use the lenses to the best of my ability. And my ability… it ain’t much. ; ).