My Favorite Posts Of The Year

My blog just turned one! I am so happy about its birthday!

I set out to create a blog that was fun. A blog that was a chaotic mess of everything I was passionate about. I wanted to renew my love for writing. I wanted to find people with interests similar to my own and have a connection. Make new friends. Create. A blog. An imperfect blog so that I could be my complete imperfect self. I was, for the first time in my life, optimistic.

Thank you to everyone who has stopped by to read it.

Who has stopped by to touch my soul.

Thank you.

I wanted to share my favorite twenty posts over the year. Some of which I feel have been buried in the archives. And maybe you have not seen them before. These posts are the ones I remember. The ones I am proud of, or I thought they were funny, or informative, or just represented my blog the best.

In random order:


1. Hulk Hands

2. Dear Children: Hating Me

3. We’re Painting The Blanket Pink

4. Come In…


5. I Paid $40 For Closure With Sean Astin

6. Ten Cents

7. Dear Children: Doll Skirt

8. My Very First Post


9. Grandma

10. Happy Birthday “Honey”

11. Country Girl

12. Meatball Sliders


13. Rainbow vest

14. Shapeshifter Me

15. A Lion Of A Lie

16. My Library Ladder


17. Chicken Pot Pie and Tuna Pie

18. Eye Shawl

19. My Husband’s Secret

20. Dear Children: Halfway


21. “Say What?!” Darn! I forgot about this one! And it makes me giggle. Is it against the rules to add it? Hmmm. Well, since I made the rules, I am gonna let it in. The same way I am gonna use the word “gonna” three times in this paragraph. I love my rules! : )

Thank you for all of your support! As I was deciding what my favorite posts were I could not help but reflect on how much fun this last year has been for me. It is so nice to have this little creative outlet.

I know I can be wacky and a bit much. I appreciate you beyond words for sticking by this crazy blog. It has been so wonderful meeting all of you this past year.

Thank you!